My First Video :)

Twinkytoes said:
Nah the thing is that he doesn't understand what /wait means >.< I spam it to tell him to kill my partner (A leve l17 NE Hunter) Yet he charges me and continues to nuke me... *Sigh*

You've got something wrong here...

I killed the hinter and told YOU to /wait and you threw your ravager at me when I was in the opposing starting area wating for you to let me get by...

In all respect you have to learn how to start a balanced arena, that means letting everyone start at a fair distance like you do at the start of a normal arena match where you don't have to kill a NE scrub...

I know there were vids that you didn't add, don't be a sore loser and make excuses.
Novascotia said:
You've got something wrong here...

I killed the hinter and told YOU to /wait and you threw your ravager at me when I was in the opposing starting area wating for you to let me get by...

In all respect you have to learn how to start a balanced arena, that means letting everyone start at a fair distance like you do at the start of a normal arena match where you don't have to kill a NE scrub...

I know there were vids that you didn't add, don't be a sore loser and make excuses.

I have the clip buddy. I'm looking at it right now.
Thew123 said:
I demand that you post this for hilarity sake.

I was looking at this SS i posted and it said "Thew has left the group" and I thought awww that won't ever appear on my screen again =[
Orcgasm said:
I was looking at this SS i posted and it said "Thew has left the group" and I thought awww that won't ever appear on my screen again =[

O yes it will krankers, I am working on something big in secret, you know how obsessive I am, we will all be together again soon papi.
Double Post.

[ame=]YouTube - Twinkytoes V.S. Novascotia[/ame]

I get first hit, he tells me to stop so he can get his charge. :S
Novascotia said:
I'm talking about the nagrand arena one.

That's the only one I filmed. Plus, I filmed all my arenas exept the first one we did, which you talked to me after wards. And that was the one where I killed you.
Twinkytoes said:
That's the only one I filmed. Plus, I filmed all my arenas exept the first one we did, which you talked to me after wards. And that was the one where I killed you.

I fucking raped you in Nagrand and then you flamed me about how I should read etiquette when YOU attacked me without my /signal that I was away from you.
Novascotia said:
I fucking raped you in Nagrand and then you flamed me about how I should read etiquette when YOU attacked me without my /signal that I was away from you.


Not to mention that I proved my side, do you have any proof (video / picture) that you ever beat me? If so, please post it. If not, I assume your lying.
Twinkytoes said:
Wanna film some now?

Naw, no point is there? We know who wins ya? Or did you get gear upgrades since our last fights? Not sure if you had the BOA's when we fought those 3 matches. Its not like a skilled fight anyhow, we are pretty equal on gear, i have a bit more hp but you hit a bit harder, I think I really only win because of wolf ap + bloodfury anyhow, and that only last 15 seconds, but thats enough in hunter v hunter ya?
Thew123 said:
Naw, no point is there? We know who wins ya? Or did you get gear upgrades since our last fights? Not sure if you had the BOA's when we fought those 3 matches. Its not like a skilled fight anyhow, we are pretty equal on gear, i have a bit more hp but you hit a bit harder, I think I really only win because of wolf ap + bloodfury anyhow, and that only last 15 seconds, but thats enough in hunter v hunter ya?

Haha fine but que up anyway :D It's always fun :)

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