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  1. Back 2 Twinking, where 2 transfer?

    Sorry i was a little bit drunk and i finished school 4 years before , so my english is horrible atm. ^^ Alliance btw.
  2. Back 2 Twinking, where 2 transfer?

    I´m very bored of the actual pve content and i am interested in some twink action again. I played twinks until 3.2 broke everything and now i need to know were to transfer for the most active wsg and arena stuff. Wich Battlegroup or Realm do you prefer? btw. i´m EU :)
  3. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Going 2 transfer my unfinished Shaman project :)
  4. iTwink Status Thread

    Please Fix it (: I will send you a ton of cookies
  5. Just got ambassador

    Holy Shit =O Is this worlds first? oô
  6. WTT shadowfang for computer

    Get some Computer Skillz apl0x
  7. Where did you level fishing?

    Dalaran 4 Rat or Titanseal =)
  8. 19 Hunter, The "Int" Build.

    Was bored today at work and created this AP/Int Gearset v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner Anyone think this is a viable option? I mean only ~700 would Suck Hard i think.
  9. Highest Soloable instance per bracket?

    Cleared rfc a few weeks ago with 2 level 10 hunters (:
  10. 3.2 PTR - Observations

    Very Funny (: I feel Twinklove : D
  11. 10 Twink Pally

    Wasnt there a haste cap 4 casts? Like 0,3 sec max ?
  12. +spirit 1h

    I think there is a +3spirit dagger. Gimme a second (; edit/ sry was wrong : (
  13. 1mace with mongoose Please read

    Tested a Horde double Mongoose Warrior with the 2 Green Weps. When it proc, i got about 50% Crit Chance and it rockz the hell out of. But when not these Weapons are so weak ... i dont recommend to use them.
  14. Still a little behind....

    Get spidersilk cape/boots, 2 AGMS and the Hat ( :
  15. Lifestealing vs. Crusader for FC's

    Why no 30 Spellpower? Or use a Skullbreaker?
  16. Currently listening to...

    Some German Shit^^ sry 4 that YouTube - Samsas Traum - Ein Fötus wie Du/Komm auf mein Begräbnis Baby
  17. Currently listening to...

    Red - Death to me YouTube - RED - DEATH OF ME
  18. FC Shaman's

    Would be stupid i think. You only got a Shield, Druids got Beerform.
  19. WoW Songs/Lyrics ETC

    Really enjoy that Shit from Nyhm, Druidboyz, Gigi etc. For example
  20. Sniper Rifle of Marksmen vs The Silencer

    I prefer little Timmys