Active Brackets.

Not dashing on F2P at all here, but in term of balance.. Stop calling this balance bracket.
Not dashing on F2P at all here, but in term of balance.. Stop calling this balance bracket.

The bracket is not balanced at all.

That's why ppl premade to get around it.
The bracket is not balanced at all.

That's why ppl premade to get around it.

Mrcer, would you elaborate on that? It seems that on the surface, there's a big 20 vs. 24 argument and the usual talk of overpowered hunters, but somewhere underneath is a supposedly large 20s-only subcommunity that plays on Aerie Peak by itself. No one really talks about it. I have three twinks in other brackets on that server, and I never run into these 20s other than one I know in my guild. Will you illuminate this mystery?
yus make mages op in every bracket!

i will agree on conc shot tho. hunters should have it at low lvls, but cd needs to be longer than ability
Mrcer, would you elaborate on that? It seems that on the surface, there's a big 20 vs. 24 argument and the usual talk of overpowered hunters, but somewhere underneath is a supposedly large 20s-only subcommunity that plays on Aerie Peak by itself. No one really talks about it. I have three twinks in other brackets on that server, and I never run into these 20s other than one I know in my guild. Will you illuminate this mystery?

Majority of the time(not always) in the 20-24 bracket, Alliance PuGs win against Horde PuGs. I'm pretty sure this goes back and forth but with the easy access to "head gear" on alliance side, a lot of ppl would sterotype that alliance have it "easier" than horde as far as grinding gear goes. That's why a lot of people are coming to Aerie Peak(Horde side) to get involved with the Premades; Clearly an organized 10 man WSG will beat out any normal pug.

So that's why I said, the 20-24 bracket is not balanced; This goes for both the class advantages and the gear advantages. Doing Premades helps balance things out.

If you enjoy Puging and winning majority of every game, you'll go alliance. If you enjoy premading and majority of the time only win in a premade, then you'll go horde(specificly talking about F2P aeriea peak)
Majority of the time(not always) in the 20-24 bracket, Alliance PuGs win against Horde PuGs. I'm pretty sure this goes back and forth but with the easy access to "head gear" on alliance side, a lot of ppl would sterotype that alliance have it "easier" than horde as far as grinding gear goes. That's why a lot of people are coming to Aerie Peak(Horde side) to get involved with the Premades; Clearly an organized 10 man WSG will beat out any normal pug.

So that's why I said, the 20-24 bracket is not balanced; This goes for both the class advantages and the gear advantages. Doing Premades helps balance things out.

If you enjoy Puging and winning majority of every game, you'll go alliance. If you enjoy premading and majority of the time only win in a premade, then you'll go horde(specificly talking about F2P aeriea peak)


alliance AP does premades too but we hardly bump into horde AP premades unless its organised

bracket consists of mostly hunters,pallys and rogues but other classes are viable too(but take more skill than the overplayed 3 classes)

ps its Aerie peak US

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