Hello everyone. A few days before I made a havoc dh twink with the purpose of stacking mastery and farming old content with extreme speeds :D. I've enjoyed it so far, managed to hit 180% passive run speed with only leather 840 mastery boes etc (no Lego boots yet I was waiting for the nether...
With the current revival occurring in the 39 bracket, I figured it was time to provide an updated Gearing guide for anyone interested in getting involved. Please withstand your urge to anonymously post toxic messages as I am doing this with the intent of building the community. :)
With iLvl...
Hey ladies and gents my name is Shmuckumpoo, the guild master of <Almost Thirty>, which is the original Alliance 29 guild started way back on the private server Nostalrius. I'm going to give a quick little run down of why I think more people should play the 20-29 bracket in vanilla WoW. I know...
(Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13
I. Introduction
II. Choosing Your Race
III. Gearing & Enchanting
IV. Priest Talents
About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way...
(Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13
I. Introduction
II. Choosing Your Race
III. Gearing & Enchanting
IV. Hunter Talents
V. Training Your Pet
About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla...
Welcome to my 7.3 Feral guide. With the recent patch, feral has received a 33% damage increase to all abilities making it pretty op.
To compare, here’s some screenshots.
Here’s my feral in patch 7.2
And here’s my Feral in 7.3
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*****Classic ERA WoW*****
The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
Hello fishermen and fisherladies!
First off, I would like to thank everyone for their continuous support for this guide, as it is my most worked piece on XpOff. Some of you will notice this guide has...
Buy Battlechest and Legion from sites like kinguin or G2A (goes like 40$ combined)
Redeem Battlechest and Legion on your main account so you'll get another license
As all services (including boost you get free with copy of legion) are account wide and not limited to license, you'll recieve boost...
Below is my guide on 99 twinking in Legion. I'll try and keep my guide updated as necessary.
I. Choosing Your Class
II. Leveling
III. Artifact Weapons
IV. Artifact Power
V. Gearing Up
VI. Best in Slot Gear
VII. Obtaining Epic BoEs Using AH
VIII. Enchants And Gems
IX. Instanced PvP...
Hey guys, this isnt a professional rogue guide or anything its just a simple guide for the new players. So let me introduce myself.
By now your like who is this dude???! I go by a lot of names, Gaspedal is my most known name.
I started going by the name Craftyfc/Yzyszn in prepatch because of...
Event - Aug 9th > Aug 30th
**ALL Invasion Gear can now Warforge for higher iLvL and Stats**
Official Forum Thread about continuing Invasions in Legion HERE
The Main Illardi Vendor in each Capitol City remains.
I wanted to make this Guide from Day 1 of the Invasion but frankly it takes a...
Wavesjr’s 29 Legion Resto Shaman Guide
Patch 7.0
Table of Contents
Race Selection
Talents & Glyphs
Stat Priority
Arena Comps
Arena and Battleground Positioning
Tips and Tricks
Hey folks, I'm making another Resto Shaman guide for 29s because A LOT has...
General Overview
0. Introduction
1. Play style
2. Races
3. Professions
4. Armor
5. Weapons
6. List of Armories
7. Conclusion
0. Introduction
Based from my level 10 warrior's (Sponsor) personal set-ups and one of my outdated Arms Warrior guide, I will give general tips...
So you have decided to delve into the shadowy world of Twinking and can't quite figure out where to go, whom to speak with or how to go about it. You my friend have come to the right place. Here at XPOff, of which many of us are also from TwinkInfo, we are World of Warcraft's dedicated Twinking...
NOTE: if you guys DO NOT like me posting my videos here about 19 twink guides, let me know and I WILL remove this thread as soon as I see your reply/private message. Thank you! :)
This guide is primarily ALLIANCE based. I will make Horde guides if requested.
This first video guide is on the...
Erm, Hi… As most of you may know by now, I’m JessesGF. Often as i sit in Org or enter a game i get asked many questions, the most common being “Why assassination?” Or “What should i do when...?”. I’ve written this guide, along with the help of some of my friends from the twink...
Hi everyone, I just recently got the Sea Turtle and I can assure you it's possible as a F2P. Below I will share the steps I followed to aquire it.
I believe this is the fastest and safest way to go fish pools in Northrend without dying every 10 seconds.
1) Create a Pandaren hunter.
2) Level it...
Hey guys!
Never done any tinking above level 29 so i would not even know where to start to make a level 60 tink besides getting to level 60.
I would like to know some basic things i need to do, what things to grind when, what guild and realm can i join on either faction, and just general...
So it appears as though not many people are aware of some great macros. I'm all about efficiency and I try my best to reduce redundant spells and/or keybinds and take up as little action bar space as possible while not compromising gameplay.
I've always been quite good at...
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There is one particularly interesting gem that has been extremely crucial to 19 twinking as well as other forms of PvP that is often not talked about. It isn't something that you'd stumble upon on your own and know how to use. There's a reason why you see...