LF Hunter thoughts

So I finally decided to sell out and make a hunter, mainly to give our guild more options during a premade. I would like to know what the trade off is between gearing for hit and speccing for damage or speccing +4%hit (+1% from draenei racial +3% talented) and gearing for more damage (eg [item]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/item] etc).

If gearing for hit do hunters ever put 3 points in Improved Tracking for hitting the Druid FC's? Mortal Shots ?

If speccing for hit and what hit gear can be swapped out?
Grabco said:
So I finally decided to sell out and make a hunter, mainly to give our guild more options during a premade. I would like to know what the trade off is between gearing for hit and speccing for damage or speccing +4%hit (+1% from draenei racial +3% talented) and gearing for more damage (eg [item]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/item] etc).

If gearing for hit do hunters ever put 3 points in Improved Tracking for hitting the Druid FC's? Mortal Shots ?

If speccing for hit and what hit gear can be swapped out?

hunters should always be hit capped lol.. or atleast soft capped.

And if you were gearing for more damage you'd pick screechers belt... lol....

Moral of the story is get 11 hit via gear (Bow, cape, rings)

then spec 2/2 imp conc shot, 3/3 careful aim, 3/5 lethal shots

If your not dreanei ofc.
I wouldnt have thought imp tracking would be worth it, there are better talents damagewise overall than that.

<3 squid's racial ^^ and yes get teh hit capz!

Edit: If you're speccing for hit then deviate belt can be swapped out. If i were you i'd use spidersilk drape and lavishly jeweled ring and pick up whatever else you need with talents, assuming that you dont have BoAs, if you have BoAs then i think forgetting hit talents is probably best. I havent actually done any stat clacs but i think this is best.

Edit2: im not too familiar with hunter talents so there might be better talents damage wise to speccing hit an gearing dps rather than the other way round.
Grabco said:
If speccing for hit and what hit gear can be swapped out?

[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM] -> [ITEM]Champion Herod's Shoulder[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Screecher Belt[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM]-> [ITEM]Glowing Lizardscale Cloak[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Simple Pearl Ring[/ITEM]->[ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Simple Pearl Ring[/ITEM]->[ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM]

Are a few examples. :)
Grabco said:
So I finally decided to sell out and make a hunter, mainly to give our guild more options during a premade. I would like to know what the trade off is between gearing for hit and speccing for damage or speccing +4%hit (+1% from draenei racial +3% talented) and gearing for more damage (eg [item]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/item] etc).

If gearing for hit do hunters ever put 3 points in Improved Tracking for hitting the Druid FC's? Mortal Shots ?

If speccing for hit and what hit gear can be swapped out?

Well imo you should be max hit rating because you don't wanna be missing those wingclips etc, hit rating is a dps stat, so max your hit and then worry about other things
Basically copy my 19 Alliance hunter's gear, but use the BoA gun (I have in bags).

Edit: Use the [ITEM]Minor Channeling Ring[/ITEM] over the [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM] due to being Draenei.
Ok I will be honest, but I will likely get flamed for it.

If you armory Thew you will see he has 0 hit, I put lavishly, simple, and deviate on for a couple games to see the difference, I didnt really seem to hit any harder, no one died faster, and I missed the extra health and mana for survivability.

I will get flamed I dk, but stack stam and int and spec careful aim and watch shit just get blown up around you.
5 hit on boots, spider and lavishly ring is 11 hit. You really don't even need that much as a draenei so its your call. maybe 7 or 8 hit instead of 11 will be enough.
i completely agree with Thew here, i too tryed to dps more and in the end really missed the stamina.

but i do agree that hit capping is at a certain point a must... i say if you have about 5% hit, then go ahead and take the rest as DPS gears. the gun is strickly better then bow, even with all the hit. so dont go on that road. i agree with crilicilyn, boot chant > minor speed in the hunters case. that + the deviate scale belt and lavishly jeweled ring should be quite enough for a dranei !

i also agree that for a 19 / 29 / 39 twink, the rogue BoA might give you more life and survival while giving more dps to you.

think i'll use recount and throw in some real numbers from it to know if being hit capped to 9% is really worth it or not. my guess would be not.
The point of hit rating as a DPS stat isnt that you hit harder, but that you hit more often. You probably wont notice the dps increase, but i tend to /hate whenever i see a yellow "miss" pop up on screen since i know ive just lost 100 dmg or so from my rotation.

You need 9 rating for a squid to become softcapped, 13 for full cap.

Getting more than 5% is pretty mandatory for a horde premade hunter since the FC will always be a nelf, 5% is perfect for a ally hunter(except in arena).

Always use girdle of the blindwatcher imo, the stats fest on it is just too sweet. Crili's suggestion for getting hit looks cool, but you might prefer to get your last 5 hit from BoAs, either chest or shouldres and gun, especially in a premade.

@ Aruthian, the hard cap is 7%, no class other than a rogue should every consider getting more than this, and even for a rodue its daft. Past 7% you gain no benefit from the hit whatsoever.

Wait, dont hunter's need less hit rating than other classes due to the games way of calculating hit for ranged attacks?
Wait what? Im completely unaware of this, can you explain further? I just had a quick look through wowwiki and all i could find was "...this is especially easy for classes that have lower hit cap, such as hunters...", however this could have been refering to their talent points.

From the look of one of the tables

Required Hit Rating

Special attack


Ranged weapon Level 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%

70 47.31 63.08 78.85 94.62 110.39 126.16

80 98.37 131.16 163.95 196.74 229.53 262.32

Dual-wield Level 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27%

70 346.94 362.71 378.48 394.25 410.01 425.79

80 721.38 754.17 786.96 819.75 852.54 885.33

This and the paragraph before it indicate that it requires exactly the same amount of hit rating as main hand melee. However im very happy to be corrected.
Special attack and Single-wield and Ranged weapon have same. I tryed to figure out but dont get that max level pve things :p
Grabco said:
LF Hunter thoughts

"Oh sick that crit was insane... Oh yes Conc is off CD number 1 number 1 number 1 yes hes conced! Ok now lets see how high I can crit with arcane shot with zerker..."
mcbankington, please stop trying to be cool by implying that hunters are easy mode, if you'd have played one you'd know what i mean, and by playing i really mean playing !
hunters have no need for minor speed though, there are too rare occasion where minor speed was usefull as how much usefullness was 5 hit on foot or 7 agility on foot.

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