EU+US Player from XP OFF asked for the separation

End of the second paragraph in that very thread....

That's because I do consider myself that. When the @thread was made against me, the first comment was also someone defending me claiming that I am. This is just you guys misinterpreting what I was trying to say. Nice fake quote though
I can do that too
Your wording puts out exactly the image you "don't understand why" people came to. That's all.

It aint fake - go read it.


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My post was MY perspective. I dont know why people thing I portrayed myself as a spokesperson of sorts, I acknowledge that my opinion was an unpopular one and used the phrase "my perspective" countless times. Its ignorant of you to think otherwise. I have every right to view myself as a relevant figure in our community and I have every right to voice my thoughts.
You and the majority of other players need to learn to comprehend words and let them sink in before you feel the need to speak upon things. (this goes for everything too; not just this subject)

I understand that not everyone twinks for the same reasons I do. Once again, I've acknowledge that & I appreciate the few people who held a civil, cordial argument with me on the alternate thread. But I am more than entitled to have my own opinions and you're the one taking them out of context here. Was the thread titled "A message from the xpoff community" or "PVP from a twink players perspective & my solution to fixing it"? I am allowed to have my own unpopular opinions. I knew before I started writing that twink players wouldn't agree. With that said, how do you conclude that I thought this would be in everyone's favor? Dont be another person who twist my statements or shoves words down my throat. Comprehend things as you wish, but unless you actually familiarize yourself with my thoughts, do not speak upon them in contrast.
My thread served its purpose accordingly. I did not consider your schedule or willingness to participate in competitive games because I could care less. I shared my contrasting (if you are aware of what that term is: CONTRASTING*) perspective on the bracket merge topic. Before you feel the need to claim that I spoke for everyone, please reconsider what points I actually made. (hint: contrasting opinion)

How's it working out for 59s?

queues are perfectly tolerable, evidenced by the fact that people are continuing to queue despite increased times

war games did not solve the problem in the way that twink-only pugs solve the problem. war games took an insane amount of effort to form in comparison which turned a lot of people *who now have returned to play and queue pugs* away from the game anyway. ease of access to twink vs twink games is a huge reason why veterans are playing again

people are lazy and unskilled because they stopped playing as soon as queue time increased and games became harder to win, like literally people you'd constantly see in bracket have basically disappeared because they lost interest (as a result of generally being lazy and unskilled)

if you want to continue this convo please spare me the arrogant vocabulary it's literally insufferable and not really necessary in this context

Give it a month. And yeah, it will be totally a lack of skill... Not camping rares for hours, or queuing for an hour for a two 20 minute games that turns people off. It'll be lack of ability to press 3 buttons
How's it working out for 59s?

I am unsubbed from the game. have been for over a month. No interest in paying when nobody wants to play competitively

Your wording puts out exactly the image you "don't understand why" people came to. That's all.

It aint fake - go read it.

THATS BECAUSE I DO. I literally just said that. That was not me speaking for everyone, that was me claiming I have enough credibility to voice my own opinions on a different forum platform. The second paragraph also isnt me "bragging" like some people think. That was my way of explaining to the oblivious endgame players that twinking is a very serious thing to us and we have dedicated copious amounts of time, effort and gold into our characters. Stop misinterpreting things and find something better to do with your time.
When you claim to be a spokesperson, no amount of explaining will make it seem like you didn't.

You did. That's ok... whether on purpose or accident - irrelevant. Anyone can see why people got the idea.
When you claim to be a spokesperson, no amount of explaining will make it seem like you didn't.

You did. That's ok... whether on purpose or accident - irrelevant. Anyone can see why people got the idea.

When I make that claim I'll let you know. But until then, learn to interpret things before speaking on them.
When I make that claim I'll let you know. But until then, learn to interpret things before speaking on them.

Voice -IN- and voice -FOR- are two completely different things. Maybe learn to speak before doing it again.

Especially FOR anyone else.
How can I speak for an entire audience when I've announced that I have a contrasting opinion with said audience, @Warglave?
That makes no sense whatsoever. Use your brain and Let your case rest in peace.
How can you not see how you were misunderstood? That's all that's on the table.

Anything else you "tried" to do is irrelevant. You're clearly not qualified to understand the difference. Grow up.

I dont know why people thing I portrayed myself as a spokesperson of sorts

I consider myself a very credible & relevant voice for the XPOFF community.

while this player has some impressive twinks, i truly do not believe the he/she played in the XP-off/on era, and was busy building twink trophies. only certain brackets had life in that era which was then 19's 20-29 until it became 20-24 bracket (due to F2Ps), 70-79 later became 70-74 which had life because the basic game was BC capped thru WOTLK, thru CATA, and half way into MOP

the above wow forum post occurred near the time that a streamer decided to do 39's. there was some friction at the time along some players felt their bracket was being robbed. streamers adventure into twinking did not last long, as he did not have the patience for 9-15 minute ques, viewer metrics supported this, he declared twinking was dead, players build them but don't really play them.

WOW had issues when the brackets were split when the players base in 9 mil++ range, we would be lucky if the NA realms have 15% of that population now.

please get yourself sterilized, i don't want some innocent kid to be born with an extra chromosome. but then again, i'm assuming ure not gonna be a virgin for the rest of your life
I'm feeling very split on the unmerge. Now, I ain't no big shot and I never will be one I'm sure, but still.

