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  1. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    What is it that you are trying to communicate ?
  2. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    I'm not the one using very few words and end up calling people "stupid" and "high" in the middle of the night. Bad day much ?
  3. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    The 24's were not camping, just some lost souls 20s with a 24 healer. Unlike other "chickens" I love a good challenge to take 1 down with me before I die again. It's like a game inside the game when you are losing. Are you able to grasp that concept ? C'mon !'s not that hard...not...
  4. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Some people from Aggramar (EU), are such a friendly bunch...
  5. Jujou

    Premade <or> Pugging?

    Didn't they changed that in a patch, where both teams have plus/minus 1 healer ? Also, 100% pugging since 2011 and I highly dislike premades on either side.
  6. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Funny thing is I ended up playing my hunter cause when I logged in the game, that was the last char I played few weeks ago. And just went with it. And even worse, it was BM specced :confused:. Anyway, I think I'll stick to the german servers with my shammy. Their pugs are awesome.
  7. Jujou

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    Last night my random horde pug which accounted for 3-4 level 24s, encountered a semi-premade of 4 people from Spinebreaker (Ally-EU). Which every veteran horde player, should recognize as a serious challenge. It was clear from the beginning that the alliance planned to hold the middle, so...
  8. Jujou

    Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    I saw you update it, but I think it's huuuuge deal of a change, yet no one discussed on it. Despite it was updated and already 2 weeks old news. For me that i pug a lot, this is a great improvement.
  9. Jujou

    "Useful Hunter Pets for CC."

    The Crocolisk is my favorite pet: 50% movement reduction for 6 seconds on a 10 seconds cool-down. I only play in pugs, and on my hunter I mainly do three things: - keep the enemy healer(s) away from the dps pack, by constantly slowing them down; pet slow on one healer and concussion on...
  10. Jujou

    Survival #1

    Kincaide I don't think they want to make our bracket frustrating. It is in their best interest to make it better. Or at least not ruin it. Free as it may be, if I'm playing F2P, I'm staying and playing Warcraft still and not other game. Which means I'm not fueling other games with my...
  11. Jujou

    Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    Anyone seen this ? Role check in Battleground queues Same number of healers on each side within 1. This will be interesting...:p
  12. Jujou

    Your Greatest Moment

    We had about 7 rogues, no healers. The Alliance had 5 healers, but no rogues. None of the teams could cap a flag, the entire match, for obvious reasons. Then, Sfritz came up with the following :
  13. Jujou

    Questions & Answers

    I asked myself the same question few days ago, when I experienced a looong string of lost games. And I figure it out (after observing a pattern in all the ally teams I was facing) . It's simple: an important number of good players rerolled and rallied to designated f2p servers, and they are...
  14. Jujou

    5.2 Thread

    I think it was. If i recall correctly, it started a long chain quest that was unfinished. The last doable quest from the chain, was sending you to Winterspring, somewhere up in the mountains. The NPC you turn the quest to, didn't gave you the follow up, despite the fact the events were clearly...
  15. Jujou

    Enjoy your spanish mates !

    I don't want to make the Germans look like the best thing there is out there. And I can't do that because I've never played with a German team, since I started to f2p back in 2011. That's why I'm in no position to do so. Still, it is "my perception" as a horde player, going against German...
  16. Jujou

    Enjoy your spanish mates ! They are good, regardless the team composition. Whenever I see we play against German servers, I know we are in for a hard fight. Their team play is amazing and is a pleasure to watch their game.
  17. Jujou

    Enjoy your spanish mates !

    I had the urge to log in last weekend and bash some skulls, after a long time. Played only 3 games and then I logged off, because it was unbearable. It may take me some time to get used to the new situation. And no it's not the language. I'm from a country with a Latin-based language and it's...
  18. Jujou

    best hunterr pet

    The one that works the best for me it's the crocolisk : reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, on 10 sec cooldown. It's great for druid efc or for melee's that are after me. Any melee running after me, will have the croc hitting from behind, meaning no dodged attacks including the ankle...
  19. Jujou

    A great battle

    Good times, my friend...good times.
  20. Jujou

    Why we hate 24's..

    As far as I remember, the only reason 24s are able to exist in this bracket, is solely because F2Ps "made" the 20-24 bracket possible. Regardless how much a P2P pays for the game, s/he will only be able to enjoy the 20-24, just as long as there are F2Ps to give life to it. As for myself I don't...