PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

Ramune said:
i'm pretty sure a twinked 19 would do more damage than a non-twinked 30 even considering all the misses/glances.

The amount of glancing blows from the level deficit will make it nearly impossible to land crits on the mobs, so I wouldn't be so sure about that. A decent geared lvl 30 will have no problem at all solo'ing a mob in gnomer, whereas a max geared 19 twink could easily have a problem or have it take a much longer time doing so.
Quick thing to note, at 60 during vanilla, when doing 10 man UBRS, the tank had like 2-3k health, and a lot of your group was complete shit (not sure how many of you remember doing those) but you had like melee hunters and rogues using level 40 weapons... I think a group of 49's could for sure take down UBRS, as long as you did it properly with CC and were careful ^^ the biggest thing would be actually hitting the bosses, but it shouldn't be too bad
Spooksters said:
Quick thing to note, at 60 during vanilla, when doing 10 man UBRS, the tank had like 2-3k health, and a lot of your group was complete shit (not sure how many of you remember doing those) but you had like melee hunters and rogues using level 40 weapons... I think a group of 49's could for sure take down UBRS, as long as you did it properly with CC and were careful ^^ the biggest thing would be actually hitting the bosses, but it shouldn't be too bad

2-3k? I had 4k at least before I stepped in UBRS, and I was still using some ST crap, like that shield. Plus I was only offtanking because the other guy had better gear. Another thing to keep in mind is UBRS was pretty much universally 15manned until much later when 4.5-5k was a typical figure for a tank to have.

The last thing to remember is that CC will still be pretty much a nonoption. Rogues won't be able to stealth close enough to sap, and casters trying to CC mobs 13 levels higher than themselves isn't going to work out too well either.

You're right though, I think we may possibly be overestimating it a bit. 2-3k is underestimating it though, that's more like what mages had.
Yeah I suppose you are right, tanks had a bit more than what i said, but you're not looking to need a tank with 8-10k health. It used to be 15 manned yes, but then was changed to a normal of 10, or atleast I always ran it with a normal of ten - i did however do it when 15 was the norm...hmm
I'm thinking that it just wouldn't be possible with less than 3 tanks, since you won't have reliable CC. A level 49 would have a pretty tough time tanking 3 mobs in drakks room, and those are 5 pulls? 6pulls? Don't quite remember. 6pulls would make them hard even with 3 tanks, because someone would be trying to hold aggro on 2 mobs 11 or 12 levels higher than him when one is the killtarget.
How does this guy look like they would do tanking UBRS? This is just something I threw together, disregard talents and stuff.

49 Protection Warrior PvE

Obviously you would switch out a lot of hit when you fight the ?? boss mobs, but you would need that for the other bosses that have a level.
What are we looking for Caice? The chardev and the reality are in 2 differnet gear sets, what is the proof of chardev being shit?
sorry i changed gear iname since posting, i had half of what i have on chardef plus the shield is the crappy one (without def) and so on... but i already have more dodge from agi etc altho i have still less stats than i defined ;)
twinknips said:
How does this guy look like they would do tanking UBRS? This is just something I threw together, disregard talents and stuff.

49 Protection Warrior PvE

Obviously you would switch out a lot of hit when you fight the ?? boss mobs, but you would need that for the other bosses that have a level.

The hit rating seems legit, I would have liked to have actually made a 49 tank with full defense rating gear but I doubt it would actually work with the inability to hit mobs, though it might work with a pally tank and reflective damage, ie holy shield, ret aura, and then cons.
But don't protadins mostly use spells for their threat? Spell miss % is tons lower, so it will be harder to keep aggro. I think bear and warrior is the way to go with this. Unless holy shield can't miss, that might be something to think about, i don't really know. I was able to get the defense up to around 300 or so with "of defense" greens, but your health sits at around 3k.

I don't know this whole thing seems really fun and is something I want to try!

Edit: My bad, it's at 301 in that profile. Maybe 350? What is the level 60 def cap?

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