to boa or not?

yes. haha why wouldn't you when you're already that close? And the endgame is fun in itself, even if your primary motive for leveling is for your twinks it is still worth it
for wsg my gf plays a heal shaman without boa items because she hasnt got a level 80.

For my 19 rogue that is a standalone twink, i farmed boa items on another realm and then xferred.

So whats up with boa anyway. - Yes they are slightly better than most gear you will find. (Especially the shoulders)! - But i dont use mine in wsg. You can play fine witout

them. But for playing arena they rock.

thanks, I am making a 10 hunter and a 14 shaman and rogue. It looks like i'd do a little better with the boa items but I don't think I should really go out of my way. after all the hours spent gathering those I could be killing allies. no disrespect to the alliance of course though.

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