On one hand, the quality of games will improve greatly in theory (yet still, the games I've had so far have still been total blowouts). The community will be tighter, you more or less know how everyone plays. I'm also rejoiced at the fact we won't have to deal with levelers anymore. I've never even enjoyed fighting in mid as it is, so getting them away means playing as a healer or any objective spec is far more impactful or fun. (That said, I do find it hilarious to zerked-starsurge a random leveler once in a while, y'know the sadistic tendencies and my disdain for HoJs from the random bots that are leveler pallys) All of that.

But on the other hand, as a player from Norway, I feel a bit wingclipped with my chances to queue. Peak hours on US servers are after my bedtime and on EU there really aren't enough twinks at all. I'm still able to get in a game or two, but yeah, not enough to get my daily fix.
I am unsubbed from the game. have been for over a month. No interest in paying when nobody wants to play competitively

You were told this. You said something a long the lines of well carry on... Guess you should be more in touch with your subjects oh great King.

All kings must die my son...

Sure I've heard that before.
... blizzard knows they have a significant portion of their player base that plays the game just for twinking....

And with that statement it's evident that you are incapable of logical reasoning. News flash, twinks are the minority. The evidence for this statement is for you to simply look at the queue times before and after the split.
First, the split is guaranteed to initially increase the queue times. That's obvious since you have twice the number of queues being serviced by the same population. The key thing to note is WHICH queue has the largest increase in time. The people in that queue are in the minority. And guess what? Twinks lose. They are the minority.

Now, the question is "What effect does this minority have on the overall population of players?"
The answer is: Turns off a lot of players on PvP because they get one shotted and subjected to unsavory behaviors such as grave yard camping and the like.

So Blizzard is faced with a minority of players (whom I admit they would like to keep, after all they do pay subscriptions), that in turn are making far more players unhappy with their subscriptions. The answer is obvious, split the queues so those who are making things unpleasant for the majority are in their own little sandbox where they can do as they wish. And oddly enough, the queue times for the twinks doesn't remain stable at the initial longer times after the split, but actually increases. So why the increase after the split instead of remaining stable?
There's two possibilities for that. First, some twinks don't like the longer queue times, so they leave. Second, some twinks don't actually like facing equally equipped opponents in a fair fight, so they scurry away like the cockroaches they are. Not going to make a guess as to which reason is the most prevalent, but will state the there is a significant number who leave for the second reason and honestly, the game is better without them.
15 minute bg ques for xp ON games. middle of the day on a saturday is that normal?

Do you have bfa on the account you're queuing on? If not you're waiting for eots only
Sounds like ole allyboi enjoyed beating up on levelers.


Not my style. I have openly stated my disdain for for GY farming. Besides I play healers. I fill health bars, I don’t empty them.
If I don’t get quick queues I won’t play. I don’t have time to sit on my a$$ playing on a video game hours on end. I am sure as hell am not going to sit in queue waiting for 45-60 minutes for a 15-20 minute BG that may or may not be enjoyable.


I know it’s very difficult for some people to think beyond this site. Or to see the ‘big picture’.
There are an estimated 5.5 MILLION WoW subscription currently. And if only a mere 5% of those have a single Twink that’s two hundred seventy five THOUSAND twinks. That’s if they have only one. Think about how many you have. I don’t even know how many I have. I don’t have time to keep track of them.
Hundreds of thousands of twinks being in the game is an easily conceivable number all things considered.

I've been MIA for a while. I still dont know exactly what has been going on & I would appreciate it someone would inform me.

But I stand by my statement in that post.
Our community is big enough to get games going without a bracket merge.
Do I believe games would be as common as they once were? Of course not. That was never in my case.

I didnt pull numbers out my ass. I used credible data pools from the in-game Bracket communities. The only reason twinking will die out is if WE LET IT. I understand that nobody wants to step up and try to organize things, but that is what it'll take.
There is no reason as to why we shouldn't be able to pull 6+/6+ twinks together in the majority of our brackets during peak hours to get some competitive WSG going on. There truly isnt.

I've been twinking for over 10 years: I've seen the fallouts it has rung & am well aware of what could potentially happen. But is my statements really that inconceivable? They aren't. Nobody just wants to work for anything and nobody wants to make twinking competitive or worth participating in.

I dont say this lightly, but you seem like a narrow minded retard, and I hate you just by reading your terrible essay on the forums. You clearly dont consider higher levels or other regions. You're not the voice of me, or twinks, and dont even try to claim to be.
I am unsubbed from the game. have been for over a month. No interest in paying when nobody wants to play competitively.

Love it...
Self proclaimed spokesperson yet doesn’t play any more. LMAO!!

I dont say this lightly, but you seem like a narrow minded retard, and I hate you just by reading your terrible essay on the forums. You clearly dont consider higher levels or other regions. You're not the voice of me, or twinks, and dont even try to claim to be.

Many people on this site operate with blinders my friend. Don’t take it personally.

How's it working out for 59s?

Give it a month. And yeah, it will be totally a lack of skill... Not camping rares for hours, or queuing for an hour for a two 20 minute games that turns people off. It'll be lack of ability to press 3 buttons

Oh lawd!! There is the s-word again.
How many times do I have to tell you guys.?
‘Skill’ is a learned trait. It is nothing special. It is not talent.
Playing video games is just mashing a very limited amount of buttons with a limited amount of digits in a specific order over and over and over and over. It’s called muscle memory.


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