class viability debate lol

Every single person to come at me isnt even understanding the discussion at hand and believes I am putting warlock over mage for some reason.

What are you suggesting then?

You're claiming that each class can bring something to a team regardless of the FOTM's and how strong they are.

What the frog is claiming is that your statement may be true in certain pug situations, but is out of touch with the reality of games & picking a class higher up the tier list, (not necessarily fotm) will be much more viable for a new player to start investing time and money into.

I disagree with how Frog in his original post, deters players from playing certain classes. I think that exploring classes in all brackets is what makes diverse, interesting and fun games come to light. But pointing out the top 50% (or more) specs and classes viable in the bracket doesn't do any harm.

I think that JWL, you're taking the post as a "Play FOTM or GTFO" message - which I can see the basis of. But after reading the subsequent replies from Frog it's clear that it's more of a "Here's what's good, play anything else at your own risk" message.
Unfortunately nobody put this idiot Jwl in his place before he took this thread to 4 pages of saying nothing relevant.

But dont worry kids im here now :)

Lets preface this with the insight that this guy is bragging about playing at 2300 mmr at endgame, this should show you how much value his opinion on anything slightly competitive holds, yes CC at endgame is somewhat important in most matchups, it's just a damn shame that CC means literally nothing at 19 in BFA, find me a clip, any clip from the TC 2018 where landing CC was the sole factor to a kill in mid (where your beloved warlock belongs and where it should only be in a competitive game).

Secondly, you continuously claim that nothing at 19s DRs with a warlocks fear, again untrue as Psychic Scream definitely does, and it is way more valuable and important in every aspect as it can make or break EFC pushes or FC defenses in mid, spamming a warlocks fear in mid will cause more problems than it's worth when it comes to pushing/defending pushes.

Yes, in legion CC was important due to a coordinated kill meta in mid whereas BFA's mid is definitively more rot oriented with swaps with burst, CC will break almost instantaneously in this meta, that's why warlocks fall off in mid, yes they're rot oriented so it should fit, but there's more than enough rot in ideal comps already where double mage pushes locks off the list because of their ability to split burst forcing heals on 2 targets immediately then swapping onto a singular target with starsurge ensuring a kill. Warlocks aren't capable of this.

Not to mention hunters/druid/mages have much more mobility than warlocks making it easier to push/fall back from mid, also making it easier to play base to base or gauntletting, there's no role where warlocks pull ahead of any of the other ranged, with the exception of self healing which is embarrassing to even bring up.

Now onto pugs, yes you're right any spec in this game is 'viable' in the sad state of pugs currently, just put ele force on and you can farm 300 hp grey geared levellers to your heart's content, but is that reason enough to pick them or suggest to others to pick them? of course not.

If I see someone in pugs playing what I consider the wrong spec do I think 'im glad hes having fun with a bad spec' or do i think 'this guys an idiot i never want to play with him again'?

Why put yourself at a deficit in a scene where winning is important, I would say a competitive scene but you're talking about pugs so idk, there's really no advantage to practicing and playing a bad spec, so why do it?

See, the problem here is your insistence on FOTM classes, the general opinion in this community is that druids, monks, mages, priests, rogues, shamans and hunters are fotm right now, that means there's 3 classes that arent fotm, there's never been a more balanced meta with no real dominating class that just shines so much brighter than everything else, e.g cata hunters, wod brewmasters/ferals, legion survivals. There just isnt a truly FOTM right now so to blast someone for listing what you deem as low skill is downright stupid when that's 70% of the classes.

The Only Tier List That Matters:

"+" denotes a class that depends entirely on a player's skill, more so than other classes e.g rogue is a very heavily player skill based class, its a very capable class in the right hands but a player lacking knowledge will struggle to make an impact.
"^" denotes a class that performs better in a pug setting rather than organized competitive play
"#" denotes a class that performs better in a competitive setting than a pug setting
"~" denotes a class that diminishes in value when played if not played in their primary role, eg a warlock that decides to leave mid

S Tier:
Boomkin -
Although this is the only spec to make it into S Tier, it isnt substantially better than the rest, it just fills more roles and capabilities, there's better classes for a variety of roles such as burst and FC cutting but as a spec that can fill nearly every role it sits alone at the top, capable of carrying flags, self sustain, burst and rot you can play this class anywhere and succeed.

