How to farm Revelosh!


How to Farm Revelosh

Quick Facts

1. This is do able in 3-4 minutes if done correctly!

2. Requires no more than 2 pulls!

3. You do not receive the dungeon deserter debuff!

4. Do this as much as you want until you get all your revelosh gear!


1. (Tank) Protection Paladin or Protection Warrior that can self-heal correctly

2. (Tank) Backstrafe correctly to avoid being dazzed

3. (Tank) Good Health and AoE

4. You must kill revelosh!


1. Que for Uldaman(Make sure you have your protection warrior / protection paladin).

2. After entering the instance, pull up to the 3rd-4th hall way and tank/kill the NPCs.

3. Continue to tank all the way up to revelosh and kill the adds; continue to revelosh afterwards.

4. After Killing revelosh, loot and need/greed/pass the gear he drops.

5. Leave party and do it all over again!


How to Farm Revelosh

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So you need to be a tank to get swift dungeon queues and you still gotta roll against other people :s and your healer must not be a numbnut (Crushridge-EU anyone?). Title is a bit misleading. This doesn't work for all classes.
yeah just go with healer, tank and +1 rogue and rogues go kill revelosh and healer and tank do nothing but make's the queue pop quick, best is ofc 5 people.

Also if any1 need from the group and you aint a 5 man party, all from your group need on the items soo you got a greater chance of winning the item.
1 healer, 1 tank, 3 dps(1 rogue), just for asap pops. rogue goes to revelosh in stealth and kills revelosh = profit no need for tacts.
Metamorfos said:
So you need to be a tank to get swift dungeon queues and you still gotta roll against other people :s and your healer must not be a numbnut (Crushridge-EU anyone?). Title is a bit misleading. This doesn't work for all classes.

Apart from the rogue, you need to have a tank CLASS and a healing CLASS in your group to get the fast ques. Why? Because they can sign as a tank / healer. But but, but what if they dont have the gear for it? Welll it does not matter, the rogue wil solo revelosh.

But ye, you have to roll against others, however if you are 3 friends. One.. warrior, one shaman and one rogue, and revelosh gloves of the monkey drop. Then, even though the warrior nor the shaman needs it, roll on it along with your rogue friend. Why? because you can trade it to him. This way you have 3 times as high chance of getn the glove (or anything else your farming him for)

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