The REAL 29 Naked Hunter Project (Pics included)

Lloydganks said:
any blow to the morale of 29 hunters is a victory for the 29 community.

i propose that in appreciation of my efforts, i am bestowed with the power to sticky an anti-hunter thread in the 29 forums on this website. this thread will be devoted to the purpose of degrading 29 hunters in general and the posting of members' victory screenshots and/or stories over our common enemy: the 29 twink hunter.

say aye if you're with me.

That would be awesome.

Because taking out gear before making screenies and then putting it back on when farming lowbies is good.
Lloydganks said:
hey mr. purple thank you for your well-reasoned and thought-out post

He has a point. There is no evidence here that u didn't put your gear back on after the screen shot. Why not make a vid of your next AB and prove him wrong?
i don't need to prove anything, rofl. i don't think i've even put my gear back on since i played on that char. clearly neither of you have read the thread where i've got multiple people commenting about how they saw me in-game while i was doing this.....

i can't fraps WoW. i play on a laptop with under 5 fps. not happening.
Lloydganks said:
i don't need to prove anything, rofl. i don't think i've even put my gear back on since i played on that char. clearly neither of you have read the thread where i've got multiple people commenting about how they saw me in-game while i was doing this.....

i can't fraps WoW. i play on a laptop with under 5 fps. not happening.

So not only did u do this Naked with no help. But u also did it on pos laptop with less than 5 fps..

And i did read the post. 1 person said they say u with a heal bot in a 2cap wsg....
Rapt0R said:
Because taking out gear before making screenies and then putting it back on when farming lowbies is good.

All those random ppl who saw him naked doing this were making it up also right?
I saw a hunter today doing it, I laughed when I three shotted him... but overall his score seemed really good, this stuff is legit.
twinknips said:
I saw a hunter today doing it, I laughed when I three shotted him... but overall his score seemed really good, this stuff is legit.

i bet he was a very skilled player who made good use of his magical teleport ability when he was gonna die
Lloydganks said:
i bet he was a very skilled player who made good use of his magical teleport ability when he was gonna die

Well I'm a ret paladin so I stunned him. But you're right, if he had really been trying hard not to die a good player would have seen me coming and ran away before I was in range. It also wasn't like a duel, it was like both sides fighting at midfield :confused: so he was preoccupied. I've fought a couple hunters that actually like think to kite and run away instead of backpeddling... that guy wasn't one of them
NickeQuick said:
conclusion: 29 hunters are a difficult class to play that is well-balanced around a hard skill cap.

The conclusion you have decided on is most certainly biased due to you being a fanboy of the class and is very much so incorrect. I have made two 29 huntards before and I can speak on this with full authority. For many months I have said that they needed a nerf for a reason. As many established twinkies have told me rolling 29 huntard is saying to everybody that you like ezmode and you don't have enough skill to play a real class. What they have told me I agree with almost entirely. As many may have noticed the level 80s that throw money at twinkies often choose huntard at 29. Something else you may notice is that they never Q up for arena. Anybody who knows where I'm going with this knows the end of the story. The true conclusion of this is that huntards are so easy at 29 that you could run in naked and still get kills because of many abilities being available to them early as well as many other factors.

Did this guy just get trolled by a serious thread?

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