Im bored.


Im bored with my warrior and have tryed every gear set, and it hasnt kept me interested.

So i need some suggestions, i want to start the wierdest most whacky class tbh.

But is has to be:

1. In the 10-19 bracet.

2. Wearing gear.

3. Not a warrior.

Yupp said:
Im bored with my warrior and have tryed every gear set, and it hasnt kept me interested.

So i need some suggestions, i want to start the wierdest most whacky class tbh.

But is has to be:

1. In the 10-19 bracet.

2. Wearing gear.

3. Not a warrior.


Roll the hardest/out of the box class/spec at 19. Never gets boring then. Feral Druid? CC Mage? Fire Lock? Caster Druid? :)
Feral drood or Shadow preist im thinking.

Preist can survive ages with just 900-1000hp, so can dot/mind blast away for ages. Im just not sure if there is a good spec in shadow, mebe get shadow gear and spec diff for dmge.

Feral drood's get a 3sec stun and a armor increase if specced into i think.

Ill be a slightly under powered warrior without a charge.

But ill have healz/stun/armor/aoe move.

Im gettting exited thinking about it. :rolleyes:
What about drood then?

Stack str/stam/agi or get hit capped?

What about Weapon's and chant?

Med pouch and a 1h, enchanted with crusader or lifesteal?
The main point is that everyone is playing boring over played classes, i just wanna be different.

I dont have fun following trends ect, as on my warrior is use a wierd set up using unholy. :confused:

Ps: sorry for double post.
Yupp said:
What about drood then?

Stack str/stam/agi or get hit capped?

What about Weapon's and chant?

Med pouch and a 1h, enchanted with crusader or lifesteal?

You would need that 2h from DM (I think). a 1h & off-hand wouldn't be enough dps!

Yupp said:
The main point is that everyone is playing boring over played classes, i just wanna be different.

I dont have fun following trends ect, as on my warrior is use a wierd set up using unholy. :confused:

Ps: sorry for double post.

Yup. Thats why I retired from my rogue, made a mage, made a few mistakes, so remaking it atm! (Check my signature for latest updates!)
Melee priest.
Would Glacial Stone work?

Or is it just enchants that can now proc through bear form. Glacial has a massive top end and a 75dmge proc would be awesome.

But Smites is sexy with its awesome stats.

And what enchant would be recomended?
Yupp said:
Would Glacial Stone work?

Or is it just enchants that can now proc through bear form. Glacial has a massive top end and a 75dmge proc would be awesome.

But Smites is sexy with its awesome stats.

And what enchant would be recomended?

I would assume the proc would proc through bear form. Mongoose never used to proc correctly through bear form, it does now. So I can only assume (I'll check with Tidal). What enchant? +25agility. Only enchant that would be viable tbh.
Yeh but does agi convert to ap in bear?


15str could be an option as i think str is 1-2 in bear.

30ap or 3% crit and 50 armor?
You don't need to worry about the dps and top-end and speed of a weapon at all for feral druids. Just stats, or procs if you're going that way. I think the +11str and +4agi of smite's mighty hammer would be better than the proc. And yeah, +25 agi or crusader, I would go with the agility. This is really odd for this level haha... even when you get cat form feral isn't the greatest for twinks in 29 bracket.. I'm making one anyway haha. So good luck to you!
A year back i made a Shaman, Had the following gear.

[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] - +8 Spell Power

[ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Reinforced Woolen Shoulders[/ITEM] - +[ITEM]Power of the Scourge[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Watcher's Cape[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +70 Armor

[ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] - +6 Stats

[ITEM]Buccaneer's Bracers[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +13 Spell power

[ITEM]Shimmering Gloves[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath of Fiery Wrath - +20 Fire Power

[ITEM]Shimmering Sash[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath

[ITEM]Shimmering Trouser's[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +35 Spellpower and +20 Stam

[ITEM]Woolen Boots[/ITEM] - +7 Stamina

[ITEM]Advisor's Ring[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Bronze Band of Force[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Hook Dagger[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +30 Spell Power

[ITEM]Lupine Buckler[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +7 Stamina

Yeah i was pretty much rape back then. Flametongue Ftw.

And i made sure i always had [ITEM]Minor Wizard Oil[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Elixir of Firepower[/ITEM] :)

Was around +224 Firepower with like 1k hp and 1k mana.
Cookíes said:
A year back i made a Shaman, Had the following gear.

[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] - +8 Spell Power

[ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Reinforced Woolen Shoulders[/ITEM] - +[ITEM]Power of the Scourge[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Watcher's Cape[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +70 Armor

[ITEM]Inferno Robe[/ITEM] - +6 Stats

[ITEM]Buccaneer's Bracers[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +13 Spell power

[ITEM]Shimmering Gloves[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath of Fiery Wrath - +20 Fire Power

[ITEM]Shimmering Sash[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath

[ITEM]Shimmering Trouser's[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +35 Spellpower and +20 Stam

[ITEM]Woolen Boots[/ITEM] - +7 Stamina

[ITEM]Advisor's Ring[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Bronze Band of Force[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Hook Dagger[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +30 Spell Power

[ITEM]Lupine Buckler[/ITEM] of Fiery Wrath - +7 Stamina

Yeah i was pretty much rape back then. Flametongue Ftw.

And i made sure i always had [ITEM]Minor Wizard Oil[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Elixir of Firepower[/ITEM] :)

Was around +224 Firepower with like 1k hp and 1k mana.

This just made me lol so hard. I was looking at it initially, thinking that you were suggesting just a regular caster set up, then I see all +fire damage and "Flametongue Ftw". That's awesome man.
Yupp said:
Whipped up a setup before bed, would appreciate comments and opinions.

Thanks <3

Lol wtf, when did that quest belt get buffed? Anyway, I'd only suggest that you switch that belt out for deviate scale belt situationally, or even go for the full fang set for the added int when you FC. My first twink ever was a 19 drood, that was over 4 years ago now, and I had the full fang set on it. This was even prior to the +25 agility enchant being added into the game and the revamping of the honor system. Hence the lack of WSG gear. Sadly, I'll probably never have seal of wrynn for it or even AGM due to my current xp. I pretty much just FC'd all day and I was basically unkillable. But, there's been a lot of changes now so I'm sure it's a lot different.

Here's an armory link, this is only for nostalgia's sake rofl. He's basically my banking char now, the gear hasn't been touched since pre-BC. [char=Dragonmaw]Delvios[/char]
Hmm i just think the heal is too much to lose for abit more stam, and i cba switching gear cos im lazy.

Thanks for the advise people.

One last thing, proff's.


225skinning or 150engi?
225 herb/225 mining imo. And just go for the fishing hat.

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