BoA Items,


I use to have twinks, and no 80's what so ever. as my main, since I am busy with school and such soo I just hop on my 19 twink when Im bored. Ive quitted for like 6 months, but anyways,

If I dont have these BoA items ? will I be pretty much useless as a 19 twink? I heared they were nerfed but I have no idea ? please can anyone help me out :D
nerfed? wrong....try buffed

all the caster weapons trounce all in game items many levels higher even with vanilla WOW vs BC+35 enchants at higher brackets

shoulders - nothing in game compares.

new chest pieces are that way too....IMO

ranged, with the attached stats prove to be better even though DPS is slightly less

melee weapons in 19 bracket, most tend to stick with BLUEs, depends on player
BoA caster weapons are all better than non BoA, but the difference when using staves isnt really that huge. If you're a mace user then you're set to lose a fair amount of SP. BoA Chests and shoulders are BiS for pretty much any melee class, although caster BoA chests arent always BiS. Shoulders are always BiS, although the difference isnt very big.

I dont have BoAs and i still manage to play my twinks and be good at them.
No boa's, i manage fine. I would like caster shoulders for priest and hit shoulders for lvl 10 hunter, of those 2 I miss the hit on hunter most.
Meh BOA's are not necessary at all to dominate in WSG or Arena, yes they help, as all upgrades do, but just being smart and working as a team are far more important than gear, especially at 19 when the differences are so minimal.
If you have skill, you can go in halfnaked.

most twinks are bad - if they have boa, they're more than likely even worse

EDIT: Oh, and I don't mean to put down the twinking community. I mean to say most WoW Players are bad.
Quara said:
If you have skill, you can go in halfnaked.

I like to do this occasionally to stay sharp :) Nothing infuriates you own team than stacking agi and refusing to go speed kitty just to practise backstrafing ^^

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