A New Home


rip fishin buddies
Hey everyone, I'm looking to make a new 19 in Ruin. 80 is starting to get back to its boring old self, and I need the action that only twinking can offer.

I can play anything moderately well, while I play a shaman, warrior, or priest the best. I wouldn't need anyone to fund me (although some help would be nice :rolleyes:) and.. yeah.

Can anybody help me find a new home?:(

Edit: I am in US, to dispel any confusion
Orcgasm said:
Hey everyone, I'm looking to make a new 19 in Ruin. 80 is starting to get back to its boring old self, and I need the action that only twinking can offer.

I can play anything moderately well, while I play a shaman, warrior, or priest the best. I wouldn't need anyone to fund me (although some help would be nice :rolleyes:) and.. yeah.

Can anybody help me find a new home?:(

*points in the general direction of the nearest homeless shelter*

Umm...Elune ally side prob has the most active 19s, just throwing that out there.
Orcgasm said:
Hey everyone, I'm looking to make a new 19 in Ruin. 80 is starting to get back to its boring old self, and I need the action that only twinking can offer.

I can play anything moderately well, while I play a shaman, warrior, or priest the best. I wouldn't need anyone to fund me (although some help would be nice :rolleyes:) and.. yeah.

Can anybody help me find a new home?:(

Edit: I am in US, to dispel any confusion

I vouch for Orgasm, he is an excellent player and a fun guy to be around.

Gl finding a home bud, my project is taking longer than I thought or I would scoop you up myself.
Thew123 said:
I vouch for Orgasm, he is an excellent player and a fun guy to be around.

Gl finding a home bud, my project is taking longer than I thought or I would scoop you up myself.

=O Thew!

Long time no see :eek::eek:
Orcgasm said:
=O Thew!

Long time no see :eek::eek:

Building a massive multi set Druid on Naz, will be in Ruin soon with a new guild etc, it takes a while to collect agms as you know.

Join Prodigy with Twinky bud, you will have a good time, be running your flag and healing you soon enough bro. :)
Orcgasm said:
Hey everyone, I'm looking to make a new 19 in Ruin. 80 is starting to get back to its boring old self, and I need the action that only twinking can offer.

I can play anything moderately well, while I play a shaman, warrior, or priest the best. I wouldn't need anyone to fund me (although some help would be nice :rolleyes:) and.. yeah.

Can anybody help me find a new home?:(

Edit: I am in US, to dispel any confusion

You can xfer to trollbane now.
Orcgasm said:
Hey everyone, I'm looking to make a new 19 in Ruin. 80 is starting to get back to its boring old self, and I need the action that only twinking can offer.

I can play anything moderately well, while I play a shaman, warrior, or priest the best. I wouldn't need anyone to fund me (although some help would be nice :rolleyes:) and.. yeah.

Can anybody help me find a new home?:(

Edit: I am in US, to dispel any confusion

Come beast with us on Elune Ally side
Bloofhoof ally, prodigy needs more, plus me and twinky are there :)
bahahahahaha, orcy if your making an ally I might hit u up too when i bring my rogue and pally over over thanksgiving.

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