A Tier:
Arcane Mage(#~) - Easily the best class for sustained damage, performed highest in wargames not pugs as it only really shines in team fights in mid and is generally weak if it ever leaves mid making this spec completely dependent on if you win mid in pugs, if you consistently lose mid in a pug it can feel like you're not even in the bg.

Outlaw Rogue (^+~) - No, that's not a new emoji I made up, it genuinely is that dependent on the setting and player, when it was untouched in TC 2018 95% of players were shocked and thought something wrong was happening but it didnt shock me, this spec is really only worth playing in pugs and as you can see by the sheer amounts of them in pugs they deserve their place in A Tier but to truly play it properly you need to resist opening in mid, I know it's hard for you 5 IQ pug players to not see red names and chase but that's not how you play rogue, you can go up to 8 minutes without opening once, your primary and only role is to cut the EFC, sometimes in games you can be versus 1 druid twink and it can honestly feel like it's just the two of you in the BG for the majority of the game, everything else going on should be irrelevant to you, everyone else is a free kill if they pick, you should only struggle when a druid picks and you need to be thinking 10 steps ahead of him, you need to know when he has dash up, when he has trinket up, is he likely to go ramp or tun, are you in a position to cut him whether he goes either, does he speed pot or not, you need to spend 90% of the game thinking about what the druid is doing or going to do, until you can do that effectively then stick to opening on 300 hp levellers in mid, maybe even stealth around their ramp and stand on their GY.

Disc Priest - The easiest healer to start off with, discs' shine due to their instant casts, only really needing to cast penance but even then you can still move while doing it, you should rarely have to cast flash heal unless you're solo healing mid and losing it, decent offensive damage and a nice aoe fear to round it off, simple explanation for a simple spec.

Mistweaver Monk (+#) - A lot of you will be confused by the symbols, yes MW is generally simple to play and effective in pugs but it's not as simple as you think, I keep seeing monks in pugs going oom trying to heal a hopeless mid or standing still healing themselves vs 10 people after losing the mid, stop doing that. Monks have very strong heals but a less knowledgeable monk will be very easy to spot, a good monk will learn to avoid mid fights that aren't worth it and break off with their insane mobility to help the FC pick, also learn that you dont have to kite 1v1s, you can win any 1v1 in a pug.

MM Hunter/Surv (+) - BFA was very kind to MM hunters, they're now very capable in mid fights, 1v1s and just generally getting around the map doing everything except carrying flags (unless your name is fancy), the reason they aren't good in low skilled players is they'll be wasted in mid and farming GYs when they should be cutting EFCs which I see happen all too often.

Resto Druid (~^) - Don't get confused, resto druids arent made for healing they're made for flag carrying, and their healing abilities is exactly why the symbol is there, you shouldnt stand healing in mid without a flag on your back ever, and only then when the situation calls for it, their instant abilities of healing is their only advantage over a boomkin FC, they can pick easier against a defence, they shine more in pugs than competitive play due to the chaotic nature of pugs and mostly sitting on roof with flag alone with 3 people incoming, that's not to say they arent good in competitive play just that double boomkin is meta there.

Resto Shaman - The pug noobs dream choice, it can fit nearly every role like boomkins but again not the best choice for said roles, it has great healing and even better damage, it's not at S tier with boomkin due to its inability to shift out of roots and just generally being squishier.

B Tier:

Shadow Priest (+^) - Very very dependent on player and pugs only, it should really only be used to apply pressure in mid and fall back to cut efc with rogue when the flag is picked, only useful in that situation for mind flay which should be spammed but its very effective there.

