iTwink Status Thread

Twinkytoes said:
Now stop spamming the forums.


Fake edit: working on it, may be up soon
i've been playing on the NaxP 29 twink "craziness" realm or somethin like that while this server's been down andddd....

it's really gay
Twinkytoes said:
It's because the server is down, stop asking so many times, we'll tell you when it is up or down. Now stop spamming the forums with the website issues, we already heard you the first time.

nurd rayj lawl
Don't know if this was reported yet, I'm to lazy to read every page, but it would appear account creation is down.
The thing is, I'm not going to put it up and maintain it, so that 3 people can log on and screw around. No point whatsoever.
if we posted a thread on this in every bg forum, with detailed info on what is provided, im sure activity will shoot up.
the reason i dont log on is because games never pop on there so whats the point? if games popped... i'd be on it everyday =]
even if itwink was advertised solely as an arena-focused server, im sure it would do well, as it would attract the 39s who didnt want to transfer off to NF
I understand very well that you dont find it worth the effort when theres so few people on, but the thing is that its veeery hard to recruit people to a server thats more offline than online....
You should make two realms, not just your 39 twink realm.

Yes i understand that it would split your little traffic even smaller, but with a sence of variety, you will also shoot up in change

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