A list of Classic guilds who will be premading:
Dominate - Fairbanks
Revolution - Grobbulus
Authorized Personnel - Stalagg
Dominate - Skarem
HAVOC - Herod
Us Nerd - Old Blanchy
Let's get some more names up here.
Hey guys, Warlords of Warsong is coming back to twinking in Classic WoW. We accomplished many things in retail and we plan to continue our success in Classic. We will be accepting and recruiting ALL BRACKETS. A lot of the leadership from Warlords will be coming over to help start up and keep the...
Previous thread locked due to brigading by 20 twinks and hurt feelings lol im not kidding
My question/curiosity still stands & I have made all votes public.
Please note this is the only active poll as of this time that...
Unfortunately it really sounds like Blizzard is going to vastly underestimate the demand for Classic, and the number of realms needed is going to be a lot *higher* than what is provided.
Whether or not this means some obsure server is going to become the long-term home for folks remains to be...
I recently committed to Stalagg because of Herod overpopulation concerns, im curious if anyones on the same boat or if people are still committed to Herod etc.
It seems that there are not enough polls 'cause somebody wants to choose a server in another region. So I made a poll to add some more servers. But...
please feel free to help us decide which realm to play on, we are agreed that not everyone wants to level the same way. Some will prefer a PVE and some a PVP experience but we want to play together. I have made a poll with all the US realms, please choose only one PVP and one PVE server of your...
Guild name: Horde Protective Service
Faction: Horde
Server Type: PvE
Raid Times: TBD
Loot Distribution: Loot Council among Officers and GM.
Discord: https://discord.gg/zRZjqH6
About Us:
We are a semi-casual guild looking for new members to fill our raid ranks. We are looking to fill our first...
Hey guys we're 35 days away from the release of WoW Classic, almost there. I can only play hearthstone so much and I need some sort of other entertainment.
I'm curious as to what class and spec people are going to main during their endgame experience.
Everyone has two votes for hybrid...
Hey guys so I just wanted to compile some things to do to prepare for the launch of WoW Classic.
https://www.avoidstreamers.com/ is a nifty website that will aid people in avoiding rolling a toon on a realm that will be occupied by a popular streamer. Streamers will have a group of incel...
<Scooters Engine Repair> (A) Herod
The longest running, active 19 private server guild is moving to Classic.
Scooters Engine Repair started on Anathema in March of 2017 shortly after the Nostalrius shutdown.
Since its creation we have strived for excellence in WSG. We have prided...
As I'm sure many of you are as well, I am going to be making a 10 twink in Classic once I have leveled to 60. I have been trying to do some research to find some BiS gear lists for each class, but so far I have been unable to find any. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to...
Lok'Tar Ogar!
Do you want to start your wow classic experience in good company? Or just share the hype till release date?
Thrall's Chosen are recruiting loyal members of the Aus/NZ or SE Asian Horde into our elite fighting force!
We will be completing all raid content as it becomes available in...
Thanks to the support of this community and the Classic Twinking discord I've managed to stockpile and average out a tier list based on YOUR thoughts & opinions. This tier list is based on the overall strength of each class as this could get pretty messy if we did a specific tier list for each...
So I figured I'd start a general discussion thread getting everyones thoughts on some questions with classic approaching quicker and quicker!
DISCLAIMER!!! This is all assuming blizzard doesn't fuck us over and shadow nerf twinking like they did recently in BFA...
1. Horde or alliance...
So if someone could just make a P60 guild to pass the time until classic that would be awesome. getting bored after an hour of playing any of my current toons would like to sink some time into pointless P60 characters that will never be played again once its over. lets get warmed up for classic...
It is my understanding that having a Classic WoW subscription means you also have a retail subscription.
That's great and all, but what does that mean for my level 20s? I don't want to lock their XP because of the recent changes to queues.
Think it would be best to play Classic on a...
North American PvP Server
Alliance Raiding Guild
Main Raid Schedule:
Friday: 9pm-1am EST
Saturday: 9pm-1am EST
Sunday: 7pm-10pm EST
About Us:
[SAGA] is a group of Vanilla veterans and long time twinks, aiming to be among the top raiding guilds in Classic. While we are first and...