Fury Warrior (^) - As suggested earlier, should only be used in group queues, very very ineffective when queueing solo, decent damage and mediocre uptime, a lot of your time will be spent chasing higher mobility players around in mid until charge is back up,

Ele Shaman (+#) - Very dependent on players skill, it might not seem like it would be but you need to know exactly when your earth shock will be up in advance and if and when it will secure a kill, very team coordinated and therefore left out of pugs, there's no point building up your maelstrom just to press earth shock on something that'll live just to see pretty numbers, outside of that you're pretty ineffective but your interrupt is nice.

Every other class is irrelevant and will be left off.
One of the most reasonable and knowledgeable things you have said on xpoff I’m proud of u
19’s can’t have used cars. This bracket isn’t “old” enough to have mounts.
Some might even say they don’t have the skill level.
Glad to see more people are enjoying healers for a change.

I'd like to note that if even half of the people posting on this thread actually que'd random battlegrounds regularly maybe there would be more of a competitive aspect to 19s random battlegrounds, but that isn't the case. When you only run into 1 or 2 other twinks in a random battleground, then there really isn't much need to play a class that is deemed worthy of competitive play. Never mind the fact that random battlegrounds can be used as "practice" because it truly cannot unless you run into the rare occasion of a 5 man, even then, the competitive aspect is still lacking.

Sitting here and saying it takes 6 months to learn how to play a class at 19 is kind of baffling.. I get there is an element of skill involved, but I also believe that element of skill carries over between classes, if you have a general sense of the game, you will be considerably decent at any class you play, that's kind of how this game works, that's how you see rank one players at high rating on multiple classes. So discouraging people to play a lower tier class because they should be practicing a class they want to bring forth to a competitive scene is dumb. The only true competitive scene currently at this level bracket is twink cup and the next one isn't any time soon. Why not play the class of their choice, in the end, it will still develop them as a player and give them experience in the bracket.
I love playing warlock, but i can tell you that the biggest strength of warlocks, their fear, is also a major weakness. As a ranged class you always want to stay as close to max range as possible, which is 40yds. However, Fear has a 30yd range, which requires you to overextend and make you a prime target. Moreover, fear is easily broken by damage, which in pugs everyone spreads out. Therefore team coordination is required to fear effectively.
I wouldn't count them as bottom tier, though. Affliction's dot spread is incredible in pressuring healers. Demo locks have strong focused aoe damage with felguard and demonic strength. I haven't tested destro yet so i can't make a point.
They also have good self sustain with drain life, which works well to temporarily tank, provided no interrupts are done.
I do believe they have a position in competitive, but as I mentioned, it requires more team coordination, which I don't think players will want to invest in.
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This thread has run it's course.
Where's Selaya when you need her?

Oh, right.

The forum decided toxicity, trolling, and gimmick posting was a better move than having an inviting and well regulated forum.

Carry on.
I'd like to note that if even half of the people posting on this thread actually que'd random battlegrounds regularly maybe there would be more of a competitive aspect to 19s random battlegrounds, but that isn't the case. When you only run into 1 or 2 other twinks in a random battleground, then there really isn't much need to play a class that is deemed worthy of competitive play. Never mind the fact that random battlegrounds can be used as "practice" because it truly cannot unless you run into the rare occasion of a 5 man, even then, the competitive aspect is still lacking.

Sitting here and saying it takes 6 months to learn how to play a class at 19 is kind of baffling.. I get there is an element of skill involved, but I also believe that element of skill carries over between classes, if you have a general sense of the game, you will be considerably decent at any class you play, that's kind of how this game works, that's how you see rank one players at high rating on multiple classes. So discouraging people to play a lower tier class because they should be practicing a class they want to bring forth to a competitive scene is dumb. The only true competitive scene currently at this level bracket is twink cup and the next one isn't any time soon. Why not play the class of their choice, in the end, it will still develop them as a player and give them experience in the bracket.

agree/disagree with some of this

- high skill only transfers easily from class to class within a role, not as much between roles. it's very hard to go from being an insane mid player to being even a decent objectives player overnight and vice versa, and often times decent isn't good enough. only like 1% of players can do that

- when you play a low tier class you're just learning how to offer very little to your role. part of mastering a role means getting good tools and playing them to full effect which you cant do on a class with bad tools

