Any other "new wave" twinks go for fishing hat today?

Well, I know it sounds bad, but there IS going to be a new wave of druids and shamans in this bracket due to the travel form/ghost wolf changes. I don't necessarily place myself in this group because I want to make a twink that is going to be the "best class", but rather because I started making this twink just before the information was released. Oh well, I'm less of an individual now.

Anyway, today I tried for the Lucky Fishing Hat on my new alt, and I'm excited to day the mission was accomplished! :D:D This is my first hat I've gotten on any character, after about a year of trying. My priest is apparently just sooo unlucky.. and this one was on the first try too!

Just wondering if I was the first person out of the new druids/shamans to get one! :cool:

also, I'm not familiar with posting pictures but I would love to put up a screen of my new gear, armory isn't updated yet.
my old druid doesn't even have it yet, mainly due to my inability to wake up before 5 PM to do the tournament.
wow ur lucky i have 33 weeks of fishing in and no hat still. when i do get hat imma be pretty happy but i know its not gonna happen =/
Grats mate, ill be fishing on my new druid next week :) unfortunately he doesnt have 150 fishing yet >.<
Zoot, get 125, and the lure :).

Congrats on the hat :D. If i had the patience to do it for more the 3 weeks, i'd have had it by now, hehe
haha last weekend i fished on my new warrior and turned up at the comp on 1 skill and got hat at 128 skill without bobber, count that lucky.

111 junk, 16 tasty's, 1 keefers, not bad :p

Felled said:
Zoot, get 125, and the lure :).

Congrats on the hat :D. If i had the patience to do it for more the 3 weeks, i'd have had it by now, hehe

ah shit, i never thought about that ha

I need to farm it as well for my new druid, but i never farmed it before (i play 39) so anybody have a tip or two to give me? Thx
Shadow5555 said:
I am confused. I thought the lucky fishing hat got nerfed.

Please enlighten me.

Only the boots were nerfed, because you could put an BC enchant. The hat is still fishable and you can equip it on your twink !
Kahr said:
i agree, but 252 with a lure will do just fine for the tournament.

I thought you only needed 225 fishing to not miss in STV?

I started the contest at 128 and got to 153 by the end, I actually caught the Keefer's Angelfish reallly quickly after it started, 20-25 minutes.

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