Enjoy your spanish mates !


Friday and Saturday were not great. But wait, that happens to me all the time anyway! And when you think about it, it's good that some of our players at least have an excuse for not knowing what the rest of us are doing, as opposed to, say, the English-speaking 24 rogues who just go off and farm instead of playing for objectives.

Just an extra level of challenge...
From next week's maintenance, some english realms will be able to meet all the spanish realms in their team in BG.

You can report the spanish players afk in wow but it's too bad you can't report them afk in real life.
I had the urge to log in last weekend and bash some skulls, after a long time. Played only 3 games and then I logged off, because it was unbearable. It may take me some time to get used to the new situation. And no it's not the language. I'm from a country with a Latin-based language and it's natural for us to easily understand Spanish, Italian and to some extent even Portuguese.

I remember (before the merge) when at the beginning of the match, and saw the opposite team being mostly from Colinas Pardas, I knew it was a 99% victory for us. Now imagine I'm fighting beside Colinas Pardas people as part of the same team. Against a 5 x lvl 24 premade Colinas Pardas ally. Against 6 x lvl 24 French ally. Against a normal mix of 20's ally team. Lost. Lost. and Lost.

It's not about losing. I'm not talking about a gg losing. The play is just bad.

I'll try again during this week, hope I'll get to see some familiar people this time around.

Oh, but that undead rogue that kept following me around asking me "de donde sacaste esos brazales..." was really cute.
That's just bullshit.

Erm..no. They are good, regardless the team composition. Whenever I see we play against German servers, I know we are in for a hard fight. Their team play is amazing and is a pleasure to watch their game.
Alright..lets do this..

It's not even a contest anymore. The German bracket is by far the best F2P bracket now.

First of all, there is no real german f2p-community, there are some servers with more and some with less f2pers and some with 24s that might make a premade time to time, but there is not a single server you can get that amount of a community as you get on every British or US server, even though there are enough players to make one. There are servers you will be able to get some f2ps to your friendslist and talk to them, but theres still no use for your f2p-Addon at all. And since crz messed up the use of low populated servers, germans servers are as viable as french - unless you are a lonestar.

The queues are awful on every faction side and still after the wow f2pers have become more and more they are still at least three times as long as on english servers. Even at the rush hours..

Erm..no. They are good, regardless the team composition. Whenever I see we play against German servers, I know we are in for a hard fight. Their team play is amazing and is a pleasure to watch their game.

Secondable, the german playstyle is so much different from every other country, you would be afraid. Not just in the f2p section, its all over the place. Most Germans simply do not give that assistance, help and teamplay all of you are used to. Not because they're bad people or they dont know the game..thats a part of the german society that made it to the game, everyone for its own. Of course, that does not fit on every player but lets just say, when I first played on english servers I was positively shocked about the amount of information i get during a bg, "efc gy" "stop farming" "team up" - Germans dont say that in usual. And I really felt like in a dream when I first read the chatlog of a premade bg..
It takes a shitload of time till german rnd bg groups get what to do, even more than in every other bracket, trust me.

It is true, there are some very skilled Germans but Ive seen just as much of them getting frustrated and leaving to the US or other EU servers as I saw much of them ragequit. Good German players dont stay for a long time on a german server in this bracket, thats a fact..and the good ones who do stay are no teamplayers at all.
But 90% of this bracket are not just german-non-cooperative, they are bad, too..not completely bad at game but very, very bad on behaviour..just think of the annoying kiddies you meet in a pug bg and double them, thats a german pug.
We just have a ton of them and they are not better than everywhere else.
Why do they win and make a good appearance? Because our pvp is not that much about skill ;)

Lets just make one thing clear, I am German myself, I played A LOT on the german side of this game, Alliance as well as Horde and I hope I will never have to come back there again, since I 'accidentally' moved to Aggramar. The german f2p-bracket is by far the worst u will ever find on EU. I dont even think Spanish can beat it..
And before you start to argue again make sure that you played the same amount of time with the Germans as well as against them, because you might get two completely different views.

I hope you got my point now...Germans are maybe not all bad, but their f2p-bracket is horrible since '11

BTT: I met more spanish than english people in bgs these days..and most of them are bad spammers..but I remember a few good ones that actually talked english. And I think as long as they are these kinds of people I wont mind playing with the bad kind. Its quite similar as queueing on german servers ;)
There are servers you will be able to get some f2ps to your friendslist and talk to them, but theres still no use for your f2p-Addon at all.

Destromath - Horde

During the week I have seen the same amount of people online as on Twisting Nether - sometimes even 1 or 2 more. (Kannst dir ja den Thread mal anschauen)

Of course, that does not fit on every player but lets just say, when I first played on english servers I was positively shocked about the amount of information i get during a bg, "efc gy" "stop farming" "team up" - Germans dont say that in usual. And I really felt like in a dream when I first read the chatlog of a premade bg..
It takes a shitload of time till german rnd bg groups get what to do, even more than in every other bracket, trust me.

I think you are exaggerating now, I only sometimes played bgs where I was the only one who posted the location of the efc etc and to get the average german bg group to play tactically is as annoying as it is in every other bracket. I quite often got to capture the flag without anyone taking ours, because they were to busy responding to our camping.

..and the good ones who do stay are no teamplayers at all.

Good people who do not know how to teamplay or who prefer to not do it although they are capable of doing so are not good players (dont know who you are having in mind) and to consider all the other countries' brackets better in teamplay is nothing more but parroting the general opinion, since no one can deny that he has had every kind of bg- winning because of good teamplay and loosing because of bad teamplay.

..just think of the annoying kiddies you meet in a pug bg and double them, thats a german pug.
We just have a ton of them and they are not better than everywhere else.

Cant talk about alliance atm, but horde it is completely fine.

How long havent you been playing on the german side?
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I've played every bracket pretty extensively and German pubbers are better than Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian pubbers by a WIDE margin. They're also noticeably better than the average American pubber. Yes, German queue times suck, but it's the price you pay for not having to deal with hispanics.

As far as the F2P communities, nobody is online when I play (late) on Aggra, but at least they have a decent amount of quality players, unlike AP. Since I play pubs 100% of the time these days, the German bracket is the best of a bad lot.
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I don't want to make the Germans look like the best thing there is out there. And I can't do that because I've never played with a German team, since I started to f2p back in 2011. That's why I'm in no position to do so.

Still, it is "my perception" as a horde player, going against German teams. Purely observational. It's only what I felt on my own skin, if I may say so :D

I've accidentally met Femanon in a random instance. He/she was tanking and I was healing. I asked why haven't I seen him/her in wsg for so long. And told me he/she only plays AB nowadays, because unlike wsg, in AB the 24's advantage is highly diminished. Which seem to go hand in hand with what you were saying about them, being frustrated and all.

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