- as i said, people can play what they want at their own peril, but if people who have played a spec for like 3-4 expansions are swapping off of it, new players will probably swap off a bad spec within an hour

- there are multiple degrees of competition. outplaying someone with similar gear and/or skill 1v1, being better at your class than another twink, winning a random game, winning a 10v10 plebmade, winning the twink cup. for every single one of these things, some classes are better picks for accomplishing the goal of winning, and as you move up the skill/intensity ladder, the strong class selection becomes more and more limited. you dont even have to pick the best class! pick a mid-tier or high tier class and you can still be a huge contributor to games

- why not invest time initially in a role you like, playing a playstyle you enjoy, while also not being limited by a poor spec? if i was new to twinking, i would be angry if someone told me WW monk was fine to play because it's all about fun, then i spent 50k twinking it and learned it was hot garbage and hated my investment

- yes, you can develop skill on anything. that's called practice. but this isn't just about practice, it's about SMART practice. practicing with a good set of tools is smart, practicing with a bad set of tools is not smart IF your goal is to win, however big or small that win may be

- if someone doesn't care at all about competition, or winning, then idk why you're pvping or twinking for that matter, but you do you, it's your monthly sub not mine. one-shotting 400 hp s-key holding level 10s gets boring after about 11 seconds unless you're some sort of weirdo sadist

at the end of the day im looking out for the yung pondlings. yung pondlings may be n00bs, but they are interested in investing time and energy into becoming good twinks.

misguiding the yung pondlings is not what frogturtle is about.

#pondboys 2018 the pond is nothing w/o u guys
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I think this sums it all up.

All that theorycrafting for 3 buttons and just to roll FOTM anyway.

friendly reminder than in a dedicated 19 twink forum ppl tend to be passionate about 19s Bv)

But yes, that's to be expected.

But I think to have this turn into 5 pages of banter back and forth with one side more or less just trolling, and the other side trying to make constructive arguments isn't really going to accomplish much.

At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinions. (Even if a lot of them are wrong).
What are you suggesting then?

You're claiming that each class can bring something to a team regardless of the FOTM's and how strong they are.

What the frog is claiming is that your statement may be true in certain pug situations, but is out of touch with the reality of games & picking a class higher up the tier list, (not necessarily fotm) will be much more viable for a new player to start investing time and money into.

I disagree with how Frog in his original post, deters players from playing certain classes. I think that exploring classes in all brackets is what makes diverse, interesting and fun games come to light. But pointing out the top 50% (or more) specs and classes viable in the bracket doesn't do any harm.

I think that JWL, you're taking the post as a "Play FOTM or GTFO" message - which I can see the basis of. But after reading the subsequent replies from Frog it's clear that it's more of a "Here's what's good, play anything else at your own risk" message.

Finally, someone who understands what Im trying to say. I do believe that the majority of specs can be struck as useful in both pub/competitive scenarios, but at the same time, I'm not claiming they are ideal. I could understand how you view my perspective of this thread being "Play FOTM or GTFO", but that's not the message frog was trying to send and I am aware of that. He basically said class X has no benefit whatsoever in the bracket, and I argued that. Thus, shifting the topic of the OP. Anyone who thinks otherwise has yet to read a single thing Fr0g and I have been battering on about.
This wasnt an encouragement thread by any means, I am sure 100% of the players who have queued a random battleground in the 19 bracket are well aware of whats strong and dont need frog holding their hand, dictating what they should reroll. All I did was try to offer more viability and to show underdogs from an eagles eye view.

But yes, that's to be expected.

But I think to have this turn into 5 pages of banter back and forth with one side more or less just trolling, and the other side trying to make constructive arguments isn't really going to accomplish much.

At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinions. (Even if a lot of them are wrong).

