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I was actually looking for this a few days ago and was disappointed to find that there isn't one (for level 20s at least). Shame, it's a good looking belt.

I Was looking for that belt look alike to complete my pre xp off 19 transmog(pally in this case.Thank God folly's edge resembles a shadowfang).Oh well back to farming kellers girdle I guess
As of 5.4 does rejuv send a player out of shapeshifted form?
Is this patch even worth downloading at all or will it be better just to wait out the hotfixes for a few weeks?

Also which one is more stupidly OP, hunts or these new chants? I'm hearing both but would like someone who hasn't always bitched about hunts to answer this if possible.

Only played a few games tonight so this is very preliminary, but I'll give you my impressions.

- Hunts have been buffed, but still not up to cata levels imho. When I can survive 2 decently geared hunts we're still not there.

-Healing doesn't appear to be down too much if at all.

- 24s with enchants are hitting some OP numbers, saw a pally with 4k hp and got some 1k+ crits from rogues. However just for the record:


^ They're not unbeatable. In all the games I played (4-6) this was the only 24 "premade" with gear, most of the other 24s I saw hadn't bothered and weren't too spectacular. Yeah if you came across a full premade of 10 it would probably suck, but on the other hand beating this group with just the one 24 on our team (him being on my realm is purely coincidental btw) felt pretty badass and the game was a lot of fun.

So yes, it's worth downloading imo.
( Nice to see you Lil .... Am I enabling ? :p )
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Is this patch even worth downloading at all or will it be better just to wait out the hotfixes for a few weeks?

Also which one is more stupidly OP, hunts or these new chants? I'm hearing both but would like someone who hasn't always bitched about hunts to answer this if possible.


stand strong and resist wow . life is so much more "huntard free " when your arent playing
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