Feral Druid

Hey guys,

Me and a rl mate are looking to make 2x Druids @ the 29 bracket

Just a few Questions.

  • Worth going 2x feral ?
  • Is resto/balance any good at this bracket?
  • What Faction is better , Ally/horde.
  • Anyone done any guides for 29 feral druids?
  • Anyone done any guides for 29 Balance druids?
  • Anyone done any guides for 29 Resto Druids?
  • What Combo is Better ? ie. Feral/Balance, Feral/Resto or Resto/Balance?

Ok a bit more than a few :p But, if any of these could be answered that would be brill.

Also if any 29 guilds are looking for 2x 29 druids for Premades etc. Post up, tell me what were worth.

For the combo part, We will mostly be playing 2v2/3v3 Arena's. (Got another twink, Warrior). So guides for Arena Gear/Tactics/ Playstyles.

We have access to BoA if that helps also.

Cheers for looking and taking time to answer any of these questions guys.

Peace Out,

Feral druids aren't very strong in this bracket at all, except to flag carry. But only one of you would be flag carrying at a time, so you wouldn't both want to be feral.

Resto druids are probably the weakest healing class in the bracket too, in my brother's experience he runs oom very quickly. But his twink isn't finished yet, so that might be something to test on your own.

I have seen balance druids do well, but mostly it's just entangling roots cc and starfire crits (some upwards of 1k). That's not really my thing, but I suppose it could be fun.

Overall I don't see druids being a very strong class in this bracket, but this is only my limited experience.
If you're going for damage/cc/support I'd say take balanced over feral any day, but if you're looking for a flag running combo then I'd do a feral and resto, or maybe a feral and balanced combo. As for horde or alliance, if you don't have access to BoA gear then I'd choose horde because they have a ilvl 35 quest reward 1 handed mace available to them. This is very helpful for a flag running feral spec, resto, and especially balanced spec because you can toss sunfire on it and hit some huge starfire crits. You can also get mantis boots as a quest reward for a resto build and toss vitality on them for some good mp/5, as well as gallan cuffs with 6 mp/5 enchant.

Here's a resto/regen build I did for an alliance drood: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

A horde one would look like this:

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Alliance Balanced: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Horde Balanced: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Horde Feral FC: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I'd do up the others but I'm running out of time, I'm no expert tbh, just what I'd run for myself. GL
I play one of the oldest, and prolly among the first resto druid 29 twinks. Check out my armory: the only thing I do not have is the whisperwind headdress (because the damn thing wont drop).

Experienced is a good restro druid...he also has a good feral set but hes not in it so..

I checked out experienced - he's pretty interesting and takes a different approach to resto druid twinking than I do.
29 feral dps has seemed interesting to me since druids get weapon procs, with the chardev of the horde with skullbreaker and mongoose you could do some bad ass damage, also agility is better than str for druids (even for cat dps) so id use 15 agi over 15 str, but its a cool project worth looking into! Sad part is no ferocious bite in the 29 bracket D:
Hmm I thought str netted 2 ap per 1 str whereas ag was only crit and 1 ap granted you gain ap in cat form based on ag, but overall I think str will net more AP and it affects your ap in bear form whereas ag does not. I was just tossing a more balanced/higher ap build, if you wanted more crit then go for the ag of course. ;) No ravage either :(. Just make em bleed though, it'll hurt quite a bit (rip with mongoose up and 5 combo points would be 436 damage) and with the rake glyph people won't be able to try and run away from you.

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