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  1. Old Vanilla/TBC Twink that lurks around every so often.

    Old Vanilla/TBC Twink that lurks around every so often.
  2. Classic Twinking

    I know of at least 3 from my old vanilla twink guild (The Pwn Zone on Skywall) that are still around and will definitely be doing 19s again on classic servers. I wonder if XBG will be every server or if they'll have it split up by BattleGroups again. Hope to see some old BG1 faces again!
  3. US Old school retail 19s

    I remember you for sure, hiredhit. I was Yama on Skywall Alliance in The Pwn Zone, but I had a couple horde characters in The Pwn Clone that would face up against you from time to time (Kalki and Mahavishnu). You were on Nath if I remember correctly.
  4. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    I think this is just a learning experience for future tournaments. The rules need to be there ahead of time so there is no grey area. That being said, the ending was very underwhelming, and the last minute rule changes really muddied the waters. I think the comp rules need to be tweaked a bit...
  5. USA vs Wt Premade?

    Cyclone is so TBC. Snowy is from vanilla Reckoning. USA only bringing 1 hunter takes balls. Would love to see the resist count for the sheeps going on the BE's of WT as that must have been frustrating as hell. I just caught the 2nd half of the 2nd game, and other than Curley who...
  6. Leveling.

    They can't delevel but they can have you make a level 1, and then they can level it to 19 and transfer items over. Will they do it? 99% no, but I got lucky myself, however, my situation was a little different than yours.
  7. How to beat a Hunter as a Rogue

    Depends on the hunter. With the worst hunters, the only thing you need to worry about is a SS and DE, which the bad ones will use in conjunction with one another while not getting out of SS range. These hunters should be easy to take down unless they get crits. Since Bat stun is gone, BM...
  8. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    This is the game. It lasted 11 minutes. Wasn't that bad, IMO.
  9. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    That's not the game this thread is about.
  10. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    Was fun finally playing against you instead of with you :)
  11. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    Well, to be fair, they kept capping in a timely fashion :)
  12. RIP Bat Stun

    Its a good start.
  13. Green Shaderfangs?

    Good, they'll match my new hair :)
  14. How to Balance 19s - v2.0

    Well, one needs to clarify damage per class/spec really. Damage is too high amongst most classes, but really, there is a difference, and it needs to be pointed out. There are classes that can burst, classes that can burst and do constant dps, and amongst those there are classes that are easily...
  15. Funny vent video.

    Loved it. I think only chilled out southerners could take something like that in stride :) Made it way more enjoyable as well.
  16. mob drops by ilvl

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but those undead mobs by The Deadmines used to be elites around the 19-21 level. I think they simply reserved their loot table when they were nerfed in both level and "eliteness". An oversight by Blizz, most likely. I'm fine with it, as it would just be more GF...
  17. Farewell 19s!! -

    Ignore the hate, Rural. Even though I arrived (well returned) late, you were already a rogue that a respected when playing against.
  18. Are ele shams good in the 19 bracket?

    Ele or Enh shamans can be devastating for the opposition given proper support.
  19. I hear warrior is the new OP class now

    Nothing to get mad on when you don't win. Look forward to seeing you in future games.