Twinking before XP off came into play.


I remember when I started playing World Of Warcraft mid BC. I played a ton of AB cause it was one of the few BG's i knew wtf was going on.. There were several twinks you would see over and over again with HP and stats that dwarf today's twinks for the most part.

I'm just curious how did you guys get BIS stuff from Dungeons without ever dinging.? Was most stuff not that RNG and you could pick up in a few runs. (The opposite of Gnomer OMFG)

Anyway i'm bored and just curious how you guys balanced getting best gear for your toon vs making sure you did not ding.
If you died within range of a mob that dropped the item you wanted, you could still roll on the drop without getting XP from the kill. But that was "last resort". Often it was just a matter of budgeting your XP so that you didn't run out before you got the items you wanted. I remember for one of my 29s, as soon as I was able, I started hiring for Arcanist Doan farming. Took almost a whole level of XP with all those Arcanist kills, but I got the Deadman's Hand with room to spare.
The quest gear was the big issue, and is the reason I even thought to twink 14 instead of 10. I hit 11 because I didn't budget my XP correctly when getting Wingblade. Many twinks were locked out of BiS because they didn't do the quests they needed first.
Calculation, limit exp obtained, stay in Capital City, etc. etc.
Librams and armor kits made a big difference during that time. My rogue was less than 100xp from dinging 20 and could not get Seal of Wrynn ;o(
I couldn't get AGM on my paladin until exp-off without dinging! Lol.
With careful planning and great difficulty. Trying to get somewhere with careful planning and a warlock summon without trying to "discover" any extra places.

Great fun trying to get 450 mining via smelting and minimum discoveries, as an example. Xp-lock was the greatest boon for twinks in some ways, definitely for achievement hunters!
I remember making a chart of how much XP was needed for each level from 20-29 and how much XP each quest chain gave and when I could start them and pretty much budgeted that way. When I first started twinking I got the best stuff I could because I was alone. Once I made friends who twinked they could run me for things while I was dead so it made it a little easier.
I remember making a chart of how much XP was needed for each level from 20-29 and how much XP each quest chain gave and when I could start them and pretty much budgeted that way. When I first started twinking I got the best stuff I could because I was alone. Once I made friends who twinked they could run me for things while I was dead so it made it a little easier.

That's pretty handy.

I used to level to 10 on new twinks that I started just by exploring STV. A long and arduous process :/
You let the person clear all the way to the last boss, you ran in with no gear on, died at the boss and rolled for the loot while dead (but not released)

You had to plan WAY ahead. also having a high lvl clear out all the way up to a boss, then entering for only the boss kill would reduce XP substantially. you would start getting your items as soon as the game let you enter the instance, some quest items like Deadskull sheild took up most of the lvl 19. For fishing gear i always discovered the areas i fished in early. you also had to plan your AGM because that gave XP also. You stayed discovered areas all the time. made sure you were not in a group with anyone killing anything. My first twink i ever made was a 29 pally and i tried countless times to get a 2h axe from RFK, and i had to settle with cobalt crusher because i was to close to lvlling. in fact i logged out 3 years ago and came back about a week ago, a few of my twinks discovered the new stormwind upon log in and lvled, i had a 29 druid, 29 paladin, 19 rogue, and a few others that were leveled like that. and worst of all blizz GMs never ever brought anyone's character back down to the appropriate level. It was always risky, but it was a part of twinking.
i remember my main back in vanilla was a lvl 18 rogue that took me two weeks to get to since i was trying all the classes when the game had just come out. I was just camping all the alliance in westfall and i had all the best gear i could get but it was before people even knew what twinks were. That character is lvl 26 now has seal of sylv gloomshroud (equipped) and full blackened defias

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