Standard Issue Prisoner's Boots or Feet of the Lynx. Lynx is best but hardest to getWhat's the alternative for cobrahn's boots?
Standard Issue Prisoner's Boots or Feet of the Lynx. Lynx is best but hardest to getWhat's the alternative for cobrahn's boots?
Uhh what spec priest are you because disc priests area amazingly tough. Also Druids are good along with holy pallies. The holy pallies have a ton of survivability. Where as Druid have more mobility and instant heals.
I think he is talking about f2p..first destruction, i mean shadow priest, and then holy priest.
Is it possible to grind the rep for a waterstrider on a 7 day freebie for your old paid account? Starting from level 85...
Standard Issue Prisoner's Boots or Feet of the Lynx. Lynx is best but hardest to get
I think he is talking about f2p..
Huh? What am I missing here? They have the same stats but Lynx have three less armor.
It's possible to get exalted with Tranquillien without reputation buffs, yes?
Pretty sure it got patchedCan low level players still cheese the Holiday LFD queues to get achievements? If so, how?
are you playing again tooh?Ahhh, alright then. Haven't researched a hell of a lot into the scaling up in bgs stuff. Thanks for filling me in.