Removal of Account Sales Section


I have a lot of connections with legitimate WoW account sites (like MMO-Champion) and the removal of the section was necessary for the continued promotion of among other WoW-related sites that do not break Blizzard TOS.

So, if you are looking to buy/sell/trade World of Warcraft accounts, I would advise you to make an account on Trade WoW Accounts - World of Warcraft Account Trading - (another site I own) which is dedicated to that sort of thing.

It's good, we don't really need account selling section.
You should update the small introduction to TI to reflect that change as it now reads as "also has a World of Warcraft account sales forum and another forum for people to sell World of Warcraft twink items."

Also, are people still allowed to sell or buy accounts via TI. Afaik the CoC doesn't say anything about it yet.
I like this change. :)
Seems like you're just pushing to advertise your site above this forum. I do agree with the change, though it does seem a bit political in nature.
no he is trying to get these forums promoted by other respected wow sites, and his account selling site are "luxury" accounts that go for as high as $2000, and as he stated he doesnt sell twink accounts, dont see how he is pushing advertising his site over ti
If I was trying to push my own site, you would know it.

As threesets outlined above, I cannot promote this site on other sites that follow Blizzard's TOS because we were breaking it by having that section here.

What I am simply doing is trying to give you all another alternative for selling your accounts on a site that actually deals with just that (that being and not Therefore, we can keep the two types of sites separated.
and its not like the section had a lot of traffic, as far as im aware of, very few accounts were actually sold/ bought

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