So Horde, which race is best as Rogue?

Paid for factionchange now.

Will most probably become Belf. Just so gay movements n looks :p

Now I rly need a decent looking tabard :S
If u think they look gay .. then why not choose female?

Thou I vote Troll. That is the race a do best on when playing rogue. I liked my prev orc rogue for the Bloodfury, ud was nice with the anti fear but mostly just played that due to looks;)

Belf I havn't played, but silence .. hmm, can do ok w/o:)

Haste is simply win imo... now when it's 20% when ever u pop it compared to before where u gained more from lower hp, it's just so nice (ofc equipped some sort of prox weps makes it even more lovely, and my specc makes auto attack nice -> 20% faster is just more win!)

But rly man.. get what u feel best about playing, that would work out best in the long run.
If you haven't decided yet, rvr arcane silence will pop em out.

With the UD racial changing, I might be going to UD --> BE.

BE gets my vote.
don't forget the 2% spell resist that BE have covers all schools, including nature that NE have, shadow that UD have, arcane that gnomes have. BE are only class that cover all....including holy

arcane torrent if not blown, does wonders when you gouge, arcane torrent, step thru and backstab. because the energy will be there.
If going Horde, go Orc for the big dps buff.

Honestly if you want the most op Rogue race go Human with dual swords and tear people's faces off with your op racials.

Dual AGM, perception, and increased expertise in both hands w dual swords.
Bragh said:

Gonna be factionchanged, get some gear etc. etc. Should try and ask a GM polite if he please could unbind my SF on my warr. (doubt it would happen :p)

So I'm gonna transfer and factionchange :D

Pro's and Con's for the different races. yes I'm a Moderator, and will not tolerate trolling in my thread!

To "do" list:

Fang legs n feet.

Boa Chest n Shoulders.

Cool Tabard is ftw.

CB offhand with LS, Wingblade OH with AGI.

2x More CB's with Fiery.

A buzzers blade with AGI fo the crit.

A smite's Reaver fo the Hit while gearing up! YO

If I was in your position I would most definitely roll undead, I can't stand the chunky movements of trolls or orcs, and BEs aren't my style

You should roll a class that you would enjoy the most, because after all your going to be playing it...

If your looking at it from a racial perspective Orc has a nice stun resistance and racial, Undead has a racial that I think is getting nerfed a little next patch, and Blood Elfs have a nice silence. Trolls I think however have a less use-full racial then all these other classes.

Good luck choosing :)
Agilitize said:
If I was in your position I would most definitely roll undead, I can't stand the chunky movements of trolls or orcs, and BEs aren't my style

You should roll a class that you would enjoy the most, because after all your going to be playing it...

If your looking at it from a racial perspective Orc has a nice stun resistance and racial, Undead has a racial that I think is getting nerfed a little next patch, and Blood Elfs have a nice silence. Trolls I think however have a less use-full racial then all these other classes.

Good luck choosing :)

I actually rolled a Undead :p

Cause I thought, WTF if it really gets the nerf. Then I'll change my race then. No biggie :p
I just swapped to an orc last night and I'm really loving it.

Berzerker Buff + Bloodfury puts out some nasty DPS.
Gonna be factionchanged, get some gear etc. etc. Should try and ask a GM polite if he please could unbind my SF on my warr. (doubt it would happen :p)

back in the day of leg patches I did the [item]Chausses of Westfall[/item] quest and deleted them. 6 months later when leg patches were nerfed I asked a GM to restore the item.

The first attempt failed and he said go look at the rules and regulations for item restoration.

I read the rules and came back more informed the next time. My story was that I had deleted the item from my bank accidentaly one day when I was cleaning out the junk and accidentally deleted an item "essential for class development". This is the Buzz phrase you need to incorporate. I got my chausses restored.

If you really want the SF unbound you might try two things:

Deleting it and getting it restored (should be unbound when it's restored?). Just say your brother got pissed at you and went on your acct and deleted it.

Or say you accidentally equipped it on a warrior and it is "essential for developing your rogue"
Grabco said:
back in the day of leg patches I did the [item]Chausses of Westfall[/item] quest and deleted them. 6 months later when leg patches were nerfed I asked a GM to restore the item.

The first attempt failed and he said go look at the rules and regulations for item restoration.

I read the rules and came back more informed the next time. My story was that I had deleted the item from my bank accidentaly one day when I was cleaning out the junk and accidentally deleted an item "essential for class development". This is the Buzz phrase you need to incorporate. I got my chausses restored.

If you really want the SF unbound you might try two things:

Deleting it and getting it restored (should be unbound when it's restored?). Just say your brother got pissed at you and went on your acct and deleted it.

Or say you accidentally equipped it on a warrior and it is "essential for developing your rogue"

I've gotten a couple items restored, but not because i used the phrase "essential for class development", i just used a shit load of emotes and pretended to be really ethusiastic when i typed. It did the trick for most restorations.
I've never needed anything restored :3.
I've rolled BE and UD for rogue, Undead Twink(female) Blood Elf 80(female) and they both look good while stealthed moving. As for the abilities, if undead are getting nerfed god BE. The silence is super useful in a twink. I miss it so...
Deleting it and getting it restored (should be unbound when it's restored?). Just say your brother got pissed at you and went on your acct and deleted it.

blizzard fixed that years ago. when you get the item back in the mailbox, its automatically soulbound to you whenever you take it out.

ive literally played over 10 different 19 twink rogues a few of which were the same race, but overall BE has been the most efficient and just plain badass. SO useful in TONS of situations where you're in a tight space and alliance has three healers close together. All are in the act of healing and your offense has the FC at 700hp, and instead of that huge burst heal, BOOM, arcane torrent flag returned. A.K.A you just did your entire team a favor instead of being orc or UD which only helps yourself :p Go Blood Elf. End of story. That is all.

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