My First Video :)

I don't film vids, my bad. I can't PROVE that I won, but I can at least state that you didn't film that arena match in Nagrand OR you have it, but you're to embarrassed to show it. That's what people do on their vids, they cut the 'getting raped better not show this' section and only give the viewers 'pure gold'.
You can check all my vids, I don't care if I'm wrong, just prove it. I'm not stubborn. I don't care if someone tells me off because they have the information to back it up to.
Twinkytoes said:
You can check all my vids, I don't care if I'm wrong, just prove it. I'm not stubborn. I don't care if someone tells me off because they have the information to back it up to.

If you don't care, then I don't care...maybe we can have a 'rematch' where we start at the respective points in the arena.
Novascotia said:
If you don't care, then I don't care...maybe we can have a 'rematch' where we start at the respective points in the arena.

I wouldin't mind, I'm always up for a challenge.
Twinkytoes said:
I wouldin't mind, I'm always up for a challenge.

I used to kill hunters more frequently when I was a NE, probably because I waited for them to send their pet, shadowmelded then ran up to them alongside of their pet.
Novascotia said:
I used to kill hunters more frequently when I was a NE, probably because I waited for them to send their pet, shadowmelded then ran up to them alongside of their pet.

That's pretty win. Hahaha.
Novascotia said:
I used to kill hunters more frequently when I was a NE, probably because I waited for them to send their pet, shadowmelded then ran up to them alongside of their pet.

You guys are being a bit gay, just both of you get in game now and fight and post it already.

...we are waiting.
Give it up twinky, It's probably cool being the famous twink, I've been there. but denying defeats in public gets soar. I've done that. Doesn't help you with anything. Just say I had a bad game, and you were flawless. So you got me honest in that game or so. Makes you look so much better. You're famous, don't be a jckass aswell, it's to easy to go down that road when you've gotten E-fame.

I didn't read the whole thread, just thought I'd share some information about E-fame going to the head, and twists some minds :D
Bragh said:
Give it up twinky, It's probably cool being the famous twink, I've been there. but denying defeats in public gets soar. I've done that. Doesn't help you with anything. Just say I had a bad game, and you were flawless. So you got me honest in that game or so. Makes you look so much better. You're famous, don't be a jckass aswell, it's to easy to go down that road when you've gotten E-fame.

I didn't read the whole thread, just thought I'd share some information about E-fame going to the head, and twists some minds :D

Hey Bragh, I see your concern but I really have no footage, memory of me losing to Nova while poping all my cooldowns. Maybe it slipped away while partying or when I hit my head on a rock, who knows. But since I don't remember I would like some proof that this actually occured. I do not question Nova's skills, he is one of the best warriors I have ever versed.
Touye said:
What a terrible warrior you played against in your new video lol

I swear to God if you try to fucking troll me again. I will eat you alive brah.


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