
  1. Chubakass

    WoW 20' Atlas by Chubakass

    Hello friends, my name is Chubakass. I'm crazy about WoW and twinking. I've been looking for various tricks in the game for 12 years now. You hardly heard about me earlier, because I play on Russian servers. I want to present to your attention "WoW 20' Atlas by Chubakass". I'm trying to...
  2. DeLindsay

    49's Gear Guide (best practice) + Rares to farm

    **Starting The Maw denies you access to Chromie Time, possibly forever (until they fix the Bug), so grab any Gear you might want from past XPacs via Chromie Time 1st** First thing you MUST to do after getting through The Maw and into Oribos is continue on with the Storyline that sends you to...
  3. Fungalfury

    Idiots guide to gearing your BfA locked 50

    This is just a guide for people that decided NOT to purchase shadowlands mostly for beginners or people that have twinked in other brackets and want to give the 50 bracket a go. I'll try to cover the basics for gearing for random battlegrounds/arenas which DO pop every 5 min. at most. Things...
  4. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Farming BiS BoE Greens in Shadowlands

    Hello, it’s Jonnes again – bringing you another guide for level 1 twinks in shadowlands. This one will be specifically a guide on farming your Bis BoE greens. There are three sections, What to Know, What to Do, and Where to Go. As previously, I wish to give a lot of credit to @Winterly who is...
  5. Asylum

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    INTRODUCTION Shadowlands is perhaps the most historic expansion to an MMORPG we have ever seen. The sheer scale of the leveling system changes is only rivaled by overhaul projects for other MMOs. So, with that said... @Chops & I are aiming to cover the absolute essential "Quality of Life"...
  6. DeLindsay

    10's Shadowlands Gear Guide

    **If you came here to find OP iLvL kind of exploity Gear, this is the wrong Thread for you** Level 1 Guide by @Jonnes HERE. It has many of the same things in common with 10's Level 14 Guide by @ShinyHero is... waiting for him to make it ;) Level 19 Guide by @DigitalChemyst HERE. Also has...
  7. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    Hello! I had been planning to make an all-in-one guide for level ones for quite some time, and thought now would be a good opportunity with the new forum category. This guide will be edited as new information comes out, as I would like to take every effort to keep it up to date. Please leave as...
  8. Mooeycritmas' 29 Shaman Deep Dive Guide (Phase 6 & Burning Crusade Ready)

    Hi All -I'm Mooeycritmas and this is my Level 29 Shaman Deep Dive Guide. A little bit about me, I've been twinking since Vanilla World of Warcraft, and have twinked in every bracket except 59. I'm an Officer in <Pal> which is one of the most successful and competitive 29 Horde Guilds in the...
  9. Austin

    Vet Feral Questions

    So I've been playing feral for a while now and have been seeing a lot of people talk and ask about them. If you got any questions feel free to ask and i'll answer the best I can. I can also give my overall opinion on them if any one cares. Here's my feral's armory...
  10. Jh2125

    Twink Guides

    These are the guides I personally put together. They were directed to the Horde side. So for certain pieces that are Horde only you will need to find an alternative or use one of the alternatives I have listed. I wanted to post these to help everyone in the community. Hope you guys enjoy and...
  11. Omnistone

    General Arena Rating Guide + Macro to Check Your Rating (low-lvl)

    In this guide I’ll be talking about everything you should know about Arena Rating system on low-level characters. It will be very useful for hardcore arena players, and the core intention is to attract more players to que for Skirmishes. New PvP season is coming soon, and some of you might be...
  12. Jadyn

    Playing the Long Game

    So after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to play classic. I'm not twinking - yet. When I need to play some twink pvp, I'll log on Warmane for a bit. However, I realized that Classic is a great opportunity, one that hasn't appeared in a while: not just a chance to play a version of the game...
  13. Weko

    EU+US New Guide Posted on Wowhead - The F2P Handbook

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone know - I just posted a guide on Wowhead called "The F2P Handbook". I worked really hard on this and would appreciate if you guys could jump over there, give it a read through and let me know what you think! Please leave me comments with any errors or content...
  14. UmrenTV

    General *NEW* CRAZIEST and FASTEST Leveling 15-80 in BFA!!! 3-10 min/level! Boosting Strategy for Low Level!

    I've made a quick guide in 2 parts on how to level your low level alts (15-80) the FASTEST & Easiest WAY possible in Battle for Azeroth! If you have low level alt between level 15 and 80 (I will do 1-15 and 80-90 + 90-100 + 100-110 soon, whenever my research is done), and you wonder how to...
  15. handsomedgc

    F2P Can't spell affliction without action! - A F2P Affliction Warlock Guide

    There might be some weird typos in this guide. I use word to write the guides but because I use a bootleg version it sometimes switches words around. My excuse. Also if anyone wants to use my this lay-out for a guide feel free to do so!
  16. handsomedgc

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

  17. Brilliant

    EU+US Notable Cloth Quests F2P/VET

    F2P/VET (20+ only) Had some issues posting this with my other thread. So i'll post it directly here instead. Here's a link to the 10-19 version aswell: Notable Cloth Quests Have I completed that quest?? Horde: :sadface: for the Horde! Alliance: Here's the 10-19 list!
  18. Brilliant

    EU+US Notable Cloth Quests

    Didn't find a list for this so i thought i should make one ! Not going to post alot of weapons here as most classes would opt in for a Foamspittle Staff Have I completed that quest?? Horde: Alliance: F2P/VET?
  19. Brilliant

    EU+US Plate Notable Quests 10-19.(Warrior)

    Didn't find any list for this so i thought i'd go ahead and make one. I will be focusing on warrior mainly fury/arms. Might drop a couple of shields in there. All these items is at ilevel 31. Most items scale the same for level 20 aswell, so don't be afraid to use it for a level 20. Have I...
  20. Eclipsis

    10-19 We Appreciate Power (Arcane Mage Guide)

    We Appreciate Power (19 Arcane Mage Guide) Introduction Introduction Changelog Basics Choosing a race Creating a new Mage Professions Toolkit overview Talents Gearing Stats Core Set Additional Options (Side Board) Upgrades Gameplay Mana Management Dealing effective damage Landing CC...