Still a little behind....


Well I took a break right before 3.1 hit then was gone for about 2 months.

I got the +6stats to my inferno robe, but I am hearing people say +150HP would be better, but then I heard it would depend on what Major glyph I am using.

Character: Eaz

Realm: Vashj

Battlegroup: Whirlwind

yes I know gear is still lacking cause haven't really had time to update >.<

Just any opinions about what would be better for the robe would be helpful [=

With our premades I am normaly at about 1400HP which isn't terrible and I normaly go 10kills before 1 death minimum xD
I think +150 hp is better, because in my case, I'm a healer and I can FC, so I'm gonna need a equal amount of hp / mp and at the same time good heals!

I found my clique ^^
My personal preference is +150 HP for locks, mainly because of it's usefulness with life tap.
canihascookie said:
I think +150 hp is better, because in my case, I'm a healer and I can FC, so I'm gonna need a equal amount of hp / mp and at the same time good heals!

I found my clique ^^

Clique? lol
Vendigo said:
150 HP imo for locks, +6all for most other classes. And omg slcker get spidersilk set :D

Ok well I get the Spidersilk Set now, Getting 5 all res enchanted on cloak, and Got 2 sets of boots, 7stam on 1 set and Minor run speed on the other with macros to swap them out [=

Next come the AGM, but it is impossible when there are 6+ level 80's all their fighting over it.....Even when a few of them already have 6-7 of them :'(
what i ment to say was (sorry if it was unclear)

I found my spot in WSG that I like to play as... I play as a Healing / FC Shaman with +150 hp to chest. I found what I like to play as in wsg :3

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