How to beat a Hunter as a Rogue


Anyone have any tips for killing hunters? I mainly play sub, so ay advice you can give me would help a lot. I stopped playing for a while because it was too obnoxious trying to play at 19s because of hunters.

Thanks all.
Ambush then evasion and hope the scattershot misses, try to gouge disengages, shadowstep the disengage if you don't land the gouge. Hope for crits and that they don't have agm up.
Pretty much gonna empty their energy bar doing fire damage and arcane damage, so you could switch in your k-bandana resistance set (recent thread on this).

May be a little easier now with bat stun gone.
Depends on the hunter. With the worst hunters, the only thing you need to worry about is a SS and DE, which the bad ones will use in conjunction with one another while not getting out of SS range. These hunters should be easy to take down unless they get crits.

Since Bat stun is gone, BM hunters are now the thing rogues need to worry the most about.

As a rogue you have SS, Sprint, Evasion, Trinket, and EA if you're a gnome. Its all about countering a hunters Wingclip, Scattershot, Conc shot, Disengage, and the BM pet stun.

Against a non gnome rogue, a Surv Hunter has to make a mistake in order to lose 1v1. A gnome rogue actually has a fighting chance as long as they get some crits in, however, with AGM and lag, more than likely the hunter will be able to sneak in a wingclip/conc shot after evasion wears off.

A BM hunter, however, should not lose to any rogue, unless he/she makes a mistake.
most hunters will be bm now so, sap the pet ambush evasion /pray scatter misses shs hes DE, if he dont pop agm and you get crits he should be dead i'd save gouge for a how shit moment like if he pops agm gouge sprint restealth.

but tbh i dont play a rogue but i cant see why it wouldnt work.
Sàxxon said:
how? a hunter v rogue should be over in around 9 seconds which is the same duration as sap

Because a good hunter would summon his pet after the opener.
most hunters have pets out in the gulch :p,he asked for tips to taking down a hunt. yes in a duel a hunt shouldnt start with his pet out but 1v1s occur in gulch and hunters will have pets out 99% of the time, so sap the pets before engaging ;).
Sàxxon said:
most hunters have pets out in the gulch :p,he asked for tips to taking down a hunt. yes in a duel a hunt shouldnt start with his pet out but 1v1s occur in gulch and hunters will have pets out 99% of the time, so sap the pets before engaging ;).

Why would you want a 1v1 situation against a hunter in the gulch? There are better ways to burn your cooldowns.
never said it was ideal i said it occured and happened to be what the op was asking for.
Sàxxon said:
never said it was ideal i said it occured and happened to be what the op was asking for.

i've never been tunneled by a hunter in the gulch. you must be terrible rogue saxxon.
_Arkant_ said:
In a duel, yes, in the gulch, no. There are better things to do.

i agree that in gulch u shouldnt be aiming to 1v1 hunts but it happens... hunter FCs happen a lot and if the hunters alone you should take the chance to kill him 1v1 :) as rogues have the abilites to do so.
You gave me a good scare lastnight Sax. My pal dc'ed right after you sapped him and I had no idea. I was just trying to kite you back and forth waiting for heals that weren't coming. Can't believe how close that got.
In a duel, yes, in the gulch, no. There are better things to do.

Actually, taking the hunter out of commission via cc or killing it should be first priority in any situation. Leaving a hunter to free pew pew is the biggest mistake made in our bracket.
Don't be an idiot and use ur shadowstep to open. Awful rogues in this bracket, man. Also u shud just open and hit 900 and then hit for 300 6 times in a row like saxxon or ur bad.
Primus said:
Actually, taking the hunter out of commission via cc or killing it should be first priority in any situation. Leaving a hunter to free pew pew is the biggest mistake made in our bracket.

Taking it out via CC might be first priority, blowing every cooldown to maybe take down the hunter is not.

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