If you're referring to my perspective as trolling feel free to correct it. Nobody has successfully done so yet. Just a bunch of "you're wrong and I'm not going to explain why" or "Arcane mage is stronger", comments. (which wasnt even what this argument was about; What provoked said conversation was Fr0g deeming certain classes valueless)
I remember a time when rolling fotm were considered a bad thing.
i guess i have unfairly called things like warlock 'useless'

basically the more competitive you get, the more binary 'good and bad' becomes

warlock is not useless, it has a few spells that can be strong, but i wouldn't call warlock 'good'

the problem is, there comes a point where playing a 'good' class is SO important if your goal is to win, that playing something 'bad' (while not TRULY useless on paper) means that you are more or less playing something useless - this is what i mean specifically when i say something is 'useless'

in competitive games, if it doesn't excel at an important role, it will be replaced by something that does. some classes have diverse enough kits at 19 to POTENTIALLY excel at a role after trying it out, but this is very rare and warlock isn't that class in least in the current meta

that being said, the more you get into randos/pugs and casual play, 'good' and 'bad' do still exist, but in less strict terms. what i dont want to happen is for someone to invest a lot of time in a class that's kinda okay in random pugs, but is absolutely unplayable at high level play

the whole reason i have this stance is because i want everyone who picks up a new twink to have the freedom to play competitive games should they eventually find themselves interested, AND for them to be equipped with the tools and experience necessary to do decently in an intense game

if that isn't your end goal, tiers literally dont matter at all, go nuts and do whatever...but if we're honest here i think everyone has that goal to some degree, even if it's just stacked 5v5s

btw point of this post is to explain logic, this obviously applies to more than just warlock and this is more so spec-specific than class specific (although p much all warlock specs are 'bad' atm)
i guess i have unfairly called things like warlock 'useless'

basically the more competitive you get, the more binary 'good and bad' becomes

warlock is not useless, it has a few spells that can be strong, but i wouldn't call warlock 'good'

the problem is, there comes a point where playing a 'good' class is SO important if your goal is to win, that playing something 'bad' (while not TRULY useless on paper) means that you are more or less playing something useless - this is what i mean specifically when i say something is 'useless'

in competitive games, if it doesn't excel at an important role, it will be replaced by something that does. some classes have diverse enough kits at 19 to POTENTIALLY excel at a role after trying it out, but this is very rare and warlock isn't that class in least in the current meta

that being said, the more you get into randos/pugs and casual play, 'good' and 'bad' do still exist, but in less strict terms. what i dont want to happen is for someone to invest a lot of time in a class that's kinda okay in random pugs, but is absolutely unplayable at high level play

the whole reason i have this stance is because i want everyone who picks up a new twink to have the freedom to play competitive games should they eventually find themselves interested, AND for them to be equipped with the tools and experience necessary to do decently in an intense game

if that isn't your end goal, tiers literally dont matter at all, go nuts and do whatever...but if we're honest here i think everyone has that goal to some degree, even if it's just stacked 5v5s

btw point of this post is to explain logic, this obviously applies to more than just warlock and this is more so spec-specific than class specific (although p much all warlock specs are 'bad' atm)

I think some people might want detailed explanations for ALL class specs and why the lower tiers are not used, like your explanation towards ww monk. Or how ret paladins lack a gap closer or escape, their stun is at a 10yd range, and their attacks have rather unusually high cooldowns and low damage in comparison to arms/fury warriors.
I think some people might want detailed explanations for ALL class specs and why the lower tiers are not used, like your explanation towards ww monk. Or how ret paladins lack a gap closer or escape, their stun is at a 10yd range, and their attacks have rather unusually high cooldowns and low damage in comparison to arms/fury warriors.
ya thats a good point tbh i may eventually just work with some veteran players on making a tier list and providing pros/cons for all specs but that will take a while to build out
ya thats a good point tbh i may eventually just work with some veteran players on making a tier list and providing pros/cons for all specs but that will take a while to build out

A general tier list (or perhaps 2 - split into wargame tiers and pugs tiers) would be useful. Its often asked for and very helpful for new twinks to decide on classes to play/try out. We've had several pull lists off the top of their head that are reasonably accurate, but they are rather informal and buried in random threads or the discord. I believe Tollo maintained one several expacs ago that was very useful.

...and so that it doesn't become a trainwreck of a thread like this, it should probably be pretty objective, well-reasoned, and cover all classes. If someone makes that, I'd love to link to it from the quick start guide and I'm sure Ripduck would pin it.

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