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  1. Lepidosteus

    80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    It could be much much worse.
  2. Lepidosteus

    Removal of Account Sales Section

    How about the private server section? That also promotes TOS breaking.
  3. Lepidosteus

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale shark!

    Best "blow the entire raid up"-mage, amirite? :p
  4. Lepidosteus

    [EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

    Fun times were had by all :) Mumble somehow crashed wow for me though, several times. Chat channels worked but the rest of the game behaved like I disconnected.
  5. Lepidosteus

    DK DPS 2t10 choice

    Unholy mastery increases the shadow damage done by Shadowmourne, so that should put it infront of Whitefin for them UH DKs.
  6. Lepidosteus

    Twinking before XP off came into play.

    You had to think a bit ahead, but apart from getting the best leather gear and weapons at 29, it wasn't a big issue.
  7. Lepidosteus

    [EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

    People still make that mistake with Baradin Hold :rolleyes:
  8. Lepidosteus

    [EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

    I just wondered if it was possible at all. Dunno how those realid raids work :) Armory Link: Neliza @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Main spec: Demonology Off spec: Destruction Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Any, but...
  9. Lepidosteus

    [EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

    Question: I got a friend on my server who's got a lvl 80 lock, but she doesn't use realid. If I'm given assist in the raid, can I invite her so she can come along?
  10. Lepidosteus

    [EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

    Armory Link: (link will work in a day or two) Main spec: Blood Off spec: 2h frost/unholy Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Friday + Saturday Which weekend days would you be...
  11. Lepidosteus

    80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    Got both Raz' Pauldrons and Anomuran Helm, just lack that pesky relic. My spoken english is close to fluent, but either my headset or soundcard produces loads of static in the microphone. I can listen until that's fixed. I'll consider the transfer, but I got a high maintenance main char :D
  12. Lepidosteus

    80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    I got this here DK - Barannah @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft. Still need an item or two. I haven't done much on it since early WotLK except tanking random dungeons though, so my DK-fu is a bit rusty. e: Racechanged to the master race. This link will work in a day or two.
  13. Lepidosteus

    PoD story...

    Items =/= characters. Look at the 'last seen' date of this character and compare it to 'first seen' on this character (I faction transferred it after having it restored).
  14. Lepidosteus

    PoD story...

    You can have your paladin back if you want. I deleted a lvl 60 rogue in late vanilla and had it restored midway through WotLK.
  15. Lepidosteus

    BiS 2h?

    The BAR have the best mix of high top-end and stats for me. The 0.1 slower speed on PoD is neglible and the Fatal Wounds proc has a far too low ppm to be of any reliable use. Savagery was only better than Crusader in the days of yore when none of the 2h melee classes had any instant attacks...
  16. Lepidosteus

    BiS 2 Hander (39)

    The Str on BAR would most likely pull it ahead. Remember the old Executioner's Cleaver vs Kang discussions? ^^
  17. Lepidosteus

    Goodnight, Sweet Prince >': RIP Pendulum of Doom...

    With the amount of instant attacks BAR users have been getting, Crusader's fine really.
  18. Lepidosteus

    Rep up factions!

    A guildie of mine hit exalted with the goblins as he hit lvl 38. Think he levelled through the new Azshara and did as many dungeons as he could to get it that early.
  19. Lepidosteus

    How to farm Revelosh!

    Hehehe indeed :D
  20. Lepidosteus

    Goodnight, Sweet Prince >': RIP Pendulum of Doom...

    BAR I'd say. Highest raw damage plus stats to boot. Jackhammer might be better for pallies if the haste proc works with Sanctity of Battle.