Warrior Prot Glyphs: What works best

Curious what glyphs see the most use for any Prot Warriors out there. I recently applied Glyph of Block to go with Hamstring and minor Glyph of Battle and I've seen a bit uptick in my BG stats. Curious if that's what other players are using or if there are some different combinations that are recommended.
Blocking and Revenge are win for majors

for a minor its pretty much a tossup between bloodrage, battle shout and charge.
Revenge Glyph

Thanks for the feedback, someone in our guild mentioned the same thing to me too, I liked the Hamstring due to the stun (with Charge, Concussion Blow and Hamstring you can keep someone stunned for a long time) but not having Heroic Strike cost any rage is pretty appealing.
Hamstring isn't too bad if you're in Battle Stance a lot. I tend to stick in Defensive Stance for Shield Block/Wall and Revenges though, so it wouldn't do me much good.

For a guy who sticks in D.Stance I picked up Resonating Power and Shield Wall. I like the cheap Thunderclaps and disliked the hassle of fitting in Heroic Strikes from the Revenge glyph.

I'd pick up the Revenge one if it would macro properly, but if you don't have enough rage to use your "free" HS then it doesn't queue up... which was annoying to deal with mid combat. If you don't mind that though, then the Revenge glyph is an excellent choice.

The Shield Wall glyph plus Improved Disciplines is awful nice though. 2 minute Shield Wall? Hells yea! Even though it's 40% I get to pop it for any encounter, which is super nice.

As said, you can't go wrong with any of the minor options. I go Bloodrage, but Charge or Battle are plenty fine too.
In all honesty, u have 2 choices, DPS or Survivability.


- Blocking = 10% increase to Blocking after Shield Slam which u should be using every 6 seconds (also, macro'd to Shield block for stronger shield slams.) The 10% increase means more blocks for Revenge.

- Revenge = Free Heroic Strike which if u have a decent MH can hit for as much as 800.


/castsequence reset=2 Revenge, !Heroic Strike

Survivability (Read: I want to live)

- Shield Wall - 40% reduction on 2 min cooldown

- Last Stand - 30% increase to health on 2 min cooldown.

Minor should always be Charge cause since u don't have Warbringer or Juggernaut, if someone puts u in combat w/ Silence or another cast, u're screwed till u get to them, increasing the range of charge to 41 yds, that means both of u have an equal chance to get the opener and it's now a spam race.
No need to Hamstring - you better spec this than pure Prot - staying in Defensive Stance more and taking a critical strike restores HP, making you even harder to kill.
240 heal from Blood Craze is hardly worth the loss of almost 20% dmg boost. 5/5 1 Hander Specialization + Imp Defensive stance. But the Piercing howl is sexy...
Also to add that the effect will renew itself each time it procs - meaning when you will be fighting, it is going to be up on you most of the times - 1% of your total HP each second isn't bad.
Thanks for sharing that build. I've never really looked at the Fury elements for Prot... my bad, as there are some good components that would be useful. I'll have to give this a try.
Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft is what i love to spec for prot. has all the talents i love, and i would hate to give any up even though blood craze can be situationally good, and piercing howl is pretty legit. only variance i'd do in mine would be take the 2 out of cruelty and round out toughness.

as for what anid maro said about revenge, i've personally never had any problems fitting in the free heroic strike or anything else (but i dont macro it, so idk what trouble he could be having). i find it to be amazing since revenge is up nearly all the time against melee and HS can crit upwards of 1k depending on your AP situation.

TC and shield wall glyphs have great potential, but id rather keep blocking...im just a sucker for that extra 10% block
I play a 39 warrior and roll with both resonating power and revenge (for lack of a better shield slam).

Having those two is kind of like having endless rage for two major glyphs.

If I was 49 I am pretty sure I would drop the revenge glyph and use the glyph of block and go with the piercing howl variation. If I went with focused rage I would get glyph of blocking and glyph of shield wall.

