
  1. Shadowlox


    [Classic legacy] starting a new P60 guild on Argent-Dawn [EU] [Alliance] to get into the classic feeling! the current Xpac of the game is lacking content and Project 60 is the only thing that is enjoyable for alot of people, its just not there so we are trying to create a strong and big...
  2. Yatsa

    US <Horde Strike Force> Progressive Raiding Branch

    The <Horde Strike Force> on US-Maelstrom is starting a new, fun-focused team to raid ALL of Warcraft's content at level. We'll start at 60, lock XP, and enter Molten Core. Hopefully, we'll end at level cap with the current raid. Raid Times: Saturdays at 10pm Central Rules: -No Heirlooms during...
  3. soovage

    60-120 progression raiding guild

    The Pride of Progression is a Horde guild on MoonGuard now inviting anyone interested in starting at vanilla content and clearing all the raids then moving onto the next expansion. This is the plan for every expansion all the way to 120. You can level with BoAs and can use LFG while leveling...
  4. ClassicWoW-EU, the Discord server for the european community.

    Hi everyone. You might want to know that although there are already many Discord servers out there related to classic wow, there is a more local one specifically for Europe, with already nearly 400 members. Feel free to join fellow european classic lovers and vanilla old-timers while waiting for...
  5. audy

    A Cool New Discord for Classic WoW Guilds and Recruits

    Invite Link to the Discord: Currently still in it's infancy, Classic WoW Guilds is being built up by leadership of so far over 20 classic guilds to be a guild search and recruitment resource. Whether you're a player/recruiter actively searching for a guild/member...
  6. Classic 20-29 Guide and Discussion

    Hey all here is a guide I have just finished editing for Classic take a peak.
  7. Opek2

    US Classic Demo surpassed all expectations

    After 2 days played time at 19, Numerous 20 man raids. Getting Demon Band and Boahn's Fang ninja'd. Losing my shit over getting another Boahn's Fang drop and Serpents Kiss drop within 3 minutes. This demo was everything i could've hoped it would be and brought back so many memories. Off the bat...

    US Dalaran - Level 60 Guild <RATICATE>

    For anyone interested in Classic Dungeons and Raids, along with some world PvP (but not necessarily), feel free to join RATICATE! With the new dungeon scaling system, old school raids and dungeons are more level-appropriate and challenging. At level 60, you are given access to all classic...
  9. US New Vanilla Guild <Lets Go Back> Earthen Ring - Alliance

    Hello! I am looking to start a vanilla raiding guild called <Lets Go Back>! It will be very laid back to where you can level up however you want whether that is like the old times just quests and no BOAs or you can level up with BOAs and just spam dungeons it just matters if you want more of a...
  10. AtieshBipsi

    EU+US <Deck Me Out> @ Argent Dawn EU - Recruitment

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  11. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Priest Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Priest Talents I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way...
  12. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Hunter Talents V. Training Your Pet I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla...
  13. AtieshBipsi

    EU Deck Me Out @ Argent Dawn EU Recruitement

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  14. judiscpriest

    US Sixty Alpha and omega (Korgath)

    Hello Everyone! The days of 60 raiding and twinking have long passed. But there are those who hold on to the memories of such times and those have not yet got to experianced them. Can the experiance be regained? Personally I don't think so. Even private servers try to do their best but even...
  15. AtieshBipsi

    EU Official 60 Twinking

    Official 60 Twinking - EU _______________________________________________________________________________________ <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE &...