SF Farming Question

Reading the comments on Wowhead and Thottbot are confusing.. Some say that SF only drops now from lvl 21 bosses in SFK, so only 4 mobs can drop it. Is this confirmed? If so, it will save me a lot of time looting all the trash (yes I know witching staves and other BoEs drop from trash, but at this point i'm sick of SFK and want a damn SF!)
Scadoosh said:
Reading the comments on Wowhead and Thottbot are confusing.. Some say that SF only drops now from lvl 21 bosses in SFK, so only 4 mobs can drop it. Is this confirmed? If so, it will save me a lot of time looting all the trash (yes I know witching staves and other BoEs drop from trash, but at this point i'm sick of SFK and want a damn SF!)

It drops from the bosses and from the Rare Spawn Guardsman. Also when farming I believe (someone correct this if wrong) that there is a low chance to drop one of four blue items. So if you do get a drop i think you can also get an ab, some staff, and some armor. So the chance is really low, but keep after it, what toon is it for Scadoosh?
Thanks Thew. I know AB is also said to only drop from lvl 21 mobs in SFK, but I personally have seen at least 2 Witching Staves, 1 pair of mindthrust bracers, and a face smasher drop from trash mobs while farming. Thottbot has an extensive list of SFK drops: Shadowfang Keep - Thottbot: World of Warcraft under "Zone Specific Items".

The Shadowfang would be going to my rogue--Fft, alliance on Shattered Hand
Scadoosh said:
Thanks Thew. I know AB is also said to only drop from lvl 21 mobs in SFK, but I personally have seen at least 2 Witching Staves, 1 pair of mindthrust bracers, and a face smasher drop from trash mobs while farming. Thottbot has an extensive list of SFK drops: Shadowfang Keep - Thottbot: World of Warcraft under "Zone Specific Items".

The Shadowfang would be going to my rogue--Fft, alliance on Shattered Hand

Sca, please also remember that a lot of that Thottbott and wowhead info is old and from several patches ago before they changed drops.

Your better off buying one from someone, or trading "services" for it iv found.
I believe the most widely accepted chance of it dropping per run is 0.014%

SF really isnt worth farming, it would take 5000+ runs to have a 50% chance of it dropping, just spend the time earning RL and in game gold to buy one.
So you're saying to make a bank alt on the seller's server, buy gold from a goldfarmer, and then transfer my bank alt back to my server?

I haven't bought gold since vanilla, when (it seemed like) there was no way to farm more gold and no dailies existed. I was under the impression that blizz can tell when you buy gold and will permaban you. Know of any "safe" gold selling sites?
No were telling you to pay 50 dollars to pay for your bank toon's trip there and back.

Buying gold is cheating.
^ This. Grind RL gold for the Xfers and wow gold for the buying :p I wouldnt know about gold selling tbh, although there are still plenty of adverts milling about so i'd assume blizz isnt completely on top of it.

Scadoosh said:
Thanks Thew. I know AB is also said to only drop from lvl 21 mobs in SFK, but I personally have seen at least 2 Witching Staves, 1 pair of mindthrust bracers, and a face smasher drop from trash mobs while farming. Thottbot has an extensive list of SFK drops: Shadowfang Keep - Thottbot: World of Warcraft under "Zone Specific Items".

The Shadowfang would be going to my rogue--Fft, alliance on Shattered Hand

You don't seem to understand how drops work.

Also, stop posting, noone wants another SF thread on top of the trash heap of the 300 other ones.

Go away


I got my question answered already, buddy. Thanks for adding no useful information.

I posted a legit question in the tavern ("Talk about anything here... Well, almost anything.") so as not to clutter up a more technical forum. This shit will be buried in a day anyway, so why do you care enough to post? Just want to flame someone?
Theoretically, you can never have a 100% chance of an item dropping, unless you impliment that factor of running it an infinite amount of times. But that is physically impossible, and even then, if you run it an infinite amount of times, theres the CHANCE of it never dropping.

You have a .01 chance of it dropping lets say.

if you run it again, you haave a .01 chance of .01 to get the item out of that run, which doesnt improve your chances.

So running the instance 1,000 times, you have basically have a .02 chance of it dropping.

Its sort of like you can never get to a location if you go half the distance, then half of that distance, then half of that distance, then half of that.

Like lets say you are 4 feet from a desk

You walk 2 feet;

Then 1 foot

Then .5

Then .25

Then .125

Then .0625

Then .03125

And so on.

It goes 2+1+.5+.25+.125+.0625+.03125 = 3.96875

You can get very close to the almost perfect chance of getting it, but there is always a chance that in those runs that it will never drop.

And there is also the small fraction, almost not one, that you will get one every single time you run SFK.

percetanges for seperate resets where it resets the percentage, is just too hard for some people to grasp.
Simple math for SF.

Add .01% of .01.. Which is ...


So it would take 100 runs to get even close to .02% chance of it dropping. Sorry.

So if you wanted a lets say 10% chance, you would need to run SF

100,900 times.
Scadoosh said:

I got my question answered already, buddy. Thanks for adding no useful information.

I posted a legit question in the tavern ("Talk about anything here... Well, almost anything.") so as not to clutter up a more technical forum. This shit will be buried in a day anyway, so why do you care enough to post? Just want to flame someone?


I contributed more useful information than anyone in this thread, noone even answered your direct question, try reading.
Twinkzruz said:
Hey Iat, did i do good with my math? :(

No it's completely wrong lol.
iaccidentallytwink said:
No it's completely wrong lol.

IAT is right here!

Simple math for SF.

Add .01% of .01.. Which is ...


So it would take 100 runs to get even close to .02% chance of it dropping. Sorry.

So if you wanted a lets say 10% chance, you would need to run SF

100,900 times.

No even if you run SFK 100,900 times the chances of it dropping are still 0.014 (OR w/e it is). It's always incredibly low. The chance of it dropping never changes.
No, you do get an increased chance only because that .014 chance is redone, not doubled, but its the percentange of .014 by .014
Omg, im not saying its doubled.. But when you run it more than once, a very minute chance of having it drop again is added, but after two the third one makes it back to .014
No actually the forumla for how many people will have had it drop in 1 runs is:

.0014 chance to drop from each mob

1 – .0014 = .9986 chance to NOT drop from each mob

.9986^5 = 0.9930 chance to not drop at all for the whole run (assuming 5 bosses can drop it.)

1 – .9930 = 0.0069 chance that at least one will drop

0.0069% chance per run (if 5 mobs can drop it).

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