Rep up factions!

As you farm for new pieces of gear, make sure you put on a tabard from one of the major cities to rep up with them. Makes for a quick and easy way to get the Ambassador title, mounts, and more stuff. I'm currently into Revered with Bilgewater Cartel on my warlock just from farming in Strat... gogo trike bikes!
ive seen a ton of trikes already. shame gilneas doesnt give anything too cool. even if non worgen can get "running wild" or w/e, it just looks dumb imo
Yea I've seen a lot of trikes on 80s, but I've been outta the loop on who's done what in terms of farming stuff like that for 49s. Still, just a heads up on easy Ambassador. :)
ive seen a lot of low lvl people with trikes as i lvl'd my rogue through BGs this weekend, if any 49s dont have it yet its just cuz they havent been farming dungeons with it. but it is a nice way to get ambassador....the rep gains are kinda small, but just have an 80 pull you through and it should be too bad. i went from friendly to 12k into revered in ~30 lvls on my rogue, and i didnt even do that many dungeons.
Just farming for Strat gear on my warlock took me to exalted, and I wasn't even pulling everything. Bosses were 300 rep per boss, and there's a lot of little bosses hanging around Strat. Most of the elite mobs were worth 15 rep.
A guildie of mine hit exalted with the goblins as he hit lvl 38. Think he levelled through the new Azshara and did as many dungeons as he could to get it that early.
I've been running Outland Dungeons with my SW tabard on and haven't gotten any rep. Just honor hold and cenarion expedition rep. I've talked with Taitaih about this a bit and we're wondering if it only works in old world dungeons or it might just be a bug. Any insight?

Inkobah said:
I've been running Outland Dungeons with my SW tabard on and haven't gotten any rep. Just honor hold and cenarion expedition rep. I've talked with Taitaih about this a bit and we're wondering if it only works in old world dungeons or it might just be a bug. Any insight?


I equipped a Bilgewater Cartel tabard on my 80 warrior and I'm gaining reputation while farming the instances with my toons. Looks like only the old world dungeons give rep.

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