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  1. The REAL 29 Naked Hunter Project (Pics included)

    Well I'm a ret paladin so I stunned him. But you're right, if he had really been trying hard not to die a good player would have seen me coming and ran away before I was in range. It also wasn't like a duel, it was like both sides fighting at midfield :confused: so he was preoccupied. I've...
  2. The REAL 29 Naked Hunter Project (Pics included)

    I saw a hunter today doing it, I laughed when I three shotted him... but overall his score seemed really good, this stuff is legit.
  3. PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

    But don't protadins mostly use spells for their threat? Spell miss % is tons lower, so it will be harder to keep aggro. I think bear and warrior is the way to go with this. Unless holy shield can't miss, that might be something to think about, i don't really know. I was able to get the...
  4. Wondering Why :A Prot warrior's newcoming

    Hey Warplate, welcome to twinkinfo, I remember pugging against you a few nights ago! Not sure if I had already respec'd ret or not... haha
  5. PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

    How does this guy look like they would do tanking UBRS? This is just something I threw together, disregard talents and stuff. 49 Protection Warrior PvE Obviously you would switch out a lot of hit when you fight the ?? boss mobs, but you would need that for the other bosses that have a...
  6. LOL wow freakout.

    yeah that was really good acting, certainly staged but still funny. i wonder if he ad libbed the remote? LOL
  7. What do you think? Project -TWIN-ks

    just something about your spec on that chardev, not sure if it was for seriouslies or done in 5 seconds but just in case I would suggest getting 2/2 imp SS over opportunity, even if you're getting a dagger to ambush. also, that's a really fun and great idea my little brother and I do that a...
  8. Any other "new wave" twinks go for fishing hat today?

    I thought you only needed 225 fishing to not miss in STV? I started the contest at 128 and got to 153 by the end, I actually caught the Keefer's Angelfish reallly quickly after it started, 20-25 minutes.
  9. Any other "new wave" twinks go for fishing hat today?

    Well, I know it sounds bad, but there IS going to be a new wave of druids and shamans in this bracket due to the travel form/ghost wolf changes. I don't necessarily place myself in this group because I want to make a twink that is going to be the "best class", but rather because I started...
  10. new 39 need help please!!

    yeah sorry i didn't. my bad, sorry!
  11. new 39 need help please!!

    well, all the thread you linked to addresses is which class is best. He also asked which one would be challenging... maybe shaman? I don't have experience myself, but I have heard/would assume one would be difficult to master.
  12. Band of Elven Grace?

    If you read the comments on wowhead one of them states that a prior quest chain to this requires level 20.
  13. Feral Druid

    Feral druids aren't very strong in this bracket at all, except to flag carry. But only one of you would be flag carrying at a time, so you wouldn't both want to be feral. Resto druids are probably the weakest healing class in the bracket too, in my brother's experience he runs oom very...
  14. Hitcap for Casts (Frostmage)

    resilience doesn't affect chance to hit, just chance to crit. as far as i know! So yes, that is a correct statement. I know that for some classes there are talents that decrease opponent's chance to hit, but I don't think there are any in this bracket.
  15. Ret Pallys:5% parry vs Bene

    OMG Cptheal whats up? I pug with you often! woot woot do you have a paladin then? or just thinking about it?
  16. h0w 2 cOunT3r HUNTERz in L3veL 19 pug BATTLeGRounDZ!!!1

    :confused::confused:no tidla u dun no wat u R tlkIN a botu dISS iszz houw U c0unT3r HUntE3res U dusnno ho w 2 PALye celearly.!!!,,1!!:D:o:mad::confused::confused::rolleyeZ::eek:
  17. to boa or not?

    yes. haha why wouldn't you when you're already that close? And the endgame is fun in itself, even if your primary motive for leveling is for your twinks it is still worth it
  18. Making a new lvl 29 twink paladin(holy)

    Yeah that's really good kafefo. The health isn't actually low at all, but in my personal preference I would take more spellpower over more intellect. But that's basically what it all comes down to, personal preference
  19. R.I.P Blowyourload...

    Yeah... originally Scrample was named Nipples too, my paladin is keeping the name thus far :). But my warrior I'm working on got reported :(
  20. Im bored.

    You don't need to worry about the dps and top-end and speed of a weapon at all for feral druids. Just stats, or procs if you're going that way. I think the +11str and +4agi of smite's mighty hammer would be better than the proc. And yeah, +25 agi or crusader, I would go with the agility...