Protection Warrior

I apologize, that part of my comment wasn't constructive, in a global cooldown I can concussion blow to stun for 6 secs that hits for 1.5k and shield bash or revenge if it's up for 1k+.

Shield Wall, Last Stand and shield means that u have a lot of surv against certain classes. Stuns up the ying yang. I don't understand how u didn't have the same results I did.
i have played all 3 warrior specs pretty intensively and i can say that arms has no where near the survivability of prot, and prot can have much more burst if RNG goes in your favor (and still quite nasty w/o all the crit too). arms brings MS to the table which is nice vs healers, or to kill a healers target, and can use overpower to instagib ppl; i play 37/3/0 so my overpower triggers off rend, has almost 80% crit chance, and 1sec CD.
Warriors have some pretty huge changes incoming in 3.1. The changes to stances is getting all the glory. But, I have to say that the most significant change, imo is to charge. Not only are they giving it an extra .5s of stun (presumably to make up for the jump/teleporting bug that blizzard can't seem to fix), but they're taking it off of the stuns DR category. Previously a prot warrior could charge in and concussion blow for a grand total of 3 1/2 seconds of stun (less any talent reductions). No, they will get 6.5 seconds. That's pretty huge, if you ask me.
that sounds awesome!

i also heard about being able to charge in combat being made into a talent and put into arms tree?? so prot warriors 50+ will have warbringer, and arms can have something else?

can any1 confirm/deny

Wowhead isn't updated, but mmo-champion reports that the 100% crit chance on slam will apply to mortal strike aswell.

edit: oh, and you'll be able to spec for it in 49!
k well as much as i love prot.....

since you cant get warbringer it looks like i will stay arms after 3.1 for a long time with something along the lines of (38/2/0) and keep up the destruction with overpower and MS, charging in combat and just blowing people up =]

juggernaut just sounds amazing. charging in combat every CD, and afterwords getting a 1k+ MS. i hope MS is included in the live ability, and hopefully it stays within reach of 49s
yeah. Right now, prot is clearly the best spec in my opinion. But, after 3.1, it's going to be very, very close. And I have to say...i LOVE the fact that 2 different specs will be competitive. Juggernaut is a great talent...not just for continued mobility, but for continued rage-generation in a fight. Furthermore, juggernaut will make up a good deal for the crit we'd lose from the fury tree. Unfortunately, healing debuffs have become so common that MS doesn't carry the utility it once did. It's likely someone else in your party will be able to put a healing debuff on a target. That's the only reason that I think prot might still stand a chance to be considererd the best spec after 3.1.
Ultiknight said:
Seems like most of the gear recommended for 49s is balanced dps/stam.

Does anyone go for Tiger gear?

I wouldn't. Agility gives only minimal returns on a Warrior, some dodge and some crit... but that's it. If you want dodge, get +Dodge. If you want crit, get +Crit. That's my opinion anyways, I do see some Warriors stack agility in spite of the above.

As for Arms post 3.1, I'm thinkin' I'll be picking up dual-spec just so I can switch between Juggernaut sweetness and good ol' Prot whenever the whim strikes me. At the very least I'll spend some quality time right after the patch as Arms because I already have most of my flag carrying achievements as Prot, I needs more flag returns and I believe Juggernaut -> Mortal Strike is the cure. :)
nosoup4crr said:
Warriors have some pretty huge changes incoming in 3.1. The changes to stances is getting all the glory. But, I have to say that the most significant change, imo is to charge. Not only are they giving it an extra .5s of stun (presumably to make up for the jump/teleporting bug that blizzard can't seem to fix), but they're taking it off of the stuns DR category. Previously a prot warrior could charge in and concussion blow for a grand total of 3 1/2 seconds of stun (less any talent reductions). No, they will get 6.5 seconds. That's pretty huge, if you ask me.

But with the concussion blow changes they'll actually be looking at ~5 seconds to actually do anything!
I rolled a prot war and have him pretty much decked out.... but I shelved him after one week. I just can't get over how crippled he is against anyone who has any kind of kiting ability. It's just horrible... worse than my shaman even. I have a charge/intercept macro but it's just useless without any way to tell if you're in range or not... it's just a waste of rage as it switches stances back and forth while I pray I'm in range.

It's fun vs melee, but being an immobile bunker gets old really fast.
cherzra said:
I rolled a prot war and have him pretty much decked out.... but I shelved him after one week. I just can't get over how crippled he is against anyone who has any kind of kiting ability. It's just horrible... worse than my shaman even. I have a charge/intercept macro but it's just useless without any way to tell if you're in range or not... it's just a waste of rage as it switches stances back and forth while I pray I'm in range.

It's fun vs melee, but being an immobile bunker gets old really fast.

this is why i respecd arms like 2 weeks ago and im not too torn up about it. worse than being kited (duh, ur a warrior, its our weakness) is the fact that as prot you cant really generate rage to do anything once you close the gap, especially against players with bubbles (i.e mages, priests, lock sometimes). as MS i charge in, do my damage, and at least die early if im kited to death, instead of living an xtra 3 minutes just to die in the end
Falkor said:
the fact that as prot you cant really generate rage to do anything once you close the gap, especially against players with bubbles (i.e mages, priests, lock sometimes).

my old priest was a warriors worst enemy. just scream and bubble, run burst. rinse repeat. barely got rage up with the occasional charge.
yes and i can't wait until 3.1 where will finally describe me completely!! a good charge via Juggernaut + MS crit will burst through a bubble and then 'zerker rage out of obligatory scream; things are looking up in the kiting department.

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