Fading off into the sunset...


Hello friends and level 1 twinkers alike. It has been a long, bumpy road, for us all, 19s, 1s, 10s, and so forth. With the recent constant disconnections, my craptastic internet, and real-life things, I am officially quitting WoW and leaving this site. The only way I could make this thread was by taking my laptop to my brothers house, my desktop won't even load twinkinfo at all, same with google, yahoo and lots of other sites. I will still be on xfire, my username is g0d0fwar69 -- (those are zeroes), so you can reach me their most of the time. I have had a great time twinking, meeting everyone, and doing some damn epic things with a level 1.

I will miss you all sorely, especially some of my closer friends, IAT, Twinky, Cookie, Tiny, Bog, Nat <3, Orc, and Thew. I missed a lot of names, I love everyone that was on this site, even some of the trolls for their...neat... posts.

I am sorry for this sudden turn, but I think it's time for me to go. Please do not send me messages asking for items, gold, account, etc. they will be ignored.

If there is anyway to give my bestiary thread the ability to be edited by some of the avid twinkers and keep it in a similar format, it would be appreciated, although it is complete for the most part with a few errors.

Thank you all for the amazing time I have had here, I may drop by once a month just to read what's happening on wow (with my ipod =P) but don't expect much more posts from me.

Goodbye Everyone,

Ego, glad to see an active and dedicated level 1 twinker. ganking in elwynn is somthing too boring that i will never do. goodbye.

Aw shucks man,

I had hoped your internet problems would be fixed, that sucks. You were a good gl and a good friend man.

One last time for old time sake: Shut up and heal me.

Bye buddy :)
NOOOOOO EGO!!!! /cry comon seriously you should stay. I might as well delete my level 1s if you arn't here. You said we would raid stuff after my gear was done. :( :( :( :( :(
aww man ill miss you Ego. Had some good times in helping you on your way to 100k honor kills. Well have fun in what ever your going to do.
Bye Ego.

You are a cool guy.

PS my hands smell like my dog
Thanks for all you added to the level 1 community bro...take care
well i will miss you ego tell me how to twink my class right and on how to play them i miss the good old days when we could do bgs on are server sooo much and the 19 twink raid well hope to see on twinkinfo some time
You know... My feelings for this dreadful day wish me to write a heartfelt and long story of how you changed my views on twinking, and how we will all miss you.

But it's true that the shorter sentance makes the bigger statement.

So from all of us at TI, we will miss you.


With two of our biggest community leaders gone from retail lvl 1 twinking, (we'll see how well the private server goes, but it seems to be going well), we as a community need to band together and keep it going. Dunemaul for EU, and for US, i know that Chubs, myself, and stabbed are on Hyjal, I've got some stuff goin on my home server of Eonar (2 of my lvl 1's in a guild called No Fear. Just so me far...). Im not asking everyone to abandon their current level 1's and reroll on the active servers (like everyone in the 19's did with thr Ruin BG), but roll another toon on the active servers. Chubs got me 90% geared in 1 night, so it doesnt take much. And with being able to roll a DK, we got unlimited money and gear. Get to 80 on that server, and u can get BoA's. It'll be a labour of love, but because of the transferable nature of our gear, and the ease with which we're able to twink, its easy enough for all of us to roll on each others servers. We should also attempt to get an xfire guild/clan running, just to make it easier to communicate in real time (a skype-group convo also works well for that).

I just want to see our community stay alive. Like i said, we don't have the same problem of the 19's, because our gear is easy to get, and transferable between characters. Its NOT like we're entirely going to shit; we stil have IAT, Stabbed, Chubs, Bog pokes in now and then, and plenty of other intelligent, smart, capable people who can lead the community. We know the power of the level 1 twink: underestimated, but more OP than anyone knows. Lets use our community as a metaphor FOR the community: people will underestimate us, but we are powerful.

Ok, im done with the inspirational tear-jerking speech. It just makes me feel like we're losing 2 of our biggest names in the level 1 community, but i guess we're not really losing them, a their advice and wisdom etc is still floating around.

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