Why? Because thunderclap is on a 6 sec CD no contingency, so right away you save yourself 5 rage by opening after charge. Now depending on who you charge determines if Revenge glyph will even help at all. If it is melee it will take a few seconds to proc unless shield block is used, losing time and rage that glyph of RP would of garnered you. Then the heroic strike still has to hit and on top of it being "Free" you still gain no rage from the hit.

As prot. melee are already quite trivial I would go for something that works on everyone.


Alkaholic said:
Minor should always be Charge cause since u don't have Warbringer or Juggernaut, if someone puts u in combat w/ Silence or another cast, u're screwed till u get to them, increasing the range of charge to 41 yds, that means both of u have an equal chance to get the opener and it's now a spam race.

what he said.
I'm so confused, I queue shield block for shield slams that hit 2wice as hard due to double shield block rating. Any hit means revenge, and spamming the revenge macro I posted earlier means the revenge will go off and the HS will be queued which will go off on the next swing. It's not that complicated and I don't see how anyone couldn't fit a FREE HS that crits for 800 in there.
I'd like to see more data on rage per point of dmg on revenge vs. resonating power glyphs.
But Revenge costs 5 rage and often crits for 1.2k then u get a free HS that can crit for 800. So that's a total for 2000 dmg for 5 rage. I don't think many abilities can match that 400dmg/rage ratio, I'll try to get some screens of revenge/HS crits to back up those numbers.
Well I shall still be using both in the 39 bracket even after this post so, can you explain to me a little how the heroic strike macro you posted works?

The 2 sec reset thing means if I don't touch that button in 2 seconds it resets?

So if I just sat there rapping the button and revenge popped, it goes off, heroic strike is immediately qued and then once heroic strike goes off or i stop rapping for 2 seconds the macro resets to revenge?

This is what I was thinking in terms of dmg per point of rage:

Both specs/glyphs can revenge for 1200 for 5 rage making revenge dmg not a consideration in this formula.

Let's assume they are melee/pet and attacking you.

The heroic strike just stopped you from gaining rage on your next melee hit. So my average is 8 rage per hit with my one hander.

Heroic Strike vs the white hit adds 136 dmg at 49.

So now you have 136 dmg for 8 rage points.

136/8=17 dmg per point of rage

I have to guess at how much dmg thunder claps do because my warrior is a 39 twink.

My natural is 82 and improved and very average AP I do 250-270. So nat is 123 at 49, I'm thinking a 49 will thunder clap for around 400 dmg. Can someone else confirm an average?

So 400/16=25 dmg per point of rage (for a total of 125 dmg for the 5 rage).

To finalize:

I could see where the Revenge Glyph would have a little more burst dmg if rage was not an issue but I think for rage conservation and something that works in every situation Glyph of Resonating Power is the way to go. :D
Alkaholic said:
I'm pretty sure u can HS w/ 0 rage due to the macro...

It is active without the rage when the buff is on now (finally...). While testing I did notice that if the Revenge goes off right after a White Hit death blow you do not get the buff :\
Falkor said:
Blocking and Revenge are win for majors

for a minor its pretty much a tossup between bloodrage, battle shout and charge.

Blocking isn't very useful at 49. You don't have very much block to increase by 10%, and frankly there are much better glyphs to use than this one. It only marginally increases your mitigation, and the effect it has on shield slam is quite minor outside of level 80. When they nerf shield block to not double block value anymore, the effect of this glyph at 49 will be further marginalized.

For Glyphs Charge is a must for prot at 49. You don't want to have your charge denied, your mobility isn't that great.

If you're going to use the Revenge glyph, you don't need a complex macro to use it effectively, in fact the more complicated macros are somewhat pointless. Just make it two lines.

/cast Revenge

/cast Heroic Strike

It will always show Revenge as the tooltip cooldown, and automatically queue up HS after you hit it (as long as you have rage, as there is a micro delay between hitting revenge and getting the no-rage HS buff).

How you play prot at 49 really has a lot more to do with what glyphs you take, it's not like a lot other specs/classes where there are obvious choices for glyphs to take.

My advice is to play around with the glyphs, and find the ones that fit how you end up playing the spec. There is no one "best" set of glyphs for prot at 49.

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