Ret Pallys:5% parry vs Bene

Ok so whats better and why?

5% parry is good because when you parry your auto attack timer is reset

Benediction is good because it helps with mana

whats your opinion?
parry hands down, HANDS DOWN.

the only class you will go OOM vs is possibly resto shaman.

benediction used to be a must, till they made seals non dispellable and not consumed with judgement, so now its not very usefull.

5% parry adds 5% total mitigation vs melee and chance to swing faster.
I'm still not sure about this one. There's enough 29 rogues on my battlegroup for me to be sure about my 29 ret, though.
I got rid of parry at 49 because I was going oom quite a bit, but at 29 you should be alright. I'm thinking about going back to having parry, but with the spec I run now I don't have judgements of the wise either, which used to help a ton with mana.
fuzzles said:
2/3 judgments of the wise is good enough for a 49 ret for all your mana needs.

I didn't get it at all, I really don't need it in all honesty. I don't run oom too often, but I do run oom a lot more often than I did when I had it. Which, when I had it I never ran oom. Instead, I'd usually die with like 90% mana then ever run out of mana and die because of that, so I figured I no longer needed it. When I respec'd I tossed points in increased crit chance on judgements because I was going for a more judgement intensive spec, but I kind of wish I dropped the 2 points in imp BoM for eye for an eye.
twinknips said:
OMG Cptheal whats up? I pug with you often! woot woot do you have a paladin then? or just thinking about it?

not much, just work up lol. i do infact have a holy pally but its inactive on Perenolde so i dont play it.

i was asking for my friend :)

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