How would you rate 3.1 so far?

What would you rate the 3.1 changes?

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Rip said:
add in a "patch is broken, will decide when they fix it"

/shrug, BGs have worked on my twinks, and that's all i play.

if this refers to instances or 80 WG (where i've heard problems are) then it shouldn't really effect any twinks that pvp'd pre3.1 and post3.1
I mean the fact that I can't Queue BGs without being dc'd and then hearthed to Dalaran. There's also the numerous bugs (for example not receiving talent pt benefits)
Rip said:
add in a "patch is broken, will decide when they fix it"


I'd love to make a judgment, but I've hardly gotten to play enough yet to do so. 49s are burstier, Paladins are pretty strong, 'Locks seem to have been turned upside down, I still really love my Prot Warrior, and I'll have to get a few more days of stable play in order to get more in depth than that. :p
Add in "I Hate Buggy Patches but Ideas are cool, and argent tournament is nowhere near what is was said to be" and i'm there
i just added 5... big mistake on my part, i should ahve said 3-4

lots of goodies but like others its chuck full of bugs right now !

we can't even queue as a group for anything now !
Now that I've played more, I chimed into the poll with a four. Overall I really like 3.1, I'm a lil' sad that burst is so high in the 49s but I'm happy that there isn't so huge of a gap between full twinks and people who have dungeon dived but just haven't gotten the 'chants. I've always felt that if you've got decent gear, you should still be competitive, not as big of a threat as a twink but your presence is known.

Paladins got a pretty insane buff though, I'm hoping that gets toned down a bit. Or others are buffed to compensate, not that I'm complaining for myself... Warriors came out golden. However healing is probably a headache, especially against a Ret Pally, and casters are literal glass cannons now.

Still, I don't feel the balance is completely out of whack or broken. More like the field has changed, not for the better or worse... just different.
Talent changes are nice. Love dual spec on my main. Ulduar is fun.

Oh, were you talking about twinks? Hm... can't think of anything good yet. Maybe we'll see the benefits of cheaper twinking in a few months, like once people are done with Uld.
stopped playing my main because of the patch. did a couple bgs on tuesday and got shit on by wsg teams with 7 ret paladins on them.

well, the patch did something i want it to do.

more people get their twinks out and play pvp with em. too bad it's only ret paladins, but that will change...*hoping*

i can not give it a 5, cause of exo and the need of nerfed enchants. hopefully 100GP was just the beginning. they need to find a way to nerf enchants now. downskaling or lvl reqs...
I would have to rate it right in the middle, had a lot of stuff fixed I disagreed with but removed a huge part of twinking (leg enchants).
My mage is done for, but my warrior pwns. There's hardly any twinks in BGs anymore, on the other hand this makes WSG what it used to be. 3.

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