Why we hate 24's..

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ftp's have to be one of the whiniest and biased collection of people in gaming history
ftp's have to be one of the whiniest and biased collection of people in gaming history

Bias is also judging an entire group based on limited data.

See prejudice, partiality, tendency or your post for examples.
i hate to repeat my self, but, "he who pays the piper calls the tune". thats life, not just wow.

As far as I remember, the only reason 24s are able to exist in this bracket, is solely because F2Ps "made" the 20-24 bracket possible. Regardless how much a P2P pays for the game, s/he will only be able to enjoy the 20-24, just as long as there are F2Ps to give life to it.

As for myself I don't "hate" 24s. I actually deeply enjoy killing 24 spriests with my rshaman or hpally. I can only imagine their reaction like "wth...wasn't I suppose to rofl melt faces and be invincible the same time ?". But, anyway, Franciska has it right. On EU (but I can only speak from horde side of view more) pugs have almost no problems defeating enemy groups of (2-3-4-5) 24 (premades or not). The only scenario when this doesn't happen, is when your team is really bad / undergeared / "where can I haz mount lol ?" (rarely on horde but more on alliance side, sadly).

On another note, I love the fact 24s usually have a big ego. If I do something towards a 24, something that I wasn't suppose to be able to do, like "not dying(!?wth#$%)", that will surely grant me their full attention. And that is good, because I use that to my team's advantage. I keep them busy, while my team scores. Once I got a team of 2x24 spriests so annoyed they could not kill me. Ticked them off so bad they ignored their team losing a flag cap, just so they could continuously dps me down to my demise. It didn't happen. And we won. Partially because of that, i like to think.

I don't hate 24s. They are fun to play against. In many ways...
WoW twinking community is a group of dbags who think things like griefing.

Lol? Twinking started in Vanilla and the whole point was to grief lower geared/skilled players. If you honestly disagree, think about the logic behind your statement in the mindset of vanilla players (when this all started). Do you honestly think people were investing so much time into level 29/19 characters in hopes that they could queue for battlegrounds and run into 1-3 other twinked players for a "challenge". That's laughable. That's where twinking got it's infamous reputation that stuck with twinks as long as it has.

Now, twinking TODAY is a way for players to cut the game short so they aren't forever locked into getting and upgrading gear which is ultimately all end-game is. It's a way to get the most out of your subscription. People play 24's to get that vanilla feeling back. I think that's why 19's/29's are so attracted to it. So technically, 24's are more into the spirit of twinking than anyone on this web forum because they're sticking with the original idea of what twinking WAS.

But you can't legitimately say that twinks aren't/weren't griefer's because griefing is what started twinking and anyone who says otherwise is selling something or wasn't twinking in vanilla so they just don't know any better.

@On topic

Bottom line is, it takes alot of effort to be so upset about something that doesn't matter. At all. It's a game. Get over it or go outside. It's not like you're paying to play, there's no reason for F2P's to piss and moan about this as much as they do because they aren't sinking any resources to the game or contributing to it's development at all, regardless of how they agree with how Blizzard develops this game. If you have such a huge problem with Blizzard, don't play their games/this game.

You're bitching about being hot when you're the one standing in fire and you refuse to get out of the fire.
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Lol? Twinking started in Vanilla and the whole point was to grief lower geared/skilled players. If you honestly disagree, think about the logic behind your statement in the mindset of vanilla players (when this all started). Do you honestly think people were investing so much time into level 29/19 characters in hopes that they could queue for battlegrounds and run into 1-3 other twinked players for a "challenge". That's laughable. That's where twinking got it's infamous reputation that stuck with twinks as long as it has.

I enjoyed destroying "twinks" far more than one shotting some grayed out keyboard turning noob that didn't even award me an HK. While I don't doubt many people did, and do, twink to grief, that wasn't the only reason. It was also true that many people just enjoyed being the best they could be at any given level.

I remember the first time someone said I was a twink, and had no idea what they were talking about. I just always focused on gear and chants rather than leveling. I also used to read every single quest and got quite into the whole RP aspect of the game. Unlike now where I couldn't care less, and it's all about leveling as fast as possible and skipping as much content as you can.

As for today, people still glitch XP off during XP on, still run around leveling characters with the sole purpose of destroying leveling noobs in fully chanted BoAs, and even in pure twink vs. twink brackets, there is so much GF gear it does make a genuine difference compared to rerolls.
Bracket would be boring without 24s

If you want balance, you're playing the wrong game.
im not reading that garbage again, but being MM and not having a single point of expertise screams "omg look at my dmg, ir great". i dont expect you to be pro (im 100% not), but crying about 24s when a few months ago your chosen class was insanely OP is so hypocritical it actually makes me smile irl.

Oh now the guide we put hard work into is garbage.. Well I'm sorry you feel that way :/ I guess the other 10+ people who it's helped didn't find it garbage but I'm sure everyone of them is just not as pro as you are. I'm MM for the simple reason it has the best burst. I was SV because it had the best burst. Sacrificing agi for 2% less chance to be dodged is pointless IMO. I can't get hit capped vs 24s without giving up stats as well so even if I get hit capped it's impossible to get exp capped. What's the point of giving up all those stats to get exp capped vs 21s but have absolutely no effect vs 24s?

seems you just wont to rid your self as being that cata noob tbh.

