Hey! Azial here!
"are u mentally deficient?
ur also running 2x agms" Quote from Quck'best'eu
I'm the GL in <Green Tinted Googles> and we're looking for teams who want to have some real and fun 10v10 premades versus us. We're all BiS and every single one of us in the core team have the AGM...
Server: Shazzrah (WoW Classic, PvP, high population)
Faction: Horde
Guild: <Deck Me Out>
Content Focus: main: PvE, secondary: PvP
Deck Me Out* is a group of people who play together because progressing through content in a good atmosphere is the best way to do it!
Our Team 1 clears MC and...
I would like to introduce myself to the classic 19 twink bracket as, 19 Priest [H] Woah aka [H] Wholemilk
Where do I start..I guess from the beginning. I started playing WoW a few months after the initial release and never leveled my first character past 19, which at the time was a warrior by...
Hello all, I'm finally stepping my foot into twinking after burning out on the AV farm in classic. I played a plethora of 19s on retail and most of my guildies stayed on retail. I had toons named Gy, Gylol, Gyrogue, Gylock, ect. all in <Business Time>, I was wondering if any of you guys are...
Post your toon and give us some stories! I've had a blast so far, and with only a couple of swords left to really get, my Survival Hunter is pretty much done. Was gone all last week, so tbh there was a lot riding on how BGs would pan out when I got back. Had a lovely time last night running...
Join our guild and be a part of our awesome upcomming events and premades!
Where? Razorgore EU
Guildmaster: Rahbek from YouTube / Mightybeast & Blizle.
Got a hunter in full BIS besides fishing hat w consumes stocked up, but was wondering about a 2nd profession.
Obviously I'm using engineering =p
But was wondering if there's anything else that provides a significant advantage?
Was thinking maybe blacksmithing for sharpened weapons or alchemy...
Hey guys!
I'm that guy who twinked in vanilla. I played every bracket. So even though I was 12yr and sucked hard on the S key, my knowledge is far superior to anyone else that didn't play vanilla.
Anyways, hehe, buckle up your seat belts and let's get on the list train!
When I played vAnILLa I...
Warlords of Warsong is growing fast, with over 125 members now. We are starting to schedule Dungeon runs to help gear our 19s and get them ready for Wpvp events and eventually BGs. Warlords will hold Wpvp events twice weekly to start off, events will include Redridge Raids, Gurubashi Battles...
<No Ding> 19's Twink NA Horde Realm = Kurinnaxx!
<No Ding> is the first 19 Twink Guild on the Classic Kurinnaxx Realm. Formerly known as <Seven Deadly Smiles> from 2006-2009 on Nazgrel Horde, <No Ding> is a guild established by two cousins (Chief and Purp) who twinked back in Vanilla...
I know every huntard want that Brokentooth badazz cat with 1.00 attack speed but i've no patience to camp pets anymore. I'm a causal now :) I've made a small research for my cat dps slot.
Source: Classic Petopia
King Bangalash LvL 43 Elite / 1.40 attack speed
Cobra Reflexes is a passive...
Just imagine it, nearly everything unlocked and a 6-piece set bonus of gear that is widely regarded as superior to MC quality. Would be so fkn sick. Any of you old-bois done this in the olden days of yore?
Anyone have a link for bis SP/frost mage twink sets at 59 in classic?
Horde twink guild (mainly focused around 29 bracket) for the OCE region.
Currently just a HUB to hold twinks and soon to be twinks whilst waiting for honor system/BG's
Aiming to set up Redridge, Hillsbrad, Ashenvale and STV world pvp groups come Phase2/3.
Have guild bank set up with daily...
Now that we're almost a month in, it's looking like Classic is successful enough that Blizzard really could move on to launching TBC Classic sometime after phase 6. They've made a tiny bit of noise about being open to the idea of doing something else, so I've been chatting with people in...
If I understand correctly there’s no xp in bgs (once they have bgs in Classic).
So does that mean I can turn off xp and quest etc…is there an xp off npc like there is in retail?
If I have my xp turned off can I get into regular bgs with levelers?
I have several 29s and 49s on my main account...
So after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to play classic. I'm not twinking - yet. When I need to play some twink pvp, I'll log on Warmane for a bit. However, I realized that Classic is a great opportunity, one that hasn't appeared in a while: not just a chance to play a version of the game...
Hello, XPOff!
I have created a guild for some forum friends on the US PvE Realm: Pagle. We are most likely just casually leveling to 60, as majority of us are still dedicated to our F2P/Veteran retail characters. If you made a Classic character on Pagle, we would love to have you as a part of...
Does this have any value in the twink market? Also can we get a general list thread of twink BoEs to look out for or can I get to a link to an already current one?
Happy vanilla days bois