What do you think? Project -TWIN-ks

I had an idea a few days ago, talked to my brother about it, and now its going through. What we're doing is making two gnome rogues [19] twinks that look exactly like eachother in every single way, every facet, every feature, everyway possible, same gear, same enchants, etc. They will look EXACTLY the same in everyway accept for the name of the character. My twinks name will be Humppty, his will be Dumppty. Guild will be <Sat on a Wall>. Not only will this look funny/cool/different to other people, but it will also give the two of us a good idea of who plays the better in the 19 bracket as a rogue. With the same type of everything, niether of us have an advantage over the other. Our goal is to finish these twinks for UNDER 500g. It's probably an understatement saying it will cost 500g but at first their going to be just regular 19s with above average instance gear. once both of us have completed buying the BoE gear we'll put on that. niether of us can put on any gear until the other one has it too. In the end our twinks will hopefully as semi-twinks we'll look like this:http://www.chardev.org/?template=208714

Once both are done it will look like this:http://www.chardev.org/?template=198943

*Members of the <twink info> guild will probably see us alot, as we're both in the Ruin Battlegroup.

*We expect this whole project to eveolve over a period of two months because of (2) Lucky fishing hats and (4) Arena grand masters.

*Please comment on what you think about the idea.
I've seen this done a few times before and it looks awesome as long as the twins arn't bad at their class. Then I see them getting flamed in bg chat.
I think it would look pretty cool, but 4 agms and spending under 500g may be hard.
Yeah its fun. My friend and I made Daggrz/Swordz which were both rogues. Two well timed rogues in constant communication is very good in the 19 bracket. Through kicks, gouges, saps etc we could dismantle a 3 man D consisting of an FC/CC/Healer. Most of the time it was the healer taking the brunt of the CC from us as one of us would drop out of combat, resap etc.
Evocate said:
Yeah its fun. My friend and I made Daggrz/Swordz which were both rogues. Two well timed rogues in constant communication is very good in the 19 bracket. Through kicks, gouges, saps etc we could dismantle a 3 man D consisting of an FC/CC/Healer. Most of the time it was the healer taking the brunt of the CC from us as one of us would drop out of combat, resap etc.

This will be a major problem. You should have macro's that whisper each other when you use Kick, Gouge, Sap, or any other Interrupts/Saps. If you can communicate accurately, not be all over the place spamming Kick at the same time, it will be godly against a defense.
Ugarak said:
This post was deleted by Naturaltalnt

having a bad day or something? :|

I think it could be great fun for you guys, as it seems as it's something your both up for. good luck! ;)
ok thanks for the responses guys, were going thru with it, oh and to Hades, mt brother laughed at you signature.
I think..im stealing your idea, not the names, well come up with our own but I really wanna do this now.
I have always wanted to do something like this, it sounds like a really cool idea. But it might cost you over 500g. Best of luck!
lol @ Zoot.

Thanks for your thoughts guys.
haha as soon as Ive finished my druid Ill find someone to team up with :)

Seen it done before but im suddenly inspired :p
This sounds funniiiii.

Oh and it's really easy to build a twink rogue for under 500g. ( or is it 500g for both? :O )

Anyways, i once built one for 300g. Was pretty decent, had nethercleft etc. ( Back in the ol' days ). I would recommend you to just grind most of the mats.

Good luck with your project!

I like it when people do things like this.

A long time ago, my brother and I made two Draenei warrior twinks named Rickbruiser and Nickbruiser. It was a lot of fun. They looked the same and had the same gear. It was neat to play like that.

(Nick and Rick Bruiser were the last two bosses/boxers in Super Punch Out!! for Super Nintendo)

Right now I have a feral druid twink named Flagcarrier, and my friends have two other twinks named Flagsaver and Flagcapper.

We also made Female Blood elf rogues named Assgrab and Grabass but they got reported and deleted when we we're harassing role players with them. :(
Not really a new idea but just playing with a friend is bloody great (i had a rogue my m8 played druid) but with twins i think the compatition would only benfit you. Oh and you could easily do a rogue for 500g.
just something about your spec on that chardev, not sure if it was for seriouslies or done in 5 seconds but just in case I would suggest getting 2/2 imp SS over opportunity, even if you're getting a dagger to ambush.

also, that's a really fun and great idea my little brother and I do that a ton we both have 29 druids.. well mine isn't finished yet but his is haha
I always try to do stuff like this with 2 of my friends Abrahms, and I am currently going to be doing it on Medivh with one of my friends, we are both making 49 shaman twinks, I am going to be funding him cause hes too poor to transfer ^^ But I've always loved the identical look/gear and having close names
Uromastix said:
This sounds funniiiii.

Oh and it's really easy to build a twink rogue for under 500g. ( or is it 500g for both? :O )

Anyways, i once built one for 300g. Was pretty decent, had nethercleft etc. ( Back in the ol' days ). I would recommend you to just grind most of the mats.

Good luck with your project!

I thought he meant 500g for both, woops!:(

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