You brought up me being a cata hunt yet I'm the one trying to "rid me of being that cata noob".. Ok you're right you have never seen me play and you like to troll on forums. You can think me of a noob all you'd like I made myself known far before I came on this website and started talking to people and that was because of my play.

You have called me a cata noob, you stated how you played a hunt since tbc and rerolled a priest now knowing how OP healing is yet I'm the one getting the 2nd degree here.. I can't stand taking trolls bait sometimes cause i can make the trollers look stupid. Don't like my guide? Don't read it. Many others have and it's helped others so sry I was so clueless in it. Think I'm a cata noob? Guess what?? You're a tbh noob. :) done with this arguement
I would have lost respect had your stopped playing your hunter, like most did every other hunter did. Lord knows we don't need any more moose prancing around mid.
The cries of "Blizz needs to give F2P their own bracket!"

While at the same time, contributing absolutely nothing towards the game.

Giving a little, expecting a lot, aint getting you anywhere..
The cries of "Blizz needs to give F2P their own bracket!"

While at the same time, contributing absolutely nothing towards the game.

Giving a little, expecting a lot, aint getting you anywhere..

I agree with you. I play fo free just how i like my waffle fries so I know ill be at a disadvantage and can expect nothing from Blizz. I understand that and except it.

At the same time, I really do not understand why people play 24s. I like a challenge in BGs but I guess 24s do not. And with so much more game to play I don't understand why you would want to limit the game to what I get to play for free. So yinz are the suckers imo.

For F2Ps, don't hate the game, and if you must hate something, hate the players. I guess that's what this thread is about.
Oh now the guide we put hard work into is garbage.. Well I'm sorry you feel that way :/ I guess the other 10+ people who it's helped didn't find it garbage but I'm sure everyone of them is just not as pro as you are. I'm MM for the simple reason it has the best burst. I was SV because it had the best burst. Sacrificing agi for 2% less chance to be dodged is pointless IMO. I can't get hit capped vs 24s without giving up stats as well so even if I get hit capped it's impossible to get exp capped. What's the point of giving up all those stats to get exp capped vs 21s but have absolutely no effect vs 24s?

bla bla bla. that 2% less chance to be dodged is more valuable than 4AP, srsly what does 4ap even add to your shots?

you're playing mm for the dmg? that's exactly what i said. bm is the better spec for the team, but that means nothing to cata hunters i see

You brought up me being a cata hunt yet I'm the one trying to "rid me of being that cata noob".. Ok you're right you have never seen me play and you like to troll on forums. You can think me of a noob all you'd like I made myself known far before I came on this website and started talking to people and that was because of my play.

i didnt bring up you playing a hunter in cata in the way you're making out. you was crying about 24s and i asked you when ppl hated cata hunters did it stop you from playing yours? no, no it didnt

You have called me a cata noob, you stated how you played a hunt since tbc and rerolled a priest now knowing how OP healing is yet I'm the one getting the 2nd degree here.. I can't stand taking trolls bait sometimes cause i can make the trollers look stupid. Don't like my guide? Don't read it. Many others have and it's helped others so sry I was so clueless in it. Think I'm a cata noob? Guess what?? You're a tbh noob. :) done with this arguement

i have played priest since wrath why shouldn't i make one now? for you?

one thing i agree on, i'm done with this argument, cuz you have no argument.

you made a hunter in cata when they was more OP then they have ever been, and you have the cheek cry about ppl playing what they want when it made zero difference to you. and, that is what my OP said

btw, i really dont care if you think im a noob, but i've played since tbc while you've played... 6-7 months. i'll leave you that thought.

o/ :)
but i've played since tbc while you've played... 6-7 months. i'll leave you that thought.

I guess you know so much that you have to bring up facts out of your ass just like your arguement. Since you can't see my sig here it is IS THIS BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU?

You're right though I've only played 6-7 months just cause my join date is May that must totally mean I didn't make my toon until May. I guess my first toon I've ever had is also my F2P and I never played this game before then.

Like I said I made a name for myself before ever thinking or hearing about this website and people who hasn't liked me in the past and who I haven't liked in the past have backed me up... Where's your backup? You come at me insulting me just based on what i've said on some website without ever seeing me actually play and you come up with all these assumptions.

I thought I made it clear I wasn't a "cata hunt" in cata but alot of people still hated me just because of the class I played. Since I am still [;aying my hunt and didn't jump ship like everyone else from their hunt (yourself included) I have proven in MoP that I'm not a "cata hunt". You can think whatever you'd like but all your statements and accusations are just idiotic assumptions and trolling.

You are clearly part of the people that hate me but like them all... You didn't forget me :)

P.S. We have derailed this thread enough.. Please keep your obvious @posts in here instead of following every post I make and replying with some smart remark as if I was ever talking or thinking about you
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