best hunterr pet

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Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't serpent also give a debuff to the target with it's attacks increasing magic dmg to it by 8%? If your team was caster heavy it may be beneficial, and this would also effect arcane shot as well, wouldn't it?

In Cata it was a ranged, stacking debuff to armor, called Corrosive Spit. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why Lil was using a serpent, until one day she made a post about it reducing the time it took to get an aimed shot off.

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Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't serpent also give a debuff to the target with it's attacks increasing magic dmg to it by 8%? If your team was caster heavy it may be beneficial, and this would also effect arcane shot as well, wouldn't it?

in cata the dragonhawk gave 8%magic dmg increase compared to the lightining breath s 5% from wind serpents.Sometimes we ran 1 dragonhawk and 1 ravager for a 4%physical8%magical in cata instead of stun pets for a 12% dmg increase but it only worked on one target and had a long CD

Mop fixed them both to give 5% magic dmg increase.
In order of awesome sauce:


Any other just isn't necessary. Why would you want a disarm against anything else other than a Hunter as a Hunter? You can peel/CC anything with just those 3. Want buffs? Take a Wolf. 5% crit is certainly better than 10% haste. Haste and all is fine, but the crit is just better.

I put scorpion in my list as id take it in arenas against melee cleaves if I had a swapable healer. Ie. Priest is prone to getting fucked up by thug/kfc
The one that works the best for me it's the crocolisk : reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, on 10 sec cooldown. It's great for druid efc or for melee's that are after me. Any melee running after me, will have the croc hitting from behind, meaning no dodged attacks including the ankle crack. Plus I can slow 2 healers at the same time and keep them lagging behind their pack. Put pet on one and concussive on the other.

I love my crocolisk and i named him Achiles.

The other pet i have with me is the wolf for the crit buff.
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