Just got ambassador

xD I have been working on it for a loooong time now, first did elders, tried making a main on borean tundra and farming for mats before the AQ event was over but it ended before transfers unlocked, then I ground out chens : /




rep count after chens was:

Org: exalted

trolls 11331/21000 revered

silvermoon 9201/2100 revered

TB 12731/21000 revered

UC 16992/21000 revered

As you can see i was well on my way, but it was slow going

here is my new armory as a female dreanei:


I'll post the SS's later. too tired right now :p

Gz dude

Keep at it

Nice hunter :)

Sex dom!

Ps fred ur scaring me from making a toon on kt lol no dm runs still ><. Arent there more ppl then just dom to run u
@ Aukko's sig, you got your guild name wrong (I know it maybe would be too long if you got it right, but you know)
I know but I am too lazy to change it =)
Ty guys!! :D lol Reeto, dont listen to freddeh :p he got my right as i was grinding chens like a crackhead ;p (totally a joke guys)

Anyway my main is sill on kT and I will have a looooot more time now ;p

Still got some things to do but pretty soon the only achievements will be seasonal, with a patch, or i'll just be grinding for "of the horde" - only title I need now :D

At work so the pics will have to wait :p at least the armory link works this time ;)

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