shoulder, leg and scope enchants req. higher level to apply (only work on BoAs I think).
Do they work on a lower level now? They used to have red text below the enchant saying "Requires level x to use"
shoulder, leg and scope enchants req. higher level to apply (only work on BoAs I think).
Do they work on a lower level now? They used to have red text below the enchant saying "Requires level x to use"
Girdle of the Blindwatcher look alike? Is there one...
I was actually looking for this a few days ago and was disappointed to find that there isn't one (for level 20s at least). Shame, it's a good looking belt.
As of 5.4 does rejuv send a player out of shapeshifted form?
Is this patch even worth downloading at all or will it be better just to wait out the hotfixes for a few weeks?
Also which one is more stupidly OP, hunts or these new chants? I'm hearing both but would like someone who hasn't always bitched about hunts to answer this if possible.
Boomkin can cast rejuv without shifting to caster. Every other one shifts you into caster form.
at lvl20?
Is this patch even worth downloading at all or will it be better just to wait out the hotfixes for a few weeks?
Also which one is more stupidly OP, hunts or these new chants? I'm hearing both but would like someone who hasn't always bitched about hunts to answer this if possible.
stand strong and resist wow . life is so much more "huntard free " when your arent playing
<3 !Nobody likes quitters, Bend...
Can f2ps get the exalted?
Can f2ps get the exalted?