Making a new lvl 29 twink paladin(holy)

well, i`m making a lvl 29 twink paladin(holy)

i don't know what gear to pick, what talents etc.

please help me with that.
then base a build up on the guide and ask for improvements and suggestions.

do you really think the whole world changed for a pally? (ok, there was exo^^)
yeah was :( and i`m lazy so i let some1 else pick my gear xD

Ps. and glyphs

Ps. and talents

Ps. not playstyle

u making 29 healadin whoaatttt.

now were havin a 29 lock/warrior/pally combo hehe:)

what lvl u @ now? already has sum gear? and u not going for retri?

or wahts your plan. tellmeehh.
I'd probably go with something along the lines of for an alliance paladin, but then again I've never played holy in this bracket so I don't know too much about it. Personally I'd like having more spell power for healing over green mail gear of the eagle, but you could obviously swap out pieces for personal preference.

River pride could be interchangeable with a Crystal Starfire Medallion. The Lightforge shoulders could be interchangeable with the Mystical Pauldrons of Elements if you wanted more int. Robes of Arugal could be changed with Raptor Hunter Tunic if you wanted more stam. Glowing Magical Bracers could be interchangeable with Arcane Runed Cuffs or War Rider Bracers both with 12 stam for a stam set, or any 29 mail bracers of the eagle with +15 spell power. Razzeric's could be changed with Gnomish Mechanic's Gloves with 20 Spell power or any 29 mail gloves of the eagle with +16 spell power, or even Hotshot Pilot's Gloves with +16 spell power. Gaze Dreamer pants could be changed with Phalanx Leggings of the Eagle. The boots could be changed with Spidersilk Boots or Acidic Walkers if you really wanted more SP, but I don't think it's worth it for the stats on the AB boots. Seal of Argas could be changed with Deadman's Hand and Lorekeeper's Ring with Charged Gear of the Eagle if you wanted a stam set.

I made the template a human paladin because I would prefer having the 2 trinket slots open to stack the BoA spellpower trinkets or AGMx2, but that's just my personal preference. The crescent could be changed with the BoA mace, I'm not sure currently how much SP it has at lvl 29 but, I believe it's been buffed. I just used the Crescent because that's what I planned on having when I made a 29 holy pally, and the added crit is nice for holy spec. For horde, they have a shield from a quest better than marbled buckler for holy spec I believe it's called Basalt Buckler it has 2 stam 8 int. Marbled Buckler is the best available to alliance though because it can be enchanted with +18 stam.

Talents are shown on chardev, that's what I'd go with, seems like a solid spec. You lose some mana efficiency without illumination but you don't have a high enough crit chance at lvl 29 for illumination to really even be fully utilized.

Edit: Also made up a template with some 29 mail gear and sp gear intermingled with agm x2 and it seems really nice, you break 2k hp with nearly 2k mana and a decent amount of spell power. I still prefer having more spell power on my holy pally at lvl 49 over armor, but the added stats from the mail gear is nice.
@nunada lvl 20zor ^^ ipwnzor now already in bg, me and icy did some bgs yesterday i`m an awesome healer :)

@maerduk how do u do that on (i mean make an armory) and thanks mate :) just wanted to know.

btw. the Spell power mace is better for healing :) it has 23 sp at lvl 29
kafefo said:
@nunada lvl 20zor ^^ ipwnzor now already in bg, me and icy did some bgs yesterday i`m an awesome healer :)

@maerduk how do u do that on (i mean make an armory) and thanks mate :) just wanted to know.

btw. the Spell power mace is better for healing :) it has 23 sp at lvl 29

Um you just go to char dev and select the character planner tab, then you click on the boxes and it brings up which race and class you want to be. You then select the level and click on the equipment boxes with the items tab selected. It will give you a list of gear you can equip at that lvl, including all quest obtainable gear (a lot of it you can't equip because they show all quest obtainable gear including high level) you select your gear you want and then go through with the enchantment process. There's also the tabs for talents etc etc. It's a very nice character planner that allows you to see the final results of something you want to undertake before you even undertake it. Then you can tweak it better to your liking rather than doing all the work first and being disatisfied.

As for the BoA mace, I don't know much about the BoA crap, I personally think it's an unfair advantage in the twinking world, but that's just me. I don't have any yet, I have 3 70+ characters but no 80 because my comp is broken and I slacked on leveling after WoTLK came out. I raided quite a bit BC and when wrath came out I didn't feel like leveling just to raid again lol. I would like some BoA stuff of course, but for the time being I'll stick to my basics.
Maerduk has a lot of great ideas, it would be the best idea to listen to him.

Some minor adjustments that I would like to suggest, from my experience playing in this bracket, are as follows:

The only stats that matter are health, spellpower, and intellect in that order.

You can look at my armory, my gear is not what I want specifically, my parents are limiting my playtime but when summer hits I should be able to get to

My logic stuff and personal experience: Flash of Light costs a measly 55 mana in this bracket. If you think you are going to have to chain-cast for a minute or more straight, then 2000 mana is a good amount. I had that much, but realized I never dropped below 1000 before combat was over in battlegrounds. More mana is required for arena, I guess. But hunters with their massive dps AND aimed shot are the biggest problem. If you have enough armor and spellpower, then you can heal yourself with FoL more than their dps, even when aim shotted. Rogues are less of a problem now with aura mastery.

Basically in that build above I am using gear that I currently have available without AH'ing around any more with getting a lot of health and spellpower. If you feel that you need more mana, then by all means switch out some "of healing" with "of the eagle". I recommend switching pants first, then probably your headpiece to whisperwind headdress.

If any of this is unclear/wrong or I haven't covered any problem area then please ask me about it, I am just a human being and this is just what works for me!

edit: remember the BoA now has 23 spellpower instead of the listed 4, that build gives you 175 spellpower which worked for me pre-3.1 when I had the leg patch, no reason it shouldn't work now, especially with the new 5% talent.
Yeah that's really good kafefo. The health isn't actually low at all, but in my personal preference I would take more spellpower over more intellect.

But that's basically what it all comes down to, personal preference
imo you have to get gear for both setups. there may be situations you are focus of hunters and rogues and only get a few heals off before death -> SP!

in situations you need to spam lots of heals without gettin attacked by a huge amount of opponents you may want to equip more int.
This is a good holy pally. One of the best I've seen since 3.1.


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