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  1. Fading off into the sunset...

    Aw shucks man, I had hoped your internet problems would be fixed, that sucks. You were a good gl and a good friend man. One last time for old time sake: Shut up and heal me. Bye buddy :)
  2. A New Home

    Building a massive multi set Druid on Naz, will be in Ruin soon with a new guild etc, it takes a while to collect agms as you know. Join Prodigy with Twinky bud, you will have a good time, be running your flag and healing you soon enough bro. :)
  3. A New Home

    I vouch for Orgasm, he is an excellent player and a fun guy to be around. Gl finding a home bud, my project is taking longer than I thought or I would scoop you up myself.
  4. In Case Yall Were Wondering...

    Yes I am currently leveling a flag runner druid and need mining/herb, can this be done guys?
  5. LF Hunter thoughts

    Ok I will be honest, but I will likely get flamed for it. If you armory Thew you will see he has 0 hit, I put lavishly, simple, and deviate on for a couple games to see the difference, I didnt really seem to hit any harder, no one died faster, and I missed the extra health and mana for...
  6. SF Farming Question

    Sca, please also remember that a lot of that Thottbott and wowhead info is old and from several patches ago before they changed drops. Your better off buying one from someone, or trading "services" for it iv found.
  7. SF Farming Question

    It drops from the bosses and from the Rare Spawn Guardsman. Also when farming I believe (someone correct this if wrong) that there is a low chance to drop one of four blue items. So if you do get a drop i think you can also get an ab, some staff, and some armor. So the chance is really low...
  8. 19 Druid FC Chardev.

    O wow really? Did not know, thanks.
  9. 19 Druid FC Chardev.

    John I don't think Travel Form is affected by minor speed, is it?
  10. 19 Druid FC Chardev.

    Like this: character planner . flag runner . chardev seven Do it.
  11. So Horde, which race is best as Rogue?

    If going Horde, go Orc for the big dps buff. Honestly if you want the most op Rogue race go Human with dual swords and tear people's faces off with your op racials. Dual AGM, perception, and increased expertise in both hands w dual swords.
  12. BoA Items,

    Meh BOA's are not necessary at all to dominate in WSG or Arena, yes they help, as all upgrades do, but just being smart and working as a team are far more important than gear, especially at 19 when the differences are so minimal.
  13. My First Video :)

    Look at them hugging it out now like butt pirates. Go fight nancys.
  14. My First Video :)
  15. My First Video :)

    You guys are being a bit gay, just both of you get in game now and fight and post it already. ...we are waiting.
  16. My First Video :)

    Naw, no point is there? We know who wins ya? Or did you get gear upgrades since our last fights? Not sure if you had the BOA's when we fought those 3 matches. Its not like a skilled fight anyhow, we are pretty equal on gear, i have a bit more hp but you hit a bit harder, I think I really only...
  17. My First Video :)

    Ya twinky is right John, you got owned bud :( Twinky please tell me you have clips of me on Thew?
  18. My First Video :)

    Link it! Naaaaooooooow.
  19. My First Video :)

    I can't wait to see who is right, the anticipation and suspense are killing me. Man I am such a nerd.
  20. My First Video :)

    O yes it will krankers, I am working on something big in secret, you know how obsessive I am, we will all be together again soon papi.