This is a 19s forum, so queue times in other brackets aren’t important to me, although I will agree they are most likely incredibly long or don’t pop at all in comparison to 19s. I have a 9-5 job so I really only care about prime time queues and so far they’ve been fine - most of the real competition is at prime time anywayIf you look outside 19s, most people are abandoning their brackets. Even in 19s, it's not uncommon for queues to take over an hour. I prefer numbers over vacuous statements like "queues are perfectly tolerable". Queues do take over an hour at 19 outside peak times and literally don't pop in a lot of brackets, and this is a verifiable fact, unlike saying that "queues are tolerable".
They took about 30 mins to an hour to form, usually. About as long as it takes queues at the moment during peak hours. Most of that time was spent standing around in Orgrimmar asking people from Warlords of Warsong to join. I wouldn't say "war games took an insane amount of effort to form". If this "insane amount of effort" did turn people away from the game, maybe they're just lazy, to put it in your words.
The same logic you used to criticize people who don't queue in PuGs (of them being too lazy) you used to justify wargames not being a suitable alternative. It seems hypocritical.
All of the words I used are part of the English language, the language we're both writing in. If it was difficult for you to follow, that's on you not me.
The war games we played in Legion did take a long time to form because we didn’t recruit just anyone, we preferred to externally contact the more dedicated players and build strong teams foundatilnally and then fill with randoms if needed, and it often took 2 hours just to start playing. In BFA it was easier to form only because many of those foundationally strong players had left so we resorted to filling with randoms sooner and accepted reduced game quality
People who stopped playing pugs in the current patch may not have been a fan of the longer times which is perfectly fine, but it’s safe to assume that at least some of them quit because they couldn’t faceroll levelers anymore and had to actually use their brains. That’s not why the good players stopped playing war games
As for the vocab I meant specific debate terminology like straw manning and all that YouTube debate culture bs I have no issues understanding English I’d just prefer to have a less high horse convo on a video game forum lol