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  1. Warrior Prot Glyphs: What works best

    Hamstring isn't too bad if you're in Battle Stance a lot. I tend to stick in Defensive Stance for Shield Block/Wall and Revenges though, so it wouldn't do me much good. For a guy who sticks in D.Stance I picked up Resonating Power and Shield Wall. I like the cheap Thunderclaps and disliked...
  2. Precisely Calibrated Boomstick vs. Guttbuster: Which is better for the Prot Warrior?

    That's what I carry. I didn't care too much for the +8 agility from the Gutbuster, so I went with the bow even though it gave no strength. But I figured trading +3 str for +3 agi was a good sacrifice for trading +8 agi for +8 stam. Not much of a fan of the Boomstick as a Warrior. I'd agree...
  3. 3.1 Arms -> Overpower: Yay or Nay?

    Yeah, I tried a Slam centric build which had nice opening burst, but peetered out after that. If I get Dual Spec on my Warrior, I'll try another TfB/OP build and probably open with the Rend. Mostly though, I just miss Juggernaut... if the 49 queues stay slow I might move up to 69 and pick up...
  4. How would you rate 3.1 so far?

    Now that I've played more, I chimed into the poll with a four. Overall I really like 3.1, I'm a lil' sad that burst is so high in the 49s but I'm happy that there isn't so huge of a gap between full twinks and people who have dungeon dived but just haven't gotten the 'chants. I've always felt...
  5. 3.1 Arms -> Overpower: Yay or Nay?

    Yeah, I rethought my Whirlwind idea since I don't want to stance dance if I can avoid it. Besides, Overpower is nice when it naturally procs, I think my real beef is with Taste of Blood. I changed specs yet again for Improved Slam, cutting out Taste of Blood and Unrelenting Assault. My plan...
  6. 3.1 Arms -> Overpower: Yay or Nay?

    Just played a half hour WSG as an Overpower based Arms spec, and while the Overpowers were nice I frequently found that my opponent died before I could get a Taste of Blood proc. I'm starting to wonder how strong Overpower really is with the new health to damage ratio. I respecced to a new...
  7. How would you rate 3.1 so far?

    Agreed. I'd love to make a judgment, but I've hardly gotten to play enough yet to do so. 49s are burstier, Paladins are pretty strong, 'Locks seem to have been turned upside down, I still really love my Prot Warrior, and I'll have to get a few more days of stable play in order to get more in...
  8. Arathi Basin Perfection

    I'll be honest, it helps if the opposing side is either waaaaay undermanned or full of fail. But with or without that, first thing you need is a small group to run up and cap stables. Once you get that everyone will have to be very mobile to not only achieve and maintain a five cap, but also to...
  9. Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

    A'ight, I'm just crazy. Walked up to the mob I've been working and saw these numbers in a row. Shield Slam -> 1.1K Revenge -> 1K C. Blow -> 1K I think I've just got a biased memory. :P --------------------------------------------- The above is regarding my thoughts that Prot...
  10. Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

    Well, I'm killin' some low level elite over and over, checkin' my damage. I can still get non-crits as high as 800, but that seems to be when I have Crusader procced. I've also seen hits as low as the mid 400s, white swings and HS not counted (those were always lower). Damage feels lower still...
  11. Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

    Well, I specced back into Prot because I really like it... despite the new candy from Arms. First thing I noticed was that my damage dropped, I was doing significantly less damage than before the patch, highest crits were ~1K when I could reach as high as 1.7K before with lots of debuffs and...
  12. sooooo, coming up on 6 hours?

    Something tells me that the servers you administrate over are of a slightly smaller scale. That same something echos the thought for the size of your updates. Sometimes PG&E sends me a letter saying they're doing some maintenance on the local power lines and the power will be out for a few...
  13. sooooo, coming up on 6 hours?

    Exactly. Try programming a bunch of servers with a 600 MB patch while sending out a similar patch to millions of customers and making sure said servers are stable enough to run with said millions of customers accessing it. Oh and the game in question is five years old, has gone through...
  14. Moving up

    It's easy to not think much of intercept when leveling, but in PvP when you've got ranged trying to kite you or are chasing a flag runner it becomes essential. Prior to Juggernaut and Warbringer, intercept was the only charge like ability you could break out while in combat. Nowadays it's...
  15. Protection Warrior Rotation/Tips

    Damn, I got pwnt.
  16. Moving up

    Agreed, 49 is hawt for Warriors. For Prot you've got enough to pick up both Concussion Blow and Piercing Howl, or go down deeper into things like Focused Rage. For Arms you've got everything Falkor listed. I played my Warrior in the 29s, 39s, and now the 49s... and I can say things really...
  17. Protection Warrior Rotation/Tips

    Ghetto Hamstringâ„¢ is the use of Shield Bash to cause a snare effect in lieu of Hamstring in order to avoid changing out of Defensive stance. Trademarked by Anid_Maro. What now? :)
  18. Protection Warrior Rotation/Tips

    Pretty much the above. If I can get a charge in I'll go into Battle Stance, Charge, Shield Slam or Concussion Blow (to spend the rage), and then move to Defensive Stance. Sometimes when chasing an EFC I break out the Intercept. I went down into Fury for Piercing Howl which completely...
  19. New Boa Items in upcomming patch

    I heard there might be new BoA gear, but if there will be it ain't released on the PTR yet. In my opinion, I'd say go buy the gear for your caster... badges are easy to pick up and caster BoA gear is getting a significant buff anyway.
  20. Protection Warrior

    I wouldn't. Agility gives only minimal returns on a Warrior, some dodge and some crit... but that's it. If you want dodge, get +Dodge. If you want crit, get +Crit. That's my opinion anyways, I do see some Warriors stack agility in spite of the above. As for Arms post 3.1, I'm thinkin' I'll...