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Hey all,
I'm in the process of creating a level 69 Twink Fury Warrior. Does anyone have any guidance for this as I'm currently struggling to find much online!
Looking for armories of players and bis items to look out for.
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
Hello fellow twinks!
With the release of patch 8.1.5 we can now obtain epic items from rare mobs and quests. There is only one problem... Every twink on your server is camping the spot hoping to get the kill before the other faction does.
And even if there is no one there to steal your kill...
I recently have had a lot of requests on posting more stuffs around here, so other twinks that are not aware of my social media, can get some useful information for twinks.
I have built some significant amount of guides so far for twinks, mostly on youtube, so I will start off with the...
Lord Axiom's 29 Outlaw Guide
Important Notice: Please do not forget, everything in this guide is personal preference. This is a full out, extremely detailed guide on how I play Rogue at 29. If you find a piece of gear, enchant, or something else that works better for YOU by...
Kadraks Guide and Ramblings on F2P Paladin
This is a simple and minimalist guide, tweaked for BfA to cover the bases of how to build a free to play paladin, this guide is not designed to go in-depth in regards to rotations, or what race to play and why. People have their preferences and will...
Welcome to the veteran's quick start gear guide. The purpose of this guide is to give new veterans a solid reference when gearing their toons. Some of this can apply to pure free to play players aswell, but not all of it.
This was a doozy to write, so I needed some help. Proper...
This guide is intended to serve as a comprehensive look at pure f2p warriors. We will look at everything from race selection, spec and talent choices, stat priorities and gear, and play style tips. While the guide will primarily focus on Warrior performance with an eye towards pvp...
Shadow Priest PvE Guide for Starter Accounts
1. Introduction
You should take into consideration that this guide is only viable with level 20 questing, dungeons and hard PvE encounters in the open world. It’s also very important to mention that this guide is for Pure F2P accounts and...
In this Post I will show you EXACTLY the way of becoming STRONG twink in 21 STEPS in Battle for Azeroth.
I promise you, if you do everything correctly, this twink of yours… will either beat level 120 in duels and make them cry for their mommy, or can boost your friends or customers in Dungeons...
Hey all here is a guide I have just finished editing for Classic take a peak. | 2500 BFA XP Rogue | 29 Twink Outlaw Rogue Gameplay
Tune in and give your fellow twinker a follow, helps support the small guys and remind me that people might enjoy watching! Any tips, or constructive criticism are appreciated!
Love to everyone who supports...
Assassination: The Most Toxic Specialization
Hello and welcome to my guide. I am Eonsy, of Ante Amanthe, and I have been playing on/off at 70 since late Wrath of the Lich King. I have had 3 different rogues at 70 with this rogue being the latest who started his 70 journey back in Warlords of...
With enchants and gear working in Instanced PvP again, I thought I should make a list of Best in Slot gear for Mages, since that is what I'm playing. However, I realized that this is only scratching the surface for us, so I wanted to start compiling a list for everyone.
Lets make a BIS gear index for 29's for world pvp.
Since gear stats have changed quite a bit it would be a good idea if we made a list of the best in slot gear for each class outside of arenas and bg's. I'm going to start doing my research and update this thread as I acquire new information...
I've been playing pallys and rogue for the 2 last expansions. I've just came back from 1 year break.
I wanted to know if anyone had a warrior guide? In terms of enchantments / gear / pots etc!